

  • Hey guys! I know I haven't checked in for a very long while...things have been kind of crazy here on my part! I've taken 3 or 4 rest days from the shred, and I just finish Day 10 of Level 2 tonight. Tomorrow will be Day 1 of Level 3, and I can't wait! My weight has been jumping around like crazy and I've been bloating, so…
  • Not going to lie, I giggled a bit at the thought of someone slipping and sliding all over while trying to do this workout! xD Day 5 of Level 2 done - halfway there! It's still kicking my butt...but maybe not as much? I think I'm getting stronger.
  • Day 4 Level 2 is now complete - nearly halfway done already! This is awesome. (: I'm afraid I might be getting shin splints though. Crap! I'm icing my shins tonight, and tomorrow is 30 minutes of walking + 45 minutes of strength training + the 30DS, so it'll be an easy day. Hopefully I caught it early enough that they'll…
  • I honestly think that I would have quit the shred if it weren't for you lovely people. (: Your progress and inches lost and talks of gaining strength are seriously inspirational - more than once have I wanted to give up, but remembering how I need to check into this thread reminds me of my commitment. In any case, Day 3 of…
  • Finished Level 2 Day 2 today. It was exhausting. I had to take a break or two - I might end up scrapping Level 3 altogether and just work at mastering Level 2, depending on how things go. I'm REALLY bad at this one! D:
  • Today was Thanksgiving for me, and I allowed myself a cheat day - man, am I NEVER doing that again! If I do ever allow myself a 'cheat,' it'll be only for one meal, not an entire day! By the time 3:30pm had rolled around I had already eaten 1200 calories…oops! But then I had a two hour walk, so that was nice. I came home…
  • Weighed in and measured myself today. Unfortunately, I GAINED 2 lbs - ouch! But I'm chalking that up to the fact that it's shark week over here for me, which means bloating like crazy. Measurements: Starting (10/1/2011) Waist - 29.5 inches Hips - 36 inches Thigh - 23 inches Calf - 14 inches Arm - 11 inches Week 1…
  • Exercise yesterday was L1D8 of the 30DS, plus 45 minutes of ab workouts. Yes, 45 minutes! My abs BURNED. Today was L1D9, and I'm really excited to be moving onto L2 on Sunday! (: That also works perfectly because Sunday is when my family is having Thanksgiving dinner, and I want to burn as much as I can so I can indulge in…
  • Finished L1D7 , and I'm noticing that the workout is starting to kick my butt less and I'm start to kill it! I did the push ups on my knees much faster this time, keeping up with the video (before I would do them at about half speed, to focus on my form) and I only took a break once or twice. Tried a lot harder with the…
  • So I've just finished all my working out for the day - I'm noticing that for some reason I prefer working out in the late evening. It also definitely helps control the cravings I have during the night. If I exercise at 8pm, I notice that I don't feel nearly as hungry, and I can just have a quick protein shake or something…
  • Tonight I ate a really large dinner - around 500 calories, consisting of basa fish and tofu and grilled veggies and I ate meat for the first time in almost a year! (I went vegetarian then pescetarian and now finally I'm allowing white/lean meats back into my diet.) I'm changing my eating because I'm realizing that if I…
  • Many people do 'lose it' at night, but the reason you keep bingeing is because you're depriving your body. I looked through your food diary, and on the days that you didn't binge, you ate very little and none of it was very good, whole food. (Lots of processed food, sugar, candy, fast food, etc...) and your recorded goal…
  • Completed Day 5 of Level 1 today - man, was I tired! I almost didn't have the energy to do it, and I fear I might have slacked a bit. I did an hour of weight training at the gym, walked the 30 minutes home, did Day 1 Week 1 of the C25k, and finally, at 8:30ish, did the 30DS. Things are going well. (:
  • Day 4 of Level 1 is done - I wasn't going to do it tonight because it was 10:30pm and I was tired and I didn't want to and MAN those four or five bites of lemon meringue pie that my mom had just made were SO good and I could definitely go for a slice or two or maybe three; but NO! I said to myself, clenched my teeth, and…
  • Whoa, no flour? That's awesome! I'll definitely have to try these tomorrow - oh, how I hope they turn out. (:
  • Though it's already been said a couple of times here, I would suggest a frittata. What it basically is, is a large omelette in a pan. What you do is take anywhere from 6 - 8 eggs (even more, if you'd like) and beat them - add a bit of milk if you'd like. While this is going, I usually like to cook some veggies in a pan on…
  • So I've just finished Level 1 Day 3, and I am happy to say that it wasn't as bad as day 1. (: I'm still terrible at the pushups (even while doing the easy/modified ones!) but I did much better in the second circuit of strength training - those ones where you have to do the lunges in place with the weights are killer! I'm…
  • A frittata made with skim milk and no oil, with mushrooms, spinach, and zucchini. (: One 4"x4" square was only around 275 calories and 15 grams of protein. (I still have to calculate everything, so these are only super rough estimates...but still!) It was delicious.
  • Hey there guys - I hope I'm not too late. (: I only just began using mfp and I'm trying to become part of the community, so I thought why not try joining something or other? I restarted the 30DS two days ago (I did it in july and got to day 20 before I stopped and just didn't really start up again) and I'm determined to…
  • I typically don't log mundane activities - what I typically log is walking, running, circuit training, yoga, etc... However, under the circumstance that I bother to actually clean the house (a rare feat!) I will log the activity as light cleaning because I'll usually do it from anywhere from 2 hours to upwards of 4 or 5.…
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