jpanderson9 Member


  • I rinse and condition. I use the baby power trick as well and it works!
  • This is a toughie!! My husband isn't super healthy but I know what it's like to try to watch what you eat while food is everywhere. I can't stand to see sweets, chocolate, chips or stuff laying around. If I see it, I eat it. I set all the bad stuff in one place in a cupboard that I don't access very much. I've even asked…
  • I agree with these posters! I'd avoid the discussions at lunch over food, diet, etc. Talk about ANYTHING else, the weather, news, weekend plans or even fun work outs. Then stick with the firm no thanks and resort to the snarky comments if they don't get the hint (that's just me though, you may not feel comfortable doing…
  • Sweetie, if my doctor said that to me...I'd be getting a new doctor! Hugs to you, don't let people talk to you that way! :(
  • I hate the gym in summer! I started swimming due to an ankle injury in Feb. and I'm a convert! You leave the pool tired, clean and not sweaty. It actually helps me handle the heat better.
  • I hear ya! I do the same thing! I'm a bit of a perfectionist so eating perfectly is difficult for me because I never see it as good enough. I start with working out, after an injury I'm now able to swim 5x a week - granted not for and not fast ;-). But now I'm to the point where I realize that my eating habits are going to…
  • The same thing happened to me and I panicked! I immediately put on 6 lbs when I started working out 5 times a week. But sure enough, after a 2 weeks of getting used to the weight lifting my weight starting coming down. I'm not sure if it was water weight/hormone fluctuations or what but I was pretty unhappy about it and…
  • Thank you so much for your input! Cancer sucks! My family has been a great support system and I'll start looking into online support, thanks for the suggestion!! Zoloft has been a godsend, I haven't tried therapy yet. I'm a pretty motivated person normally, it's very difficult to have to "follow the rules" and heal up when…
  • Thanks! Loved the Henry Rollins quote too! :smile: The hardest part is staying off things long enough for them to heel properly. My physical therapists have taken to setting limits for me since I won't set them myself! My brothers are national athletes, I grew up pushing myself like one of the guys!
  • I'm in the habit of weighing myself in the mornings and again at night some times. I usually only log it once a day though.