T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team! August 2011

LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
edited September 30 in Motivation and Support
Welcome to T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team thread for AUGUST!!

Its a new month and a new thread for T.H.E Team!! Lets kick it off with a weight loss mini-goal for the month. Setting mini goals is a great way to stay on track.

New people welcome! If you are just now discovering our thread and want to join in…Just post a introduction and let us know what your goals are. Are you completely new to MFP? Where are you in your journey?. Once you’ve introduced yourself, you’ll be a member of THE Team so come back regularly and check in. You don’t have to wait for someone to tell ya you are in. Just come join the discussion and Let us know how your day went… Did you log your food? Did you exercise? Did you drink your water? Have a problem? Here is the place to get advice, vent frustrations and get support and motivation from other teamies. We are all in this together!!!

Weigh In every Friday morning and post your progress. To keep it simple, for weigh in days… we make a list and add our names and stats to it. Just copy the info below into a new message post on the thread and add your info to it.


  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    YAY!! Welcome back to the ladies who were already members of the T.H.E. thread & to any new members who recently joined us.
    I'm still not that mobile, 5 weeks after my foot surgery but will be posting & trying to keep up with my T.H.E. friends as we start a new month.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Hey all.

    I'm finally feeling like this cough is going. phew. Vicki..i have the same problem which is why i've barely left the house the last few weeks if it's to go somewhere indoors. My cough hasn't been as bad outdoors. Must be the humidity thing i never even thought about that. I don't think of my house as being dry but i guess it must be compared to outside.

    The kids are on their school holidays right now so it's a bit challenging right now. They hate veg, pretty much all veg and the OH is very much similar. They are too young aswell to prepare there own foods and too young for me to chuck them out so i can do an exercise dvd either. Still only another 5 weeks to go *lol* We are going away the 19th to scotland for a few days. We will stay with vegitarians which you'd think would be healthy but as far as i can tell they only eat pizza and chips so i'm a bit concerned about that.
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Thank you for the new thread Cyndi!!

    Glad the cough is getting better Painten. Have fun in Scottland.

    Glad you are hanging in there Hawaiian. Keep visiting and letting us know your progress.
  • Just joined the forum and found this thread which looks great - I'd love to join THE!

    I have actually posted a thread just a few minutes ago as I'm feeling like I'm not getting very far very fast. I'm hoping to drop from 142 to about 130lbs after putting on a lot of exam-related weight during my finals!
  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
    Hi!! I'm so glad I found you all again. I've been looking for a while but there are so many threads its tough!
    I'm glad to see you are all still here and working on your goals! My goal for August is to be physically active for at least 35 minutes every day, whether that is running, walking, yoga, dancing, workouts...you name it!
    Do any of you have particular goals?
    I hope you are all having lovely summers!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    My big goal for this month is to log every single bite I take. Since I've been off for a while I need to re-develope that habit and plan my meals better in advance. Made my food log public so ya'll are welcome to kick me with the padded slipper if you see me not doing it. No more excuses on that one now that the iphone ap has a barcode scanner! its just too super simple to add stuff to my logs now if its prepackaged. Love that!

    Have had several things happen in our household over the past month that effected me and my focuses. Just getting my priorities straightened out....dealing with a lot of emotions and making some major decisions. Hubby and I took 2 weeks to go to Nevada and then he was gone again for another week once we got back. While we were gone, my son was visiting his dad and decided he wanted to go live with him (or I should say... his dad BRIBED him into coming to live with him). This effects me HUGELY, but he turned 18 yesterday, so there really isnt anything I can do about it. I cried and cried and then had to go clean out his room.... cried some more. Since hubby was gone, I got to deal with alot of this on my own so needless to say I spent all that nervous energy cleaning and organizing the house. Our vacation was good, but to come home and deal with this stuff....Lets just say I didnt make the best choices in the world in terms of eating. The only really healthy thing about being in Nevada for 2 weeks was that I got back into the habit of drinking a ton of water every day AND i walked a LOT.

    Now that things have settled a little bit, Im finding that I have more time to do what I need to do for myself. This has put me in a spot to re-evaluate a lot of things like... should I go back to school? find a job? or ? Still deciding on that one, but it looks like I may do both this coming fall, which means I want to make my eating and workouts a regular habit so hopefully Its not such a shock.

    233.2 was my weight as of yesterday morning. Will "Try Hard Everyday" this week and see what happens on friday!
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Hels_bells...welcome to the thread :) Are your finals over now?

