Guess I'm going to be starving tonight. Need support.



  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    Try working out in the living room, my kids dont give me peace and my husband is always at work, so most my workouts end up being only 10-20 mins at a time, but they add up, anything is better then nothing. Keep your head up you can do it!
  • deedeezplace
    I am gong to pray that your hubby realizes what you are trying to do is good for YOU! I agree with most of the blogs, about exercising at home, but I also know you must need to "get out" of the routine to help you energize and feel better. Sit down with your hubby, hold his hands, and PRAY aloud how much you need the walking time and how very appreciative you are when he goes with you on the walk. God will move on him to listen, or give you you another choice, like walking with a neighbor or friend. May His healing hand touch you and hubby....expect miracles. Love and blessings
  • tiggersstar
    tiggersstar Posts: 193 Member
    once hes home, cant he look after the kids and you do the walk even when he cant be bothered? that way you could get an hour a night walking whatever mood he's in?

    i would also try and do some sport type games with the older kids and do keep fit at home when you can.

    i would talk to him, he may have no idea why you are so mad.

  • fh1951
    fh1951 Posts: 441 Member
    620 of your 1323 daily calories allowed today (47%) are from just two items per your diary. there are choices you can make when you are hungry that can stretch those 1323 calories. congratulations on your progress so far; you're almost a third of the way to your goal!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Why starve? What good is that going to do you? Make some baked fish and eat some veggies...that lite and low calories. I know you are talking about hubby selfishness but I couldn't get pass the starving aspect of it because you over indulged at lunch.
  • tiggernic
    tiggernic Posts: 59 Member
    :bigsmile: All the exercise ideas are spot on but I would imagine that if you have children you are burning off more than you realise. And if your children are anything like my son and dog trying to do anything in the house while they are both awake is near impossible. I usually have to wait until they have both gone to bed.

    If you dont have many kcals left to have what about doing a good old hearty home made veg soup which will be filling and not many kcals?

    I go to the gym once a week and I also have to wait for my husband tp get back from work but I try to make sure for that one day I am ready to go as soon as he gets back so it is one in one out. This means for me nothing gets in the way.

    Good luck and keep the good work up, the fact you are on here and asking for support means you are still going in the right direction.
  • lizzil0
    lizzil0 Posts: 181 Member
    Check out-
    There are lots of quick, body weight routines Zuzana does that will get your heart rate up and get you sweating. Also a jump rope is great for burning calories. Good luck!
  • Countrymade
    Countrymade Posts: 183 Member
    If you have stairs in the house. Walk up and down them.
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Wake your hubby up and tell him you're going for a walk. TAKE the time to go for your walk. He is as much responsible for the kids as you are.
  • chicpower1
    chicpower1 Posts: 169 Member
    Thanks all. To be fair, 2 things are happening here. #1 I'm hormonal. LOL. I REALLY need a break from these kids and to just get some fresh air. I LOVE to walk and there's a gorgeous, shaded, paved walking trail just 3 miles from my house. It's peaceful with flowers growing, runs right along the river, waterfalls, the whole deal. It's my getaway place when I need to recharge my batteries.

    The second problem is that I'm a stay at home mom of a 5 year old and 6 month old. My husband works 6 days a week, and often works 9 hour days plus 2 hours of commuting. He's tired and only wants to sleep when he gets home from work on Saturdays, and just wants to sleep after church on Sundays. By the time he gets home during the work week it's too late for me to go walking. I don't want to be caught out on the trail when it gets dark (because it gets VERY dark on this trail. no lights!). I was counting on a walk today to help calm these hormones and frustrations down but he took baby duty last night and, unfortunately, stayed up until midnight waiting on her to get hungry and take her last bottle. (????!!!!) She didn't. Instead she woke up at 1:30am and ate. So, he went to bed at midnight, got up at 1:30am to feed her, then got back up at 6:45 and drove an hour to work.

    I don't want to come across as a spoiled brat. I KNOW he's working hard, I know he's tired (although for the life of me I can't figure out why he would stay up so late waiting on her to get hungry instead of just going to bed) but I sit in this house staring at the 4 walls all day and trying to get workouts done around the 2 screaming kids. I just need a break, even just once a week, to get out of this house and go do something peaceful. :/ It's too hot out to take the baby with me on a walk, even in the shade, otherwise I'd be at least getting a short trip out of the house that way. Ugh.

    Thanks for your support everyone. Guess I just need to put my big girl panties on and deal with it. It is what it is.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    First, for burning calories while stuck at home, I highly recommend a Leslie Sansone walk at home DVD. You'd be surprised what it will do for you. If you can plop the kids in a playpen (im simplifying that, I know, but you know what I mean) and just START the DVD, you'll be able to burn calories and keep an eye on what your kids are doing too.

    Second, your husband (for very good reasons) cannot always be there to provide you with that quiet "me" time that you need. What about hiring a neighbor girl/babysitter for an hour or two once during the week so that you can get out and take a relaxing walk and get away from your worries for awhile? Or talk to a family member and tell them you are going nuts and need some time? I now when I was a young girl my next door neighbor would have me do that for her two kids. Getting the "me" time will probably be worth its weight in gold for your sanity alone so spending the ten or fifteen dollars might be a good investment in your mood.

    Also, I flubbed up the other day and ate too many calories in one meal. I didnt have many left for the rest of the night so I ate lots of veggies and chugged down water with lemon then went to bed early. I know with kids not all of this is possible but veggies make you feel full and flavored water makes me think I'm getting something tasty.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    I like the idea of dancing with the kids.... to really LOUD music.... in the same room as my husband....

    I usually end up doing my video workout at night after the baby and my husband are asleep. My oldest will either come out and try it with me, or understands that I will be ignoring her after 10pm.

    sit down with him, tell him how important this is to you. Make him agree to some sort of comprimise. I have my husband doing the dishes every other night while I take the kids for a bike ride.... the wind blowing as you speed along helps with the heat a bit. We go out at 7:45 most nights, as it starts to cool down.
    Good luck!
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    Lemon water was such a help when trying to get off of soda!
  • pixieval
    pixieval Posts: 64 Member
    I don't think you're coming off as a spoiled brat. I think its hard for all of us at sometime or another, and mfp can be a great outlet for some of the things you're thinking. Keep up the great work, and even if you can't get a workout in today, try to get yourself some kind of relaxing "me" time, even if its just 5 minutes.
  • chicpower1
    chicpower1 Posts: 169 Member
    You guys are awesome. Thanks so much. I'm going to make it a point to find a good workout DVD. As far as asking family or neighbors to help .........well, that's a little trickier. We have no family here and the husband gets upset with me when I talk about finding someone to babysit for a few hours a week. He doesn't even like it when I drop the kids off with a church member or allow them to come over and help me. Just funny that way and always afraid something will happen if one of us is not right there watching. I suppose alot of that is because our baby had a less than 1% chance of survival, and now that she's finally here and okay, he wants to shelter her and protect her from the world. While I'm not as high-strung as he is on the topic, I understand where he's coming from.

    I suppose a workout DVD would be my best option. I would LOVE to jumprope but I'd shake the wall art off. HAHA! I might just have to demand a night where I can go out and walk but it will have to be played by ear depending on how late he works and whether or not he's got a church group going that night.

    Thanks for all the support. :D