

  • I drink water in my 32 oz bottle with Archer Farms (target brand)powder drink mix in it. 10 calories, o fat, sat fat, trans fat, sugars, 35 mg sodium, no artificial flavors or synthetic colors. Vitamin C 25%, Calcium 10%. All flavors taste good too. Love and blessings
  • Don't have home exercises for you, except the exercise ball for situps and leg exercises. Just wanted you to know that your local aquatic center might have what we have, a Water Zumba class! Ever sweat in a pool? it is great. Love and blessings
  • I will say special prayers for you not give up you are worth the fight. Don't be discouraged...we all want to "slack" and sometimes that isn't so bad...just get back on the bandwagon, and tell yourself that you can do it no matter what. Love and blessings
  • Hi there, welcome aboard...this is a great ride, even the days when it isn't what I want it to be. Just be honest in your tracking and committed to exercise and be the person you want to be healthfully! Blessings
  • Hi there! my name is Dee. I am almost 72 and find this journaling and tracking really helps me to achieve my goals. I was active all my life in sports, and at this age, the ole metabolism doesn't work as fast. Be faithful to this program, honest with your tracking, and remember it isn't always easy, but it does work.…
  • Hi there, my name is Dee. I am almost 72, love this journaling my food and exercise, and it really works. Gotta be committed, honest and remember it is not always easy to do this. I will say prayers for your success. Blessings
  • Muscle weighs more than fat, so you are doing just great. Exercise makes muscle, and congrats that you are following the plan. That takes perseverence and strength. YAHOO for you. Love and blessings
  • I am gong to pray that your hubby realizes what you are trying to do is good for YOU! I agree with most of the blogs, about exercising at home, but I also know you must need to "get out" of the routine to help you energize and feel better. Sit down with your hubby, hold his hands, and PRAY aloud how much you need the…
  • Going to try beginners yoga, just for the stretch it gives me. With other exercises this just makes my muscles ache less! It is good for circulation too. Good luck with whatever you choose. Love and blessings