    Emma...I have been thinking about goals. I don't know i'm worried that i'll not reach a goal and then that will demotivate me, but then i'm thinking i need something but have no idea what.
  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
    Vicky - I know what you mean, I always set goals for myself and they usually don't happen. It just makes me feel like giving up. So I've decided that instead of setting weight loss, or distance or strength goals, I'm setting timed goals. Like trying 3 new healthy recepies a week, or exerciseing (doesn't have to be intense) for at least thirty minutes everyday. I guess it is more like using goals to set up healthy habits. If I see that I can make time for the things I want to do, even while I'm working and my un scheduled time is more limited, then when I go back to school and have more time availability, it will be even easier to keep up with workouts and maybe step up their intensity. Plus its a pretty easy goal for me right now as I am house sitting and have to take her dog out twice a day. I'm finding I really love it and I can't wait to get back home and continue doing the same with my dogs.

    Cyndi - I'm so sorry about your son. I can't imagine how awfult and stresful that must be for you. I hope that settling back into healthy habits will make you feel better, more positive.

    hels_bells - finals week is brutal for weight gain, I totally feel you there. It also never helps me that exams are then usually followed by vacations, so it's like a month of exam and final paper stress and then a few weeks of "I deserve a break!" haha What are you studying? Are you working as well?
  • Hi! I'd LOVE to join!! My name is Laura, I'm 37 and live in HOT Texas :) I have 3 kiddo's (8, 7 and 9 months), full time job, part time student, wife, etc etc. Basically try to fit 30 hrs worth of "stuff" into a 24 hour period!

    I joined MFP July 11th and have lost 10 lbs since then :) I have 90 to go and am trying to stay positive about it!
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Welcome to the thread Laura, that's a great loss for a month.

    Emma...right now everything is completely unscheduled. I am seriously trying to make sure i do something several days a week. I'll be at uni full time in september and the kids will be back at school so hoepfully then i can get a routine going. I just hope that my timetable isn't too crazy.

    Cyndi...that must have been tough for you. I hope that your getting back on track will help you feel a bit better :)
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Welcome to the team Laura.... wow... full time work, 3 kids and school on top of it. I bet you are busy busy!! 10lbs is a great loss, especially for someone with so much on her plate! Keep it up and remember, we are here if ya need us!!

    Today I was under calorie goal, but did not have a good eating day. I ate way too much pizza for lunch as we had a surprise visit from friends heading to visit family during their return trip home from Algeria! Hadnt seen them in a good 3 years, so was awesome to have them here and meet their new little 20 month old son. Had pizza picnic outside cuz it was the easy thing to feed everyone on short notice.

    Sat down and planned out my meals for the next week. Picked fresh zucchini from the garden and then my oldest brought home some peaches from work! Also signed up for 2 different charity walks... first one is a 5K, the 2nd is a 10K.... gonna look into more tomorrow. :0)
  • Hi all!! Thanks for your welcome messages etc!!

    My finals ended in July, so I've been having that " I deserve a break" feeling for about a month! It was a nightmare as I do comfort eat through the stress of it all and also I was often too tired to cook meals so hubby and I would eat far too many takeaways etc :( anyway that was the past this us the present!!

    This week is going ok so far, tuesday was a gold star day as I walked the dog for 2 hours, gardened for at least two hours and rode my horse for a good two hours, plus was very good with my food! But yesterday was not so good ascearl start for a business trip to Scotland and we were on the road most of the day so no exercise and minimal opportunity for healthy eating also must food not labelled etc so diff to get it right in diary!

    Oh well, going to try v hard today and also hopefully that plus Tuesday's efforts will cancel out Wednesday's effects!!

    Vicky and Emma.. I know what you mean about goals i am always too scared to set them in case i fail and it demotivates me, but i learned from my studying to break things down into really small and easily achievable goals so that you simply cannot fail, then when you do complete them it gives you a big boost and helps you set a slightly more challenging goal for the next milestone!! If they arent realustic then i guess they won't work!!

    So now I have gone and talked myself into setting some goals!!! The weeks goal us 2x2hiur dog walks as ve already do e one of them but hadn't planned to do two!!

