

  • loving the suit and you look amazing in it! Good work!
  • toe spacers or even taping your toes can be helpful, if your bunions aren't too big. I get mine at dance stores. Also making sure that you get a good fit with your running shoes. Going to a place where they staff are alittle more specialized may be more expensive, but you'll get a much better shoe that will probably last…
  • Cyndi - garden fresh zucchini? I'm so jealous! Zucchini is one of my favorite vegetables. I think I've had it with dinner everyday this week! I planted some, but mine didn't really take this year, pity. Anyways, meal planning is awesome too. I've been trying to do it with my Mum all summer but it hasn't really worked out.…
  • YOUTUBE it up! Seriously, they have videos on everything knit and crochet
  • Vicky - I know what you mean, I always set goals for myself and they usually don't happen. It just makes me feel like giving up. So I've decided that instead of setting weight loss, or distance or strength goals, I'm setting timed goals. Like trying 3 new healthy recepies a week, or exerciseing (doesn't have to be intense)…
  • Get your shoes checked out and stretch your calves ALOT, like more than you think is necessary, more than you think is even reasonable.
  • my mum and I knit together, my sister sometimes too but she has been crocheting alot lately.
  • I know what you mean. I was looking for just a summer job in May (which thankfully i got) and I had 7 interviews before I got a job. Plus I've been on 15 interviews in the last year looking for part time jobs mostly in the service industry (coffee shops, resturants, retail stores) and I definately feel like my weight is…
  • Hi!! I'm so glad I found you all again. I've been looking for a while but there are so many threads its tough! I'm glad to see you are all still here and working on your goals! My goal for August is to be physically active for at least 35 minutes every day, whether that is running, walking, yoga, dancing,…
  • HI Group! I'm so sorry I missed the begining, it is a holiday weekend where i'm from so I didn't have internet access. I completely understand i you want to leave me out of the group, but I am still very interested and motivated! SW 210
  • Within reason, totally true. I was reading this article that said stressing about eating a doughnut had almost the same effect on the body as actually eating the doughnut. Because of the stress the brain released cortisol (sp?) which slows your metabolism. You're totally better off eating one doughnut and then working out…
  • try taking your measurements on putting on an outfit that doesn't quite fit right. Weight fluctuates constantly, even for skinny people, so the scale really shouldn't be used as your sole means of checking success. Some people see the scale move up and go into hyper motivation mode, not me. I lose motivation pretty quickly…
  • I like weighing in on the same day, as long as it doesn't bother anyone. Or even if most of us weigh in on the same day
  • Amazing! I hope that will be me soon. Enjoy your birthday and all your hard work!
  • I'll be away for one week in august without internet access, but still working towards my goals! If one missed check in is okay, I would love to join!
  • If you are interested in starting to run, run in intervals, 30 seconds running, 2 minutes walking, build up very gradually. Running is overwhelming and depressing if you try to run as far as you can in one go, when you have never been a runner or had very good cardio. I think you'll be surprised when doing intervals, you…
  • These are not faults. These are legitimate feelings and it is really good to express them. As someone who also struggles with healthy mentality as well as nutrition, it might be important to assess your "obession". Is it true and harmful, or is it passion, is it something that makes you feel better. From your post, it…
  • going into third year!
  • too bad! I didn't really like them at first, but I gave it another go and really enjoyed them! Maybe try again in a little while, or with your favorite spice?
    in Kale chips Comment by egam June 2011
  • I like to add paprika to mine. It gives them alittle more smoky flavour!
    in Kale chips Comment by egam June 2011
  • Hi Wow this thread has really taken off! I'm so glad! Sorry I've been missing all week. It has been a really tough couples of weeks, my doctor suggested I take a little break. So am back in treatment and back here and juggling the last two weeks of term. Then a month of exams. I'm going to try to check in here as much as I…
  • Hello all! Deb: all your new food ideas sound fantastic! I also love dried cranberries. Dried fruit in general, but it's so much sugar I try to stay away from it. Although cranberries are actually pretty low. Almonds, also delicious raw and roasted, I like to mix them so I get a few more flavours. I was up all night on…
  • SW 210 GW 180 CW 197 4 lbs loss So thanks for all of your good words about water retention. They were the truth. Feeling like I'm back on track and more motivated. School is kind of killing me right now. But the end is in sight. Which is also terrifying because I have four more papers to write before then. AH! And…
  • Hey Sara Tickers are under the "Tools" at the very top of your page and signature is the 4rth option when you are looking at your message board. This probably isn't very clear but I hope it helps at least a little bit. Great job on the loss too!
  • VEGAS! that sounds awesome!!!!!! Are you the kind of person that keeps a count down calendar? Because if I was going to vegas, I would be marking those days down! Even though it's 20 weeks away! lol
  • Welcome gallan22! Tell us about yourself!
  • three cheers for Debbie! Seriously, you do so much work keeping this thread going, Thank You So Much! So I wasn't going to weigh in this week, but i ended up just checking in. And I GAINED 5 lbs! I'm pretty shocked. Now, I didn't have a great week this week. I overate and I ate alot of junk food and I wasn't drinking as…
  • I don't think I'm going to weigh in this week. I had a few binge days this week and I know the scale is only going to discourage me. So I'll just try to get back on track this week. Congrats to all of you that lost! You are all doing so well!