Name is Larry I have been playing video game going all the way back to the Activision (great for PONG :) ). I prefer RPG's and Strategy games, but will play anything. I also have played D&D for 18yrs, Magic the Gathering for 10yrs, so I believe I really qualify as a GEEK :) Currently PC games playing on Steam: Crusader…
I usually let my wife make that decision :laugh: anyone else have an idea??
tia leona?
jim carey
Morgan Freeman
Sadly I have DISH NETWORK which recently dropped AMC, which means I was not able to enjoy the marathon last weekend or the sneek peek..
Thats becuase Zombies can't read...
a human leg for me!
I only hope they start the season fast like they ended last season, and I wonder how long it is going to take to make it to the Prision??
I did not know if you knew it was a character from the comics or not, and I agree depending on how the make the character it can backfire quickly, although the good thing is on the TV show since it has so many differences than that of the comic they can kill the character off quickly.
My wife has read all 96 issues, and am half way through them.
Have you read the Comic Books? You do realize that the Character with the Hood and Zombies on the Chains (Michonne) is a character from the comics, not just made up for the show to keep viewers' interested.
I played and beat the short 1st eopisode. It is supposed to be 5 episodes long, i think 1 a month until the new season starts.
Went to hat creek yesterday caught 1 rainbow, 1 brown, and 1 brooke trout. All in All a good day.
good luck, I think I will sneak out again on Saturday. I was out and home before anybody woke up so i will try again:smile:
You could purchase a Heart Rate Moniter and track the calorie burn that way.
Mine as Nerdy as it will seems is my Dungeons and Dragons character from High School. I have been using a varation of it for years.
p90x Plyo tonight..
Sneaking out tomorrow moring and going fishing before anybody wakes up... I can't wait
:bigsmile: EYE OF THE TIGER :bigsmile:
Went fishing last weekend caught 0 fish. :( Will go out this Saturday i think... yes i will.
power duo
Ms Intensity
21lbs in two months no strentgh training.
That is great I will have to show my Wife. I cannot wait until next season.
LOL A houseboat in the Ocean or a really Large Lake. Portable, can move whenever needed and surronded by water.