

  • This is what I have read: if your goal is weight loss, then eat after you work out while your metabolism is high, if you need to eat before like after you wake up, choose something small 100-150 calories, then eat a snack including protein when you are done
  • btw I am hungry too at this moment, but I too am trying to stay within my calories, and hoping to see some change in the scale soon. This would be what I would do, either reach for a low cal soup like a hearty chicken noodle vegetable, some only have 90 cals, or I would brush my teeth and go to bed, I seem to lose more…
  • I can totally agree with what you said about excercising so you can log it. I do the same thing, and it transfers over to what I choose to eat too. I often choose not to eat something because I don't want to have to record it, or becasue I am too lazy to bother recording it. LOL, lazy enough to lose weight! This site and…
  • The lady that runs the gym I go to is looking into getting kettlebells and starting a class for them. I am interested to try them too, though I have never really heard of them before.
  • Thanks so much for all the answers I will start poking around and see if I can find a hrm that could give me some more accurate info, but for nowI will do the math with the 20% stuff.
  • Thanks so much everyone for posting, those are all great tips, I already try to drink water before a mealk, but the others I had not heard before! thanks everyone!
  • calorie counting does suck at first but for me it got better/easier and after I got used to it, I stopped feeling deprived. I hate feeling hungry and NOT ALLOWED to eat something, so I had to find some good foods to satify both my stomach and my calorie count.
  • Wow, it sounds like you are doing great so far, and so quickly!!!! I am waiting still to see an improvement in my waist area, but I am excited for your results though! It seems like a great thing to be excited about !
  • NAME: Liz AGE: 27 HEIGHT: 5'3.5" START WEIGHT FOR CHALLENGE: 212 lb GOAL WEIGHT FOR CHALLENGE: 195 lb FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: Calorie counting, DIET GOALS: to eliminate evening eating to 1x a week and eating out to 2x a month EXERCISE GOALS: To continue at curves 5x a week, and got to BellyFit class every week OTHER…
  • Wow, you definatly have ridden a roller coaster, but you know that you are capable of it, it can be done!!! and you did it yourself before, and we can all cheer you on this time Liz
  • Nice to meet you, My name is Liz. I love the mobile app, it has given me the best results I have ever had! I hope you can see great results too!