    Hope you all have really really positive days today!! Keep up the good work everyone!!
  • P.s. Please excuse my awful spelling!! I'm posting from my phone so it's a bit challenging doing large amounts of text!! :@)
  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
    Cyndi - garden fresh zucchini? I'm so jealous! Zucchini is one of my favorite vegetables. I think I've had it with dinner everyday this week! I planted some, but mine didn't really take this year, pity. Anyways, meal planning is awesome too. I've been trying to do it with my Mum all summer but it hasn't really worked out. I find it's just so much easier to control how I eat, when I know what I'm eating. I also LOVE cooking, so meal planning is a fun way to get excited about food. So good on ya! What kinds of meals did you plan? And do you plan all three meals? Or just dinner?

    Hi Laura! Welcome to T.H.E. We hope you check back often and let us know about your struggles and successes!

    hels_bells - I've been house sitting and I had to walk their dog twice a day, and I've found I really love it. I'm going to try and keep it up when I get back to my house and my own dogs. What kind of dog do you have?

    Well things have acutally been okay for me. I've been eating alot more than usual and while I've been house sitting I've also developped a wicked ice cream habit (so not good) but I've also been walking for like an hour everday and swimming everyday too (the house has a pool, what up!). So I think I'm sort of breaking even. I doubt I'll lose much weight, but I'm also going away on vacation for a week starting saturday, so its probably best if I don't lose like 5 pounds and then just gain it back the next week. That is no good for my self esteem. It just sort of kills me.
    Anyways, I'll enjoy my week, try not to get too out of hand and then buckle down alittle once I get back. My sister and I have been talking about signing up for a 5K. We both sort of start running programs and then lose our motivation. So I'm sort of getting excited about that. I realized a little while ago that I put so much focus on losing weight when I try to lose weight that I think I don't work enough on setting habits that will actually help me lose weight. I was so active when I was little (I danced 15-20 hours a week) that food and binge eating really was my program. But now that I don't dance, I feel like if I focus really hard on being as active as possible, then I can relax alittle bit on the obsessive calorie counting. I think maybe I'll be more successful that way. And more importantly, I'll be happier
  • Welcome to the thread Laura, hope you find this thread as helpful as I have, since I started using the message birds(earlier the week!!) I feel so much better and more positive about things!!

    Emma.. I know dog walking is a great thing! I walk mine too our local fruit and veg store once a week it's about a 90 mins to two hour walk but is lovely at this time of year!! We have a sheep dog! We're in the UK so that's a traditional black and White collie dog ( rather than an old English!!). she was a rescue dog but is a little angel - I wish I had her discipline when it comes to food and exercise, she's amazing, if she doesn't go out and work or exercise she just doesn't seem interested in food! I so wish I was like that!!

    So yesterday was quite a good day I was pretty busy so didn't think about snacking much! I am so glad I changed my goal from 2 to 1lb loss per week. It's upped my calories to 1347 and the extra 147cals has made such a difference!! I can cope so much better and don't feel like I'm failing or starving all the time! Plus I was down 1lb on my weigh in yesterday which has made my week!! Off to yogalates class this morning which is a great class then another dressage training session on my horse this afternoon so plenty of activity planned :@)

    Hope you all have strong, healthy, happy, successful days!! :)
  • :)
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals!!!!

    WooooHooooo,look at all the new activity! So glad to have new members. I love the freshness you all bring. And thank you Cyndi for starting the new thread. I see you on FB riding your MC/s with your "gang". Good for you. And your LV trip sounded like a blast!

    Goals. Hmmmm that's a deep discussion. I did so very well after the first of the year, then BANG, I fell off the cookie wagon. I hoped to lose 30 pounds by August (remember that challenge?) but couldn't get below 220...sorta gave up and gained five. ARRRGGGGHHHHH! Nobody to blame but me.

    SO...my GOAL...NO cookies for a month. REALLY! Chips Ahoy...walk the plank! Oreos...you are dunked. I've done it before...I can do it again.

    EMMA...so nice to "see" you again! Hels-bells, glad to meet you. Your name was my grandmother's favourite phrase (always knew she'd been in the bourbon when that phrase popped out). I so loved her!

    So much more to say...but time to get. Another goal....log on MFP every day.

