Need Circuit training help!

hmm33502 Posts: 201 Member
My girlfriends and I have started a circuit that we made up. We start with cardio which is jogging .2 miles or 2 mins on the stair climber. then we alternate 2 mins of strength exercises with our cardio (mentioned above). We will do this for 45 mins.

We have weight balls, resistance bands, kettle bells, etc. We do standing exercises, floor exercises, and some combined kick boxing moves. We try to target every area and focus on areas that we struggle with.

Are their any suggestions for how to make this circuit better and more effecive? Any strength exercises that anyone recommends?

We tried to take a page out of the Curves circuit training, but we needed to kick up the intensity a bit.


  • sharidiane
    sharidiane Posts: 212 Member
    Lots of jumping. Like jumping lunges, jumping squats, plank jacks, etc.

    Also, it might be worth it to hire a trainer for a few group sessions to make sure your form is right. I have my husband watch how I lift weights, because when I don't, I tend to strain something.
  • pattiann603
    try jump roping on your cardio intervals, it's a killer.
  • hmm33502
    hmm33502 Posts: 201 Member
    Jumping rope is a GOOD one! And having a trainer critique our form is a great idea!

    Thanks everyone!
  • jeff261159
    jeff261159 Posts: 385
    Get a partially inflated football (soccer ball), put it between your knees and squeeze it between your knees. Good thigh workout, and of course the dredded sit ups!!
  • fifon1
    fifon1 Posts: 17
    hey there! i dont know if u've watched her, but check this lady out at this link :

    she did a lot of funky circuit training. good luck! do let us know how it goes for u! cheers!
  • Kimrenaud
    Kimrenaud Posts: 118 Member
    see a 30 day shred dvd.
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    If any of you have an iPhone, check out the Nike Training Club app.
  • Kimrenaud
    Kimrenaud Posts: 118 Member
    see a 30 day shred dvd.
  • hmm33502
    hmm33502 Posts: 201 Member
    Thank you for all of the tips! I am going to check out the sites and apps immediately. Any tips for shaping up forearms? I don't want them to be big, I just want them to be shapely! Hammer curls with light weights?
  • sharidiane
    sharidiane Posts: 212 Member
    My trainer taught me 'ponytail extensions'. You might want to google it so you get the form right. Basically, you hold a weight in your arm straight up in the air with your arm touching your ear. Then you drop your elbow down to 90 degrees so that the weight ins behind you. It's the best thing for toning flabby flab on your underarms. But ... you've really GOT to make sure you're getting the form right!!! So ... don't go by this description - at least watch a video, or get a trainer to help you. Good luck!
  • bperez45
    bperez45 Posts: 16
    Youtube has a lot of resources for circuit training. The key will be to remain active and keep that heart beat going. There are a lot of good workouts that require little to no equipment. You can look up how inmates in solitary confinement stay in shape, you will be surprised how creative they are in making up workouts.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I can think of one quick 4-station circuit that will get your metabolism going and it is intense, you probably wont' want to do cardio with it at first.

    Day 1 would look something like
    A1. Chin-up's x 10 reps (3 to 5 sets, minimum of 3) *use an assist station if can't do body weight* - NO REST
    A2. Back Squat x 10 reps (could try Leg Press but it's really not the same) - NO REST
    A3. Push-Up's x 10 reps - NO REST
    A4. Deadlifts x 10 reps - 60 to 120 second rest then repeat the circuit

    Day 2
    A1. Push Press x 10 reps (3 to 5 sets, minimum of 3)
    A2. Walking Lunges x 10 reps
    A3. Dips x 10 reps (use assist machine if cannot do body weight)
    A4. Bent over barbell row (might be able to use machine assisted but probably not as intense)

    Day 3 you may want to take a rest or a brisk walk, see how you feel.
    Day's 4 and 5 are just a repeat of 1 and 2.

    This is a pretty solid circuit, I used it a few times before and sweated my *kitten* off not to mentioned puked after each workout for the first week. There are many ways to spin these circuits and possibly come up with a complex instead of a circuit which might even be better at helping you with body composition.
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    run upstairs and/or sprint on flat ground till you can't catch your breath (dr approved of course) , squat thrust you know like from pe in jr high!
  • ypena78
    ypena78 Posts: 236 Member
    hey there! i dont know if u've watched her, but check this lady out at this link :

    she did a lot of funky circuit training. good luck! do let us know how it goes for u! cheers!

    Man talk about being strong. I dont even think I can get my leg over that thing. I am sure once I lose more weight I can do that workout... Thanks very informative..