Need encouragement...

Not getting "what I need" from friends/family (they all tell me i'm fine) - need some of you to jump on my bandwagon to push me along... I PROMISE I will return the favor! Thanks for considering...


  • Tigerlily47
    Tigerlily47 Posts: 11
    I will friend you. Give me a try. I need all the help I can get. I am starting weight of 166 and want to get to 145 - 140. Hope to hear from you soon.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hi there....I'd be happy to be your friend and help support you:) Add me if you like. I'm on here every single day~
  • brian90
    brian90 Posts: 285 Member
    added you!
  • bluestheart
    bluestheart Posts: 10
    I just joined today, and I am in the same boat with you. I need encouragement too and will not be getting it from family, haha. You CAN do it and so can I. This site looks like it will be an amazing help. A friend of mine is already halfway to her goal. Just keep going! :)
  • michelegrayson
    I just added you as a friend and am happy to help encourage and support you as I have gotten so much of that here myself!

    Good for you for asking for help!!
  • Molly08
    Molly08 Posts: 153 Member
    feel free to add me :o) I'm looking to lose quite a bit more weight and will be around for a while longer :o) I love this site for the encouragement and support you get from so-called-strangers. Sometimes I feel like without my MFP peeps I'd be failing at this. They are all awesome :o)
  • Growe190
    Growe190 Posts: 18
    Stick with it, it is always will be worth the effort. For years I always said tomorrow, tomorrow. I have found tomorrow never comes. This time I started on a Tuesday, and have logged in everyday, 1st thing I do is work out my menu for the day on MFP it provides a path through the day.
  • ladyeyessogreen
    ladyeyessogreen Posts: 42 Member
    Feel free to add me! I welcome sharing support with others.
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    Jill_newimprovedversion Posts: 988 Member
    Nothing MORE frustrating than people who critique your motivation for wanting to eat healthier. Geesh, now that I've hit the obese category, my cholesterol levels are requiring medication, AND I'm borderline diabetic...NOW some of my family think it's not a vanity thing anymore- let me tell you- it wasn't 30 pounds ago either. But those extra 20 pounds I put on make some of them agree with me now- and they're sitting back saying, " gee, it's a shame you didn't do this years ago......" ( do I insert a [groan] or a <sigh> ? )

    Friend request sent :)
  • gabpositive
    gabpositive Posts: 1 Member
  • Angizzle76
    Angizzle76 Posts: 15
    I know what you mean. While appreciate the kindness of ppl that say that "you're find, you're not fat"..I still have goals that I need to get to. I know I'm not overly over weight, but I still the encouragement to reach my personal goal. I'm still about 10 to 15 over my comfort zone. I'm short so my weight carries different. :) Add me if you like and maybe we can help encourage and motivate each other. :)