Whole 30 and Determined . join me

VBtim180 Posts: 43 Member
edited March 2016 in Getting Started
Hi all, I used MFP a few years ago with great results by eating sensibly and hitting the gym. After slacking off I have gained 25lbs and just don't feel good. I heard about whole 30. It's not a diet. You just eat veggies, fruit and protein.
I started last Wednesday and already feel better, sleep better and have lost weight.
I only have 21 more days to go. I decided to add MFP to the program to track my nutrition. Join me. Trust me, if I can do this you can too.
I slipped up today and had beer with dinner. Oops. No problem. Having a drink with my wife after work was more important. I didn't even remember that I couldn't have beer. I'll walk extra tomorrow. We've got this my friends.


  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    Sorry. I'm healthiest when I include a variety of dairy, grains and the occasional waffle or glass of wine in my diet, thanks.
    Whole 30 is just another take on the Paleo thing, only phrased to be more about healthy organic eating than 'eating what our ancestors did'.
  • vivrevotrevie
    vivrevotrevie Posts: 80 Member
    I am starting April 1st.

    How is it going?
  • delphinus27
    delphinus27 Posts: 1 Member
    Started whole 30 Easter Sunday, and so far okay!!! It's only been one day, and the hardest thing is not nibbling on foods I prepare for the grandbabies!!! Made hubby eat pizza in another room so I wouldn't totally lose my mind. I'm excited about seeing how I feel and how my body reacts. I went primal "Mark's Daily Apple" about 3 years ago, but slipped back over the winter months into eating SAD foods again!!! Gained back the 20 pads I had lost, and now feeling just all around yucky!!! So fingers cross I can get the weight back off!!! I did get up this morning at 5:30am and did the elyptical for 30 minutes. This is a first for me, not really a morning excerciser!!! So glad I did it, feeling Awesome!!!!
  • IGbnat24
    IGbnat24 Posts: 520 Member
    I'd be miserable without cheese and peanut butter! Good luck to you, tho
  • VBtim180
    VBtim180 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm on day 14 of whole 30. i think I am doing good. It is not that hard to eat just vegies, meat and fruit. I enjoy my coffee with cream and sugar in the morning so I just skipped coffee the first few days and just had water. i am now drinking plain hot tea and coffee. If you want to drink more than water you just have to give it a try. you can drink some fruit juice but that seems like a waste of calories. Although you do not count calories on the whole 30 plan, you just eat within guidelines.
    the hardest part is not having the convenience of instant meals.( I love cereal with milk in the morning because it is so easy. so quick. gives me energy. Of course its really just a sugar rush which quickly wears off.)
    So you have to make time to cook eggs or just have some hard boiled eggs in the fridge. I cook extra meat so i can just heat it for the next meal or throw it in a salad.
    Good luck to everyone. if I can do it, anyone can. Tim
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited March 2016
    I believe sweet potatoes and even regular potatoes (a change, but they never had a sensible argument against potatoes) are now permitted. My issue with Whole30 (in addition to this: http://nutritionasiknowit.com/iswf/2015/5/8/it-starts-with-food-critical-review) is that I think legumes especially, and also dairy and whole grains, tend to make my diet healthier, not less healthy. Eating them does not prevent one from also eating lots of vegetables (which of course most should) or adequate protein. It's kind of a not very well structured do-it-yourself elimination diet. If someone is concerned about possible sensitivities to the relevant foods, why not, I suppose, but there are lots of other foods to which one can have sensitivities. And if you know you aren't bothered by the foods, it makes more sense to me to just focus on eating a healthful diet. (For the record, yes, I've read the book.)

    But if it's motivating for you, have fun with it. I personally do eat eggs for breakfast (with vegetables and sometimes fruit or, gasp!, dairy) most days, and have never found it a hardship. Always hated cold cereal, so have been an egg fan since childhood.
  • andreajp
    andreajp Posts: 52 Member
    I'm on day 30 of the Whole30. I have found it to be really easy to follow. The first few days were kind of rough (missed milk in my tea most of all) and unless you are diligent about planning and prepping your meals it can get a bit boring.

    I wanted to say in response to the comments about dairy, legumes, etc. being part of a healthy lifestyle is that my interpretation of the Whole30 is just that. 30 days of some pretty strict eating guidelines, the purpose being to eliminate any inflammation causing foods to allow your gut and immune system to get back on track. Dairy, grains and legumes are on the list of inflammation causing foods. After the 30 days you reintroduce those foods, slowly, and if you don't have adverse reactions then you include them in your diet. It isn't necessarily a recommendation to eliminate those foods from your diet forever.

    I feel kind of weird about tomorrow. I'm not sure what to re-introduce tomorrow. I'm not in any hurry to add grains back into my diet just because I've always known that I feel better when I don't eat them. I'll probably add milk back into my morning cup of tea.

    I'm also excited but nervous to step on the scale tomorrow. I followed the recommendation to hide my scale during the Whole30 so I don't know if I've lost weight. I feel like I have and I really WANT to have lost weight. I know the goal (of the program) isn't necessarily weight loss but I would be lying if I said it wasn't my primary goal.
  • Fancyedit
    Fancyedit Posts: 243 Member
    Hi y'all

    I started my journey 2 years ago with whole 30. Lost 50lbs during that first 30 days!! I was unhealthy and weighed 365lbs to start.. I've dropped over 200 now but have completely stopped with whole30. I've been thinking about getting back on it to try to get rid of this last 10-15lbs
  • VBtim180
    VBtim180 Posts: 43 Member
    Andrea, you'll have to come back and tell us what the scale said.
    Fancy, that is quite impressive. So happy for you. Getting back on will probably help with the last few lbs.
    I plan on eating healthier once my 30 is over. Ease back into some dairy. Some grain. I don't miss most of that stuff most days.
    I'm also determined to complete this 30 day challange which helps with cravings.
  • andreajp
    andreajp Posts: 52 Member
    11 pounds! I'll take it. Now I'm thinking that I don't want to re-introduce anything quite yet. Except my birthday is tomorrow and a celebratory glass of wine might be consumed.
  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    I did this just after new year's day and lost 6 pounds. Those pounds were right back within about a week and a half because bread! rice! cereal!
  • VBtim180
    VBtim180 Posts: 43 Member
    Andrea, 11 pounds ? That's great! I've got 10 more days. I hope I have 12lb. loss. I think I will stay on whole 30 slightly modified. Add a beer once in a while ; )
  • VBtim180
    VBtim180 Posts: 43 Member
    30 days. Lost 16 pounds!