

  • To find this thread, I believe all you need to do is bookmark this page in your browser.
  • Because of my diabetes, I know I can't go over my carb limit for the day. That carb limit is slightly different than what is on MyFitnessPal.com due to instructions from my Diabetic Dietician to keep to a strict limit of 200 per day--- preferably, well below 200.
  • That beats the heck out of the medium Wild Berry Smoothie with 260 calories I had at McDonald's yesterday!
    in Smoothies! Comment by racenews June 2011
  • emmydoodles83, the point of my contribution was certainly not to bring anyone down; if you re-read it, the entire thread, it appeared that the discussion may have gotten away from the point that you started to talk about. For instance, you'll see that many of the posters are not satisfied for one reason or another of the…
  • I look at this this way. It beats the living heck out of the 400 lbs. I weight two decades ago before having a gastric bypass! I guess I should shoot for the low 190's (still not my ideal weight). But taking everything under consideration, if I hit 199, man will I be jumping up and down (without the entire house shaking!).
  • He does. If he doesn't, he doesn't deserve to be your husband. Just remember why you married him if you question it.
  • How about Rock Hudson or Adam Lambert? LOL
  • My wife and I have a very old and dear friend. For decades she joked that she was the founder of the 'itty bitty titty committee'. For all of us, it was a running joke for decades. Then she felt a lump in one of her breasts. Within a week, she was in surgery, and had to have both removed to try and save her life. For a few…
  • I guess a brief history. At one point, my weight totally got away from me. Over a decade and a half ago, I said the heck with it (or similar words to that affect), and went with a gastric bypass. That enable me to lose (what seemed like a ton) a bunch of pounds. When I stabilized, weight loss was about 125 lbs from the…
  • Deb, fortunately, my blood glucose was never that high. My A1C was 9.4 when first diagnosed back in February, and was down to 6.5 by mid April. For you, your program of meds and weight loss have seemed to help you tremendously. I wish you the best of luck!
  • That number wasn't mine; it was given to me by my Diabetes Educator. After taking 3 3-hours classes, I found that the info is absolutely mind-boggling..
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