

  • I'm 5'9 and I LOVE seeing all these other tall women respond. I live in the south and feel like a giant most of the time around here. It is definitely those Scandinavian roots. At (what I believe was) my heaviest, right around my college graduation last May, I weighed in at 226. (Wore a US size 18) I started MFP after…
  • Congrats! That really is the best feeling, fitting back into those clothes from the dark back corners of your closet. Probably my most emotional NSV was fitting into jeans that I bought 3 YEARS ago as "goal pants." I was never able to fit into them, and after their purchase my weight just kept going up and up. I've been on…
  • This sounds like a good idea, my work schedule varies LOTS and I will be out of town next Saturday and Sunday (so I will replace my Saturday workout by working out Sunday when I get home.) Having a group-wide day off allows me to "make up" a day if need be. I plan on starting today. (In about 5 minutes, whenever I shut my…
  • I bought that DVD two months ago, along with some hand weights. Got through the first day and never picked it up again. I think a group challenge is exactly what I need right now! I'm in!
  • It is a good tool to get started, but make sure not to let the appetite suppressant be the only thing you are using to lose weight. (It's really unhealthy to just not eat.) If you do use it, use it as an aide in a lifestyle change. Use the lack of cravings for junk food as an opportunity to learn how to make awesome…
  • I have been wondering why I've been sweating soo much lately! I used to just turn really red, but now I feel like I am seriously pouring sweat all the time, it's kind of disgusting. I guess this is what being properly hydrated feels like?
  • I was JUST reading articles about this, then I thought to myself "I should go to myfitnesspal and get started on my day." The first thing I see is this post. My day is meant to spent thinking about J K Rowling, apparently. And yes, I am super excited to find out what it is.
    in Pottermore Comment by jamiiiii June 2011
  • 22 years old. (5'9") Starting weight/highest weight - 223.2lbs (home weigh in, 2.5 weeks ago) Joined MFP on Monday with a weight of - 216.2lbs Goal weight - at least 159lb (ultimately), with a STRONG goal to be under 200 by the end of August for my birthday and anniversary. I could definitely use some motivation, and more…
  • We share the same birthday! (Though I am year older... ) And we also share some of the same motivation. My boyfriend says the same thing, that he loves me no matter my size because he loves me for who I am. But I also feel like my weight does have an effect on our relationship, mostly because I am uncomfortable with it.…
  • Hi! Your story feels SO similar to mine. I also just joined MFP, am a recent college grad at age 22, and am trying to stay motivated to lose the weight I've accumulated over the years. I was never an athlete though, which makes it hard to know where to start. Friend me! We can keep each other motivated! I know we can do…