    Happy Losing...*Ü*...Vicki
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    I'm thinking of giving up my friday Zumba class. I'll do next friday then the center is closed for a month anyway so i'll get to see if i really miss it. Ever since i've started my knee has been a bit dodgy but it's a great calorie burn so i've kept up with it and sometimes it's fun :/ The last few weeks though we are doing less and less, she starts late and then has to stop to faff with this and that we are lucky if we do 50 minutes of and hour class. I know it seems petty but i pay for 60 minutes, i want 60 minutes, bearing in mind after each number we all stop for a quick swig of water i'm including them little swig breaks int he 50 minutes. The week before last she seemed to forget all her routines and spent at least 10 minutes standing there scratching her head *lol* She also seems to be obbsessed with the twisty moves and last night pretty much every number had a twisty bit in and my knee is sore this morning.

    It is the only class at the community center so if i stop it then i'm back to just dvd's in the living room.

    Goal for the rest of the month to do intentional exercise at least 4 days a week every week for the rest of the month. Even with my going away i should still manage that.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Egam... yes I have so much zucchini and yellow squash this year its crazy! and they are growing fast!! I planted a lot of it because last year a few of my plants died, but this year they all made it and are going crazy. What started out as little seedling plants in mid june turned into 8 giant producing plants by the time we returned from vegas as I have been picking every day. I have 7 big ones I intend to make zucchini bread out of and freeze. For the meals, I plan them all. 3 meals and 2 snacks. Just easier for me to grocery shop also when I plan ahead as it saves me time and money trying to figure out what to make.

    Vik.... Im pretty much trying to get in as much riding as possible before it gets cold and nasty but this week was just humid and sticky so I really only rode on Tuesday. My arms have firmed up a lot from all the twisty cornering. I need longer rides now to feel it in my abs like I used to. I used to feel it every time I rode, but I've gotten used to it, so unless I go more than 200 miles on it, I don't feel like Im getting the workout I did before.. LOL grrrrrrrrr!

    Taking my youngest and a couple of her friends camping at the coast tomorrow for her birthday. Just the girls!! So excited!! I have packed up healthy foods Like fruit, trail mix, chicken fajita grill packs, Baked potato makins, peanut butter/jelly and whole grain bread for sammies, and more....The only sweets Im bringin is stuff to make smores cuz... ya just cant go camping without those!! :smooched:
    We will be back on Tuesday evening, so you wont be hearing from me again until then. Again, meals are planned out and I intend to fully take advantage of the beach for my walks!!

    Completely forgot to log yesterday but had a great eating day. Even the scale says I am behaving and showed I was down to 228.8 which is a 4.4lb difference from last weekend. I know most of it was water weight but still nice to see it change dramatically for the GOOD!:love:
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    2011 has NOT been a good year for me!!!
    My grandmother (92) passed away on February 4th
    I had surgery on June 24th & am unable to exercise the way I want to
    My Father In Law passed away 30 minutes after I got home from my surgery on the 24th of June/
    My other grandmother (94) passed away on July 21st. Her funeral was a week later & I rolled up (in my wheel chair) to the podium to reflect on my memories of her & cried the entire time.
    A few days after my grandmother's funeral, I lost my great-uncle (80's) to a heart attack while he was exercising on his treadmill.
    I hope to make the remainder of 2011 a better one, as soon as I am back on my feet again. :grumble:
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    Checking in. Out of town for the week with nothing near me but a Sub Way/Mini Mart.

    Time for bed.

    Happy Losing...*Ü*...Vicki

    PS--hang in there Dreamer. We all here for you...your health is important.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Checking in..Weighed this morning as i no doubt will miss again tomorrow due to not being able to weigh. I think i've got to get a proper scale as i weigh on the wii fit board. The problem is no only am i worried that i'll not be able to stop hopping on it all the time like so many on here seem to do but i also don't really have anywhere to store it between weigh ins.

    Lost 4lb since last weigh in, was that last week or the week before? I was a bit suprised as i havent' seen that kind of number for a while. I am too addicted to sugar. I really need to stop but i can't seem to go a day without a cake or some chocolate. When i get back from scotland i'll make that a goal.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Ok, things have slowed down.... somewhat here. Finally had a chance to get in here and check in.

    Took my daughter and 3 of her friends camping for her birthday. Fun times!!! Ate healthy... mostly fruits and veggies, grilled chicken and fresh crab cakes, walked lots, ate smores, had lots of water and spend an entire day on the beach reading a book. Does it get more relaxing?? I think not! Heard several people tell me Im crazy insane brave for going camping with 4 teenage girls but it was a blast! Will definitely make it a yearly ritual!

