lahay99 Member


  • Hey feel free to add me. I have at least another 30 lb to go and could use some support too!
  • Thanks guys :o) does anyone else have issues with the food diary? I like the concept but as i make a lot of my food from scratch I found the last time I did it I got a bit obsessed with weighing everything (even salads etc) which then got me frustrated as everything took longer and I had to stop in the end. I know logging…
  • I dont usually get up that early, 7am spin classes are the earliest ive done, but i still usually have a banana and a glass of juice before a work to kick start metabolism and give me energy. I never used to but then i read it was better to have something? Interested in other replies too!
  • i was just about to ask this as well, any one tried it?
  • thanks for the reply. I dont have a hrm yet, so prob no real way of estimating calories burned? :os
  • Im hoping i reach my goal weight by the end of the year as i have a holiday to brazil!! So its my inspiration as i dont want to feel big and frumpy other there and want to be able to wear nice clothes etc and not feel fat! And then its also my treat for loosing weight so i have to loose it!! Also there will be a new…
  • hi and welcome!! Im from west sussex, feel free to add me if you like, or anyone else!
  • i agree, potion control was my main problem aswell. I have a much better idea of how many cals are in things now aswel and my portions are proper sizes not estimates which are usually big enough for 2-3!! lol Logging all your food can be boring and time consuming but it really works and makes you think about what exactly…
  • I have to work hard to not go over mine!! ive been on here a week and really finding it helpful to cut down my portions and realise how many calories are in things! im aiming for around 1500 a day and pretty much use them all! depends what your eating i suppose, i find nuts and fruit bump mine up and i like proper food,…
  • I have a little cool bag too, works well! Quite often will take a salad, sometimes with cous cous etc, usually made the night before to save time in morning. Also some fresh fruit salad. The little packs of Ryvita minis are yummy, esp the sweet chilli ones and as flavoured you dont need spread on them and give you the…