trk24 Member


  • Yes, I belong here. 46, 175ish and would like to lose at least 25lbs. Food is my nemesis. No willpower whatsoever. Exercise is not really my problem. I can make myself get to the gym, but have a hard time eating right or portion control. Would love new friends to get through this journey...that starts again in Monday.
  • I was pointed to this website by a fellow MFP friend. I have found the carb scale very interesting. I have used it as a guide for a couple weeks now and am finally seeing the pounds come off. I realized how much of a carb eater/granola bar junkie I was. Made sense when I realized I was ho,ding myself back even though I was…
    in Primal Comment by trk24 September 2011
  • Good topic. Maybe this is what I need. I have been logging and logging and logging calories plus working my tail off and I haven't lost anything according to my scale. I have got to figure out this or I am afraid all my workouts will be for nothing. I wish I had a little fairy to tell me what to eat everyday...but then I…
  • I wanna play!! Aug 1st SW- 157.5 Aug 4th Aug 12th Aug 19th Aug 26th Aug 31st Need a goal and this is as good as any. Haven't been able to loose much of anything over the last couple of months, but have new plans to get all my calories in plus lots more protein! Good luck everyone!
  • Thank you for this. I started running last summer and finished my first 5k. Then pulled my hamstring and it is incredible how much running ability you lose so quickly. I am back to running this summer and hoping to do that 5k again. Looks like I will be in the market for new running shoes and socks after reading this. I…
  • I have been on MFP going on my seventh week. Two weeks in, after zero lbs lost, I upped my cals from 1200 to just under 1500 to see if that would help since everyone was telling me I wasn't eating enough. I am working out with a trainer twice a week and cardio the other 2-3 days. I am getting into running and am feeling…
  • thanks lfred12.. Awesome blog post! Thank you. I have been one of those people who have logged everything, cheated very little, work out at least 4 days a week if not more, two of them with a trainer and have yet to lose a pound after 6 weeks. I am hoping good things happen to those who wait!!
  • bump... having the same issue...working out with trainer - hopefully building and gaining muscle/lean weight, feeling stronger and running farther...cardio on off days... but not seeing anything happen on the scale. Wondering if it is possible to build muscle and loose weight at the same time. Hoping someone will have some…
  • oh my...131 happy weight. My goal is 140-145, I'm not sure I will ever get to the 130's..haven't been there in 25 years..eek. good luck to all on our happy weight!
  • I didn't either a few weeks ago. However, since starting the beginning of June, and yet to lose any poundage, I have been able to figure out a few things by reading the message boards. It took the message boards for me to realize I am not the only one dealing with weight issues. After alot of reading I figured out that I…
  • Thank you for posting this question. I am always below my calories for the day too. Like today, its almost dinner time but I still have over 800 cals for the day. I can't possibly eat that much for dinner, well I could but it wouldn't be healthy. I like the suggestions so far and hope I can incorporate these into my diet…
  • I wanna join!! 5'3" with 15 pounds to lose. Have been here for 11 days and haven't lost a pound yet. I think my scale hates me, I am having trouble getting all my calories in, seem to hoard them instead of spend them, but working my tail off at the gym. Confused about calorie intake. MFP starts at 1200 but trainer says…
  • Welcome back! I am a newbie too!! I could use some support too..only here 10 days but absolutely nada on the scale.... Need lots of motivation...
  • I have opened up my food log..thanks for looking! My goal is 15 pounds. I know I have not been consuming all the calories I should, plus my trainer says to start at 1500 cals and not 1200 like MFP says to. So confusing...and very frustrating.