

  • I completely feel you! I have been gaining and losing 10-15 pounds since 2009. So done with it! I am ready to get beyond 15 pounds. I have an ultimate goal of losing 50 pounds from where I am right now. I don't have much support or a weight loss buddy, so if you want, you can add me as a friend! :)
  • Northwest Georgia! Others in my area feel free to message me!
  • Don't beat yourself up about it; it happens! Resolve to do better tomorrow - 2 bad days are not a reason to just keep having more bad days! Good luck!
  • You are an absolute inspiration. Thank you for sharing!
  • I've been in the SAME boat for most of my life! I know what you are feeling, and I would be more than willing to encourage each other! I am about to turn 27, and I have decided that it's time to find happiness, not just for me, but for my kids. If I am not happy, they won't be. YOU are worthy of health and happiness. Tell…
  • I am so sorry about your mom. I have had a rough time as well. I am almost 27 and I need to lose about 65 pounds. I am really struggling. I would be more than willing to exchange encouragement notes with you! I am so sorry for everything you are going through. You are right - you should not be giving up on yourself! :)…
  • Pasta (your favorite kind, we like angel hair and penne around here) and a veggie tomato sauce: 1-2 Cans of Hunts tomato sauce (Depending on if you want a thick sauce or a runny sauce) 1 Can Hunts diced tomatoes Yellow squash Zucchini Bell peppers Onions Cut your veggies and either steam them or saute them in some extra…
  • My children are still young, they will be 5 and 3 in the Fall, but we are already homeschooling (preschool). You can add me if you want! :)
  • I just joined today, and I am in the same boat with you. I need encouragement too and will not be getting it from family, haha. You CAN do it and so can I. This site looks like it will be an amazing help. A friend of mine is already halfway to her goal. Just keep going! :)