Boo Baby Weight

Hey - I started Monday and am on here trying to lose the last 12 pounds of baby weight (my daughter was 2 months on Friday) that won't seem to budge. I've never dieted or counted calories before, and so far I think it sucks to eat less than I want, but I guess that's life.

Thanks for all of your posts! It's motivating to read about other people's experiences.


  • TriThreat
    TriThreat Posts: 313
    this site is really a big help with calorie counting :smile: and I've discovered that you can still eat pleanty of food as long as you choose lower cal options! I've switched to grilled chicken instead of fried, and drinking water instead of tea/sodas. lost 21lbs in about two months!

    good luck with your goals!
  • fitmommy2012
    fitmommy2012 Posts: 451 Member
    HAHA! I wish that I could say that 12 pounds was all I had left to lose...but I have about 32 left to lose....some of that is baby weight, and the rest (rather the majority) of it is just laziness! LOL - (oh and love for junk food and fat!!). But you know what, hard work and dedication pay off, and I have seen people on here accomplish great things, which is awesome dont give up and remain at it, and that extra weight will shed off you in no time flat!!
  • muitobem
    muitobem Posts: 436 Member
    Don't eat more !! I know it sounds crazy but you will actually lose by eating more..nit bigger meals but 5-6 smaller in a day..breakfast,snack,lunch,snack,dinner,snack...every two to three hrs you'll be eating...if you eat too little you'll eventually stop any weight loss and plateau...
    You can do it! I know the last few pounds after having a baby are the hardest but you'll do it!

    You can add me if you'd like..
  • calorie counting does suck at first but for me it got better/easier and after I got used to it, I stopped feeling deprived. I hate feeling hungry and NOT ALLOWED to eat something, so I had to find some good foods to satify both my stomach and my calorie count.
  • I've always dealt with losing/gaining weight so I can imagine it'd be hard for you to get used to trying to "diet"... but luckily you don't have TOO far to go! Just keep it up and that baby weight will be gone in no time! You don't have to eat boring tasteless food, search for new light recipes online to keep your menu fresh! good luck :)