Noob here.

Hello all,

My name is Ruben.

I just got started with the mobile app out and about. A friend
introduced me to the app, and now I am touring the site.
Let's see how far I can go.



  • srussell1108
    srussell1108 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello, you can do it and this is a really cool site.
  • Welcome!!! Great community here !! Very supportive and it helps!
  • Nice to meet you, My name is Liz. I love the mobile app, it has given me the best results I have ever had! I hope you can see great results too!
  • solflyer81
    solflyer81 Posts: 119
    I just recently found it as well. I LOVE IT. I cant believe I didnt find it sooner. Super site, super community. Its not built like a "diet" site. Its a community looking to live a lifestyle together and supporting each other along the way. If you need any suggestions on food or just want some support, add me! And feel free to comment to me as well! Good luck!