good food to make for your lunch hour @ work

I just recently started my brand new job. This is my 1st time working full time, so I now have a lunch break. What kind of things should I pack to eat? and if it doesnt need do be refrigerated thats a plus!! :]


  • MissYogapants
    MissYogapants Posts: 106 Member
    What I do is I make big loads of chili con carne, pasta-in-the-oven-stuff (mix boiled pasta and minced meat sauce, olives, for example, put a little grated cheese on top and gratinate in the oven), different types of lunch pies and such. Then I divide them portionwise in little bags and freeze.
    I take out a portion from the freezer in the morning and let it thaw in room temperature. Then I microwave it for lunch to get it hot if I want that :)
  • evonday
    evonday Posts: 141 Member
    If you get an insulated lunch bag, you can put a small freezer block in it to keep your food cold, and it will really open up your options a bit. And no fridge needed to keep your food cool and crisp!

    A healthy sandwich with lean meat paired with a healthy snack is always a great idea. I used to bring 2-3 small snacks just to eat on my 15 mins and lunch breaks. Toss in some carrot sticks, grapes, cut apple, celery sticks with light peanut butter, any fruit or veggie really. It will keep you full through the day and give your body what it needs, while keeping the calories low.
  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    BUMP! I need new ideas too! x
  • lahay99
    lahay99 Posts: 17 Member
    I have a little cool bag too, works well!
    Quite often will take a salad, sometimes with cous cous etc, usually made the night before to save time in morning. Also some fresh fruit salad.
    The little packs of Ryvita minis are yummy, esp the sweet chilli ones and as flavoured you dont need spread on them and give you the cruch to feel like eating proper food!

    Also crackers and cream cheese are good, i usually put a small amount of the big pot of cream cheese in a little tupperware pot so i dont eat too much of it and also being in the cool bag along time will be gone by lunch rather than waiting till get home to put the whole tub back in the fridge so keeps better.

    or if you want something a bit more filling as said before make up pasta/ chilli/ lasagna etc and put into pots and freeze and take one each day!
  • mapexdrummer69
    I usually cook a couple days in advance. Lunch is a really big meal of chicken and steamfresh veggie about 90% of the time for me.
  • queen_bea
    queen_bea Posts: 118
    Prepare a salad in the morning (lettuce leaves, tomato, carrot sticks, cucumber, avocado - maybe even a boiled egg) and take a tin of tuna in spring water and chuck it on top at lunchtime. :) that's what i do
    Also, when i have enough time,(and enough eggs) i will make a veggie slice to take as a snack during the week. Consists of a grated zucchini, grated carrot, perhaps some slices of shoulder bacon, maybe some sliced mushrooms if you have them, I’ve recently been putting in some frozen peas and corn too. I put all of this into a baking dish and beat some eggs with a little splash of milk and salt and pepper and pour it over my veggies with a little grated cheese and bake.
    It depends how big your baking dish is as to how many eggs you need. I try to make enough for two people for a week (I’ve got to hide them from the bf because if he finds the container he sits there and eats them all) so the last time I made one there was about 10 eggs (!!!) You need enough egg to cover the veggies but also to soak down and make sure everything sticks together. It will puff up like a balloon when in the oven, but it will come back down once it cools. Just make sure it’s cooked in the middle cause I didn’t once and it was gooey. Ick.
  • queen_bea
    queen_bea Posts: 118
    What I do is I make big loads of chili con carne, pasta-in-the-oven-stuff (mix boiled pasta and minced meat sauce, olives, for example, put a little grated cheese on top and gratinate in the oven), different types of lunch pies and such. Then I divide them portionwise in little bags and freeze.
    I take out a portion from the freezer in the morning and let it thaw in room temperature. Then I microwave it for lunch to get it hot if I want that :)

    I've been doing this with Soup recently.
  • elliemar
    elliemar Posts: 3
    Hummas with veggies is always tasty snack or quick lunch (red pepper and carrot sticks goes well). I usually bring left overs from supper the night before. Ice packs in the lunch bag are very helpful. Congratulations on the new job, btw.