

  • No and wouldn't save any, id just let uneaten calories go towards creating a larger deficit so you can lose more weight. If your gonna eat a big meal or junk have light meals for breakfast and lunch and then a big super but stay withing your daily allowance
  • I know it doesn't take the exercise in effect for your initial calorie allowance. It just ads the exercise you do to your calorie allowance. I was just wondering if Exercise you do would change your activity level or not Thanks
  • If i cut caffeine out of my diet completely i don't lose weight. So i either drink a couple regular cokes and some crystal light energy to get some caffeine in my body.
  • You dont need to eat all of your exercise calories as suggested by this site. Set your weight loss goal to 2 lbs per week. IT will give you a built in deficit. So eat what they give you initially for an allowance. If you burn 1000 calories per day with exercise and don't eat any of that you should lose another 2 lbs [per…
  • Its up to you if your set up here to lose the maximum of 2 lbs per week, and you exercise enough for a 1000 calorie burn. You dont have to eat any of those its up to you. If you dont eat any of them you should lose an extra 2lbs per week. Its ok to eat them or atleast some of them. I wouldnt eat them just to eat them, if…
  • Thank you for clarifying how that worked
  • Alo if you put in fitness goals of say 5 days a week 30 minutes. It gives me a goal of 1500 calories burn per week Why doesn't this effect my calories or my weight goal at all? Basically the fitness goal on the goal page doesn't mean anything. IF your following your calorie allowance you should lose your projected goal…
  • I watch it, even started a fan site for it. I hate the drama they create for ratings though. Gets worse every season
  • Thank you, how does the site calculate to get the 3030? So if i stuck to my calorie allowance every day i should lose 2lbs per week without exercise? So if i exercise i can either eat more calories or use it to create a bigger deficit? Also i sent you a message, i look forward to hearing from you. Great site you have here…
  • Nice to meet all of you.
    in Hello Comment by Chris04626 March 2010
  • Wow what a way to make some one feel welcomed. Friendly bunch here i see
    in Hello Comment by Chris04626 March 2010
  • No i wouldnt consider it a failure. I just see the calculations and new something is off. Would be nice if a tech here could give this some attention and let us know what's behind it
  • I put in Sedentary I thought the system was set up to give me a 2 pound loss per week by eating the calories it calculated me to eat Ok so i take my BMR which this site tells me is 2,428 and multiply it by 1.2 for sedetary? that gives me 2913.6 2913.6 - my calorie allowance of 2030 is = 883.6 x that by 7 days/week = 6185.2…
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