1 week ago

I have completed my first week. In all honest I think the first week is the easiest it will be the next month that I will struggle to keep up. So when do I weigh myself? every week? 2 weeks? should I measure myself as well


  • jeff261159
    jeff261159 Posts: 385
    Weigh yourself once a week, same day, same time, and if possible same clothes. This will give you and accurate bench mark for comparison and weight lost.

    Good luck with your weight loss program!
  • bovbjerg
    bovbjerg Posts: 172 Member
    Definitely take measurements - and "before" photos ;o) There may be some weeks that your success doesn't show up on the scale (I weigh in every week - first thing in the am after peeing) - it may be that you're losing inches instead so it's great to be able to see that as well so you don't get discouraged!

    Good luck and keep it up!
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I have completed my first week. In all honest I think the first week is the easiest it will be the next month that I will struggle to keep up. So when do I weigh myself? every week? 2 weeks? should I measure myself as well

    Yes, measure once per week on the same day. I suggest doing it right away in the morning after using the bathroom and either naked or in your underwear. This will be the best time when all things are the most consistent. Later in the day and there are too many factors that will make your weight fluctuate.

    Measuring yourself is also a great idea because there will be weeks when you won't notice movement on the scale. Your measurements may give you the motivation you need at that time because most likely you will have lost inches.

    You could also have at least one pair of pants/jeans that are one size smaller than you wear now. Try them on once a month. That will be the biggest indicator of you progress. When they are looser... you are doing everything right!

    Good luck to you!
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    As everyone else said... weigh once a week at the same time in the same clothes. And take measurements - on the weeks where I don't lose very much on the scale (usually once every 3 weeks!) I measure and that confirms that I've been toning up.

    Also make sure you do weights/strength sessions because you might lose weight rapidly in the beginning by smashing the cardio, but you won't maintain it if there are no muscles to hold you up and keep you strong! You don't have to lift massive amounts, but make sure it's in your routine once or twice a week.
  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    I weigh myself daily. However, if you do weigh daily you will need to know that your weight changes a little up or down depending on the day or even time of day. I do it just so I can know my baseline and get to know how my body changes. So don't get frustrated if one day you think you've lost 2 pounds only to gain it back the very next day. that is normal. If that would bother you do in once a week. And YES take measurements. That tells the truth above the scale. If you lift weights at all your muscles will swell a bit after so don't measure after that.
    I didn't think I would last on here as long as I have. I thought I'd lose interest. I'm still here thanks to the great people who offer encouragement and are very motivational. Good luck.
  • Majbdrake
    Majbdrake Posts: 69
    I'm focusing on working on my daily tracking as well as exercising and getting on the scale once a week. This way, I'll develop better control over my intake without being stressed about what the weight on the scale may say. My weight plan calls for a pound a week so trying to overanalyze 16ozs every day would be counter-productive for me I feel at this point.

    Weigh-ins for me will be every Thursday since that was the day last week when I decided to join this group :)

  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Weigh yourself as often as YOU feel comfortable doing.

    I personally weigh in once a day. I'm in maintenance now and it makes me feel better to be able to see that I'm within my 5lb fluctuation each day. It keeps me in check.

    Whatever you decide to do, make sure you do it at the same time with the same clothes (or none!) on.

    I do measurements once a month. Usually on the first (unless it is TOM - then I wait til I am done and measure).

    Good Luck!
  • fifon1
    fifon1 Posts: 17
    i think once a week is okay. though i weight myself every 5 minutes! lol! decided to put off my scale in my bf's car and i can only control my obsession to the scale. lol.

    take measurement. that's more accurate sometimes as comparing to scale. i measure neck, both arms, bust, bust line, waist (the smallest part of ur abdominal), waist below (right under belly button) , hips, both thighs, and last but not least calves.

    good luck! :)
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    I weigh in once a week - Monday morning (after the bathroom) and in the nudie :blushing: No mistaking clothes then!
    I also measure myself once every two weeks...
    All the very best :flowerforyou:
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    I would say once a week, same day... same time.. preferably when you first wake up before you eat anything. That's what I am doing.