

  • I agree. Get a heart rate monitor to get the most accurate calorie count. 100 calories per 10 minutes is a good estimate, but individual effort and body specifics (height/weight/sex/age) will determine the exact amount burned. I setup the workout under cardio. Good luck with it. Insanity is a tough workout. Each week will…
  • Running outside is totally different from running on a treadmill. I completed the C25K program on the treadmill and scheduled my first 5K race for the last day of the program. I quickly regretted that move! The shock of running on asphalt and concrete radiated PAIN through my legs, hips, and back! I literally stopped…
  • "The more you do, the more you can do. The less you do, the less can do!"~ Tony Little
  • Don't reply. He's stupid and doesn't know what he's talking about.
  • Great show. I taped it and watched all 4 parts online. I think everyone should watch it. Even if you're dieting and exercising and trying to lose weight already, there's always room for improvement. We as a society, have to do better.
  • I've challenged myself by sticking with this truely insane Insanity workout. I had been avoiding it for almost 2 yrs because I thought I couldn't do it, but next week I will be starting the final phase of the program! It's been the hardest thing I've ever done (including running 2 half marathons), but I'm holding my own…
  • I finished the program last April! Last year, I ran six 5Ks and one 8K. I ran a 10K trail run in January and I will be running my first half marathon this Saturday. C25K is an awesome program. You'll be surprised how fast it will get you running! Feel free to add me if you like. I have 2 more half's scheduled for this…
  • Hey, I'm from Blythewood, SC!
  • Blythewood, SC!
  • Totally DO NOT DRINK ACV mixed with just water! I have to mix it with 8 oz. of DIet V-8 splash berry blend. It hides the taste wonderfully. I like to take it in the morning before working out. It gives me a little energy boost. Lot's of health benefits. Just google it.
  • South Carolina!
  • Kim, the best way to know exactly how many calories you are burning is with a hrm with a chest strap. I have a Polar FT-4 ($89) and I love it. The cardio machines can be very inaccurate. The elliptical is the worse. I've found it to be off by as much as 50%!
  • I'm 5'11" and currently at 189.2. Everybody tells me I shouldn't lose anymore weight, but my goal is 165. I certainly could lose at least another 20 lbs. Being tall, 20 lbs on me is like 10 lbs on an average height person. I think you should play it by ear and see how you look and feel. Everybody's body is different. Once…
  • Just to clarify for some of the posters who don't think your co-workers are trying to sabotage your weight loss efforts, here is the definition: Sabotage is a deliberate action aimed at weakening another entity through subversion, obstruction, disruption, or destruction. Granted, this is the holiday season and people do…