

  • awesome job! u look hot!! *rummaging thru drawers looking for my 30DS copy*
  • hey its ok to feel the way you feel.. afterall, it is a hard and long battle... and its definitely okay to take 1 or 2 days off.. go do things u that makes u happy whatever that maybe.... dont think about all of this at all.. i know its easier said that done.. but u can try.. its normal that u always will look at the…
  • hey there! i dont know if u've watched her, but check this lady out at this link : she did a lot of funky circuit training. good luck! do let us know how it goes for u! cheers!
  • yeap. 75bucks for a wedding attire. thats a godsend! LMAO.
  • i think once a week is okay. though i weight myself every 5 minutes! lol! decided to put off my scale in my bf's car and i can only control my obsession to the scale. lol. take measurement. that's more accurate sometimes as comparing to scale. i measure neck, both arms, bust, bust line, waist (the smallest part of ur…
    in 1 week ago Comment by fifon1 June 2011
  • wow! ur face sure glows! :) awesome job. ur an inspiration... my cousin sis once told me when i asked her how she gets to put off her twin baby weight quite nicely.. she said 'i carry, chase, breastfeed 20lbs of 'natural dumbbell' day in day out. how else do u think? its harder than any bootcamp i've even been' so im…
  • congratulations! i can definitely see the difference. ur abs is much more define.. congratulations!!!!
  • my thought varies. but most of the times i fantasize about getting into that super tight dresses at the boutique's display window right infront of my gym. i picked that particular treadmill for this reason. lol!
  • i eat out most of the times.. but i'm learning to prepare clean meals and hope it will taste decent. :) here are my must have items :- 1. eggs 2. yogurt - for after workout if ididnt get to go for a proper meal 3. papaya - a must to help indigestion 4. wholegrain bread 5. tuna chunk in water 6. cottage fries 7. special K…
  • i guess that happens to the very best of us too.. dont beat urself up too much.. u can always do better tomorrow...
  • wow! u guys were great! i did mine in 42 mins. i cant imagine how some of u did below 20... hope i will be that fit someday.. :)
    in 5K times Comment by fifon1 June 2011
  • i am relatively newbie too! good luck on ur journey and dont forget to have fun while ur at it.. :)
  • wow! u look great ! and love the color of ur dress! :)