    Have also finally got school figured out and will be registering to go back for fall. I can't register until the 25th, but found out that I'm about 1/2 done with the required credits I need to complete my AA Transfer degree. I do have to take health and PE still, so Im taking advantage of that to keep me in check when I start back in a month.

    Good eating for me lately but I am not logging here on MFP. I have a journal that I write everything down in. The body bug is on the charger and Im gonna start using that tomorrow. No further loss as of yet, even though my eating is much better. Im starting the 30 day shred in the AM... so Im sure you'll all get the privelege of listening to me wine about how sore I am. :laugh: Anyone else have this program and if so... how did ya like it?
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    Back from training in Olympia Friday night and took off for vacation Saturday morning at Lk Chelan! VERY relaxing week. Took a day and went to Wenatchee (the BIG city in our neck of the woods) to do some "foundation" shopping. Gad underwear is expensive! Needed them though (uppers and lowers)...I was afraid to get in an accident with the tattered stuff in my top drawer.

    So eating the c-wrap from training took a toll on the scale...but quickly dropped it over vacation. Now just need to loose the 3+ pound I've gained since my lowest from MFP.

    First day back at the Department in over two weeks....can't WAIT to see what the officers have left on my desk...Ü

    Chat with ya later....I hope!

    Happy losing...Vicki...Ü
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    My husband has decided to Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boop us to Disneyland for the weekend of the 16th. Our son will be there (with his girlfriend) & we're going to call his cellphone, ask him what ride he is on & wait for him at the end of the ride to surprise him.
    Now I know that I will not be walking by that time, which means I get to rent an ECV(Electric Convenience Vehicles - aka electronic wheelchair) & get bumped to the front of all lines because I will come in through the exits. :tongue: Hey there has to be a little justice on my behalf after everything I've gone thru. :wink:
    We are also planning to spend our 20th wedding anniversary in Hawaii next June visiting the Big Island & Maui. So, once I am able to start walking again - look out. I will be making up for lost time when it comes to exercising & losing the pounds I've gained so I don't look like a beached whale.
    Since I am unable to do much around the house, I have spent the days working on a travel booklet for our 2012 vacation. I actually do this for every family vacation that we have taken & they have come in handy.
    I go back to the doctor on the 29th & am hoping he will tell me that I can start physical therapy & start putting some weight on this foot. I know that I still have a long road ahead of me, but the sooner I start the better. So, soon I hope to be able to report (again) the exercise that I have done & the pounds that I have lost. :happy:
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    WooHoo Dreamer!

    Disneyland...then Hawaii! I want to vacation with you! My little ol' vacation was 50 miles down the road, in a crowded RV park with friends (the best part). We got married on Maui...almost 36 years ago. I would LOVE to go back one more time.

    What is "skateboarding"?

    Gotta get ready for work....chat later! Keep up the good attitude!

  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    Determined to make my life better, determined to keep fighting when there seems to be no fight left, to cry when I need to, to laugh as I can, to love always I took my first couple of steps today with no assistance - so things are looking up!!!!
    I guess I spoke too soon!!! 2 months after my surgery, while putting my brace on tonight, my husband finds another staple that was left in my heel & has to pull it out!!! So that makes a total of 61 staples removed from my foot. I'm so tempted to call the doctor in the moring & say "you missed one" & just might.
    1st physical therapy appointment today. I burned 149 calories doing 11 minutes of "Stationary bike" because he put me on there & forgot about me.My foot didn't really start aching until about 7 minutes into it - but like the Energizer bunny, I kept going & going & going because it felt SO good to exercise again. I have graduated to a walker now & am able to put a little bit of weight on my foot. I will be returning the scooter to the place we rented it from on Wednesday - YAY!!! My physical therapist wants me to continue using the walker for another week & then will teach me how to use a cane. Can you say PROGRESS?
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    *Ü*...I'm here and cheering you on!
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    Operation Weight Loss has begun (again) for me. I've lost 1 lost pound since my last weigh-in on the 28th. I'M BACK!!! Motivated & ready to drop these pounds. :happy: My ticker below shows no weight loss because I am not lower than what I was when I started MFP.
    I only wish I was allowed to burn calories by walking around Disneyland this weekend, but my p/t says NO WAY & has confined me to a ECV (Electric Convenience Vehicle) while we are at the parks. Oh well, at least I'll get to the front of the lines for all the rides, due to my ECV. :tongue:
This discussion has been closed.