VBtim180 Member


  • 30 days. Lost 16 pounds!
  • Tomorrow is fatty 30. I have been weighing myself and I'm down 14. I miss sugar free gum and mints but not That bad. Whole 30 has really worked out for me. Feel better, sleep better , look better. Going to keep going.
  • Andrea, 11 pounds ? That's great! I've got 10 more days. I hope I have 12lb. loss. I think I will stay on whole 30 slightly modified. Add a beer once in a while ; )
  • Andrea, you'll have to come back and tell us what the scale said. Fancy, that is quite impressive. So happy for you. Getting back on will probably help with the last few lbs. I plan on eating healthier once my 30 is over. Ease back into some dairy. Some grain. I don't miss most of that stuff most days. I'm also determined…
  • I'm on day 14 of whole 30. i think I am doing good. It is not that hard to eat just vegies, meat and fruit. I enjoy my coffee with cream and sugar in the morning so I just skipped coffee the first few days and just had water. i am now drinking plain hot tea and coffee. If you want to drink more than water you just have to…
  • Add me. If I could figure out how to add others I would. It used to be easy. What happened?
  • Way to go! ljd0693! you have really stuck it out. I am somewhere around day 40. Hust had a few distractions with Irene and storm damage and helping my Mom with her house, flooded. going out of town to visit family. blah, blah, blah. I'll get back to the program soon. Do you have any problems with your dvd's skipping? a…
  • Havn't posted here in a few days. I think I went 36 days without a hitch and then started doing alternative exercises taking a break etc. I still post my food diary every day but I kind of hit a bump in the road on the p90exercise. The one routine I was liking , back and biceps, was skipping and sticking and just not…
  • Yah, I forgot about Pikes Press lol. WHEN I do this routine again I will be just doing regular push ups. I can bust out some regular and wide push ups . military are a little bit difficult though. day 32 done .
  • Hhhmm Chest, Shoulder, Triceps is a big fat drag. Too many gimmicks. I mean you already have to be fit to be able to do the weird exercises. Sorry , One handed push ups. Give me a break There were 5 exercises I didnt even try. thats redilulous. Tony that is not the best workout. Now the one I did yesterday, back and biceps…
  • Core synergistics tonight. That is a good work out. Didnt feel like the yoga yesterday so I did the chest and back. love all those push ups. Pull ups.... not so much. But soon I will be able to do a few. Lost another pound this week. Really starting to lose the gutt. I had to buy some new shorts today. I guess I will post…
  • did the Core Synergistics yesterday. it was a nice break from the usual. very challenging. I burned massive calories. No exercise today though. Played 9 holes of golf in the 90+++ heat . I burned plenty of calories. night
  • I agree with Katbass. I use HRM to calculate my workouts and then consume the extra food I have Earned. Without that food I wouldnt be able to Bring It! I am using Protein shakes to add the calories and protein I need.
  • Day 21 Done. Kenpo 740 calories . looking forward to this recovery week. lost 1 lb since last weigh in.
  • Hi everyone. Day 18 yeterday . I did chest & Back instead of yoga. I actually am able to do more push ups and pullups everyday. I still use the Chair Pull ups but soon I hope to do them without the chair. For day 19 i completed back & legs and those famous Wall Squats. AaAhhhhh I hate them! I can only do like 10 seconds.…
  • I was so tired yesterday I only did about 3/4 of Plyo. I think I burned around 500 calories but I couldnt keep going. I dont normally pause the DVD player i just keep on working and moving even when I'm not doing the 'move' . But yesterday I had to stop it and get my breath and rest. All that jumping around and landing…
  • Sorry to hear about your fight with the flu. You are really determined I'll say that. Way to go. I also am not "seeing" results but i sure can feel them. I dont get nearly as sore. I can do things like push ups that I couldnt do 2 weeks ago. " gaining water to repair muscle" lets hope. Thats a new one. Today is day 15 !…
  • Day ELEVEN , legs and back is complete. For the first time this week I was able to get the workout done between 6 and 7 pm instead of starting at 9 or 9:30. Was able to go out and have a nice meal at Cheeseburger In Paradise. Of course I have no idea how much I ate calorie wise. No published data. Figured I enjoyed at…
  • Yoga done. I am not flexible yet. Am I the only one who cant "swing your leg through to runners pose" ? HUH right. Not on your Life Tony. Maybe in a few months. Doing Yoga 1 day a week is not going to correct my bad balance and stiff joints.
  • HI EVERYONE. a two for one deal from me today. Did the Plyo yesterday and was so tired I couldnt get on here. And since its 9:41 PM EST and I am about to do shoulders and arms thought I would drop a note to say I did it. ( even though I havnt started) Keep up the good work. We really are going to do this thing and I cant…
  • Day 8 done. I skipped day 7 , rest, and went on with chest and back so I could get on the same day as most of you. I wrote down all my reps this week so I can check progress. Man were my shoulders Killing me this morning. I hope the soreness starts going away. Used the HRM for the first time to calculate my numbers. Does…
  • Day 6 is in the Bag. Kenpo-x was a little confusing. All that punching, jabbing, upper cuts. I didnt know I was so uncoordinated!
  • Just finished day 5 , Legs & Back and My Favorite Ab-X . ugh. I'm toast. Time for some food I'm feeling totally weak after all those "pull up's" tried to use the chair as little as possible and just do quality pull-ups. Number kept going down throughout the workout. Actually did more than I thought I could on the ol Ab…
  • Day 4 Yoga is complete! That was harder than i thought it would be. Im so sore all over from the first 3 days that I didnt like cawling around on the floor . well, my joints and muscles didnt like me crawling on the floor and turning and twisting like a pretzel. heading to bed . looking forward to a long weekend. Congrats…
  • Okay finished day 2 late last night. I'm still recovering from a long weekend getaway but manged to start on the day of my return, Tuesday. Crashed after work yesterday but got up at 9pm to comlete day 2. I must be crazy! Feeling a little sore from all the lunges but looing forward to completing day 3. Keep up the good…
  • Okay everyone. I started Tuesday with the back and chest, ab ripper x combo. I could barely lift my arms afterwords. SO Many pushups. first round went okay but I was wasted when I finished the second set. ab ripper x ... I am not a fan of that workout. too many motions I just cannot perform. Looking forward to the 2nd day.…
  • Love the calendar. Not sure about the meal tracking charts. Already tracking here Every Day. I do have the p90x nutrition guide so i better dust that off and get some ideas there. Cant wait to get started. Going out of town for a few days but will start Tuesday the 28th. Going to the beach for a few days so I will get…
  • I have had it on a shelf for over a year now. Wife gave it to me for Valentines day present in 2010. What was she trying to say? lol I cannot start on Monday but will join in on Tuesday. It does look intimidating. Definately will be modifyng the moves to start. How do you calculate the calories burned so you can add to…
  • forgot to check in a few days ago. Didn't lose anything this week! Darn
  • Thanks to everyone who responded. We're not kids anymore... but we aint old either. Appreciate the words of support and hope to post a good number tomorrow. Rested a little today but should bounce back tomorrow. night