

  • Footlong Oven Roasted Chicken on Wheat with jalepenos, green peppers, banana peppers, pickles and hot sauce. normally a few hours before a workout.
  • Do some research on muscle recovery powders. I use a product called Scivation Xtend and it works great for me
  • Hey there, I havent had a whole lot of joint issues, but after a hard session at the gym I use a muscle gel called Biofreeze. It's a medicated gel that relieves joint and muscle pain. I'm no where near qualified to give advice but that's my only bit for you. GOOD LUCK!
  • I normally do pretty good when I know I have a game that night, but I had a big work order and didn't take lunch so I could get out a little early, and that ended up not happening, and I didn't want to just run out and grab McDonald's or something, especially before a big workout like frisbee. Thanks for the tip!
  • Hey there! I'm not entirely sure if this will work for you, or if its even suggested, but if I'm outside running I shorten my strides when i'm headed uphill and try to get a HUGE stride going downhill. On flat ground I'll really hit the gas for about 15 seconds and then use the rest of the remaining minute to recover.…
  • I'm no expert, but I would say that is accurate. I use bands a lot in my routines, especially for shoulders and traps. I love mine.
  • haha glad I could help!
  • Oh absolutely. I love personal trainers and I admire them for their work, but in all honesty..I find them to be a waste of money unless you are training for something beyond normal athletic events, like body building or the olympics for example. With the amount of resources that are out there, SUCH AS this website, there…
  • No Problem. It's very in depth to. You can really customize your search. Have fun and good luck!!
  • I currently have no way to cook eggs. I'm living on campus at the University of Southern Maine and the kitchen is undergoing renovations. But as soon as it's available I plan on having eggs for breakfast every morning. Thanks!
  • I think I'm going to try out the Scivation Whey. I use Scivation Xtend, which is a GREAT muscle recovery powder for a great price. A friend of mine knows the owner and swears by the protein, so I'm going to give that a try. Keep posting though I like seeing what people say! ADD ME!