screwed up big time tonight!!!!



  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    It is only 300 which is not a huge deal,try not to let it get you down. Maybe go for a walk or something is you can.
  • tjwolf13
    tjwolf13 Posts: 14
    300!!! Thats nothing!! I have gone over by more than that a few times. One night I had a sandwich, chessy bread, and chocolate cake from Dominos when I was already at 1300 calories! My trigger is stress also. I can't even remember how much I was over. I didn't record it and I seem to have blocked out the number, but it was definitely more than 300. I got myself back on track the next day and I kept losing weight. That one day didn't make much of a difference.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I have never had a fried pickle!!!!!!!
    I haven't either! Kinda jealous.
  • pixiechick8321
    pixiechick8321 Posts: 284 Member
    I don't save calories per say - but since it gives the net "weekly" amount, I consider that the ultimate goal - so in other words, if I went over by 700 on a Monday, then I'd back off by 120 or so the other days to make it even by the end of the week.

    I don't know if it's "allowed" because I do what I think is best for my body and it works for me. But if you feel really guilty every day, it's a good way to alleviate the guilt!

    In the end it comes to realizing this is a lifestyle and no one's perfect, just get back together quickly and you'll be fine.
  • colbiegirl
    colbiegirl Posts: 138
    Sorry for your argument! :(
    It's okay though! As long as you get back on track in the morning, you'll be fine. 300 calories won't make or break you. Try to go for a longer walk, exercise a little more, and eat a little healthier tomorrow. Don't limit yourself! Everyone's allowed to "splurge" once in a while, as long as it's not a habit!