SaraSapp Member


  • Here goes nothing... The first picture was taken about a week or so before I started MFP (about a month ago). The second picture was 8 days into 30DS. I'm on day 16 of 30DS now.
  • So proud of you!!! I see a big difference. You're doing such a great job, keep it up! Now, let me see if I can figure out how to post my pics...
  • I totally feel you here. I quit trying to keep pace with them. Now I focus on doing each move at my own pace so I maintain the right form. When I was trying to keep up with them I was losing my balance and getting frustrated and probably looked like a fool. I agree with my buddy Melanie, mssoulrebel_7, the dang V thing…
  • Oh, and feel better! You guys are all getting sick! Don't pass it on to me, please! I can't afford to take any days off!
  • If I do the 30DS level 2 every day until then (oct 4) I'll be ready to move on to level 3 with you! I finished day 2 level 2 this monring. I'm sweating a lot more in this round. But my abs aren't hurting. I must not be doing enough. I was thinking about trying out the 6 pack in 6 weeks video next. Maybe we should all start…
  • I made it through day 1 of Level 2! I was super nervous because of everyones comments. I didn't think it was boring, but it's probably because I just started it. I felt like it went by super quick, but I think that's also because it was my first time doing level 2 and I didn't know what was coming up and I had to pay close…
  • So, I took the weekend off from Jillian, but I did do a 4 mile walk/run on Saturday with my dog and I played volleyball Sunday night with my weekly league. Today will be day 10 on level 1. And I am not looking forward to level 2 based on all the comments! BUT..... I did get a little extra motivation over the weekend. I was…
  • This just made me giggle because I totally thought the same thing! I feel like she uses Natalie as an example more and she's like "Anita is doing the modified moves, whoopy." (pretend I used a snotty, winey voice for that) :smile:
  • If your knee is up to it, you could do a small squat and the punches. Jillian says that's a geat workout for someone with a lower body injury. If I were you, I would go through the video and at least focus on the upper body portion. Maybe the arm raises, bicep curls and some of the easier abs moves. I'd hate for you to…
  • Good for you with the new beau! Does he have a single brother near KC? :) Hang in there with the 30DS. It'll probably be tough getting back in to it since you've had to take a break, but I've got faith in you!
  • So I pushed through and completed day 4! Then miraculously I woke up today with more energy than I've had in a month and did day 5 this morning! It feels so great to be done for the day! Thanks for the encouragement, ladies! Hope you all are pushing through, too!
    in Help! Comment by SaraSapp September 2012
  • I couldn't wait until tonight to finish day 3, so I went home over lunch and did it! I am SOO sore!!!! Thankful for our little support group to keep me honest and motivated. Only 27 days to go!
  • I agree. I'm not going to measure until I'm done with 30 days. Hopefully, I'll start to feel it in my clothes until then.
  • Congrats on completing Day 1! I'm not too far ahead of you, today is my Day 3. I'm definitely sore today, but it's a constant reminder that I'm making the right choices to workout and eat right. Let's stick to it!
  • Oops, sorry, I meant Laura!
  • I'm also 2 days in. Tonight will be day 3. Like Lauren said above, I also start out being super weak and thinking I won't be able to make it all the way, but by the end I am pumped up and feel great! I think my least favorite is the squats with the arm raises. I'm using 5 pound weights (not really by choice, but it's all…
  • I only got the 5 pounders. My Walmart only had one 3 pound weight. Maybe it's a sign!
  • Omg, I'm dying here! Thank you for the laugh!
  • I finished day 1 last night. I didn't have any weights, so it wasn't too bad. I'm feeling a little sore today. I'm going to pick up some weights today. Should I get 3lb or 5lb? I want a good workout, but I also want to make it through the whole workout with the weights. Thoughts?
  • I could use some encouraging friends; twin or not! Age: 27 Height: 5'3 SW: 148 CW: 145 GW: 125 Also, I'm starting Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred challenge today!
  • Hi everyone! I'm Sara, 27 years old, single, no kids, but I do have a 3 year old boxer mix who is basically like a child :) I actually just bought the 30DS DVD over my lunch break. The reviews on Amazon and are so positive, I have to give it a try. I just started my weight loss journey a week ago, with several…
  • Count me in! Thanks for sharing!
  • I think it depends on the job you're interviewing for. I'm an accountant. In my accounting fraternity in college, we had a session about interviewing. The instructor said women should wear a black, or navy skirt suit with panty hose and close toed heels. Also, wear simple jewelry and neutral colored nails. I've always…