

  • They taste a little sweeter than cabbage. I absolutely love them roasted or stir fried in ginger, garlic and soy. I also cut them in half before cooking them It might be a mental thing, but they taste better that way. I also don't cook them until their mushy, I keep them a little al dente as the flavor is slightly better.
  • Try the couch to 5k http://www.c25k.com/ If you have a running room or any specialty running store near you, they also have beginners programs.
  • If you haven't already done so, add it to your food tracker. It's crazy how much sodium is in our diet. I don't add salt to my food, but still am over 2500mg on most days. My advice: stay away from pre-packaged/processed foods, drink a lot of water (most days I drink about 12-16 glasses).
  • Roll out your IT band on your foam roller a few times a day. I have to do this and I haven't been running for months because of an injury. It still hurts like a b**** everytime I roll, but it helps a lot. Outside of that, if you can't do anything on your own, I would strongly recommend seeing a physiotherapist. They will…
  • I used to have one diet coke/diet pepsi or coke zero a day back in 2006, then I cut back to a couple a week, then a couple a month and then a couple a year. I don't like to drink my calories (unless we're talking about wine and that's a WHOLE other story), so I don't drink the sugar stuff, and now when I have the diet…
  • A salad of some kind an a lean protein (chicken breast, salmon, tuna) I find is filling and doesn't make me sleepy in the afternoon. Sometimes I do lettuce wraps - sometimes I make the PF Chang's ones http://www.food.com/recipe/p-f-changs-chicken-lettuce-wraps-15865 or I make my own with some rice vermicelli noodles,…
  • I shop the perimeter of the store mostly, which has the fresh items: produce, meat, bakery (though I don't stop there often), dairy. Produce staples: lettuce (all kinds, romaine, green leaf, spring mix, baby romaine, spinach - I mix it up weekly) carrots mushrooms onions tomatoes (roma for cooking, hot house/field, grape)…
  • Same here. I can't eat anything deep fried anymore.
  • I've done the PF Chang's lettuce wraps. I absolutely LOVE it with peanut sauce. I also make lettuce wraps with vermicelli rice noodles, prawns, green onions, cilantro, red pepper and cucumber mixed with thai chili sauce. Super yummy. I do chicken salad with chicken, grapes, green onion and a curry mayo (I don't like greek…
  • I use boneless skinless chicken breasts, top with some tomato sauce and italian spices and a little bit of either parmesan cheese or the kraft italian blend cheese. Put each chicken breast in it's own tinfoil dome and bake at 400 for about 25-40 mins depending on how large/small the chicken breasts are. It's simple and…
  • Some of these look really good. I'm craving Chinese and I'm doing some up this weekend. Fried Rice is something I make pretty regularly. ~3 c. Rice (white or brown), cooked 1/2 medium red pepper minced 3 green onions sliced 1/2 c mushrooms minced 1 egg, Beaten 2 tbsp oyster sauce (golden dragon is the best) 1 tsp soy sauce…
  • Lettuce and tomato. I put cumin in my turkey burgers, which makes them flavorful.
  • BBQ salmon, stir fried mushrooms, peppers and zucchini and salad.
  • Oh gosh these look good. Thanks for posting!
  • I usually have carbs before a workout, so maybe a banana and a bit of peanut butter, or oatmeal with some nuts and fruit mixed in. After, I will have protein like an egg and a piece of toast. I try to keep both mini meals around 200-250 calories. It's something I'm experimenting with at the moment as well.
  • I'm not sure where you live or what kind of selection of fruit and veggies are available to you, but I highly recommend experimenting. Berries are low sugar and filling. I snack on fresh blueberries or put them in my oatmeal and yogurt. Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries. Really versatile. Pineapple is so yummy. Try…
  • Same here. And I buy full fat cheese since it melts better and has less sugar.
  • I am in the same boat. I can't believe how much sodium I consume and I don't eat a lot of processed foods nor do I add salt to recipes. Here are some things I'm trying to do: Eat foods more natural to the orginial source (sautée real tomatoes instead of buying canned) Buying salt free or reduced sodium where I can Make my…
  • All 150-200 calories Apple with peanut butter or a slice of cheese (old cheddar is the best, or Swiss) Raw almonds with A piece of fruit like a small banana, kiwi or half an orange Laughing cow cheese (2 triangles) with rice crackers (10 crackers are 80 calories) Fresh blueberries and a fat free yogurt (100g) Homemade…
  • You can use quinoa in any recipe to replace rice. I made stuffed zucchini with it, stuffed peppers. I have it for breakfast where I add some cinnamon and apple chunks in when I'm cooking it. Super filling and quite tasty that way. I also made a few salads with it- there's a recipe on the bag of quinoa that you can purchase…
  • white fish- cod, halibut, tilapia. Tuna (fresh or packed in water).
  • Absolutely! If all you eat is crap, but stay within your calories, guaranteed you won't lose or be healthy. Garbage in, garbage out comes to mind.
  • With half & half. But I'm going to try to get it with just a touch of milk this year. I used to use sugar, then splenda. Cut out the splenda last year and can't STAND it sweet anymore.
  • I never eat them. They are too processed and their sodium content is crazy high. Is it not possible to make healthy things for your kids that will work for you, or even that you could add spinach to?
  • I don't know what kinds of sugars you are eating. But, if you are getting most of those sugars from fruit or natural sources I wouldn't worry too much about it. I do find that the figures MFP automatically inserts are incorrect and you need to do a little research on what you should be having for your body.
  • As mentioned, the artificial sweetener doesn't impact some people. For me, it makes me crave more sweets. There are many studies about this. I used to drink 1 or more diet coke a day. In 2006 I stopped, and switched to club soda. I may have the odd diet ginger ale but I find I want something sweet hours after I have it. So…
  • Turkey burgers 1lb ground turkey 1 egg 1/2 tsp cumin 1 tbsp BBQ sauce 1/2 tsp pepper 2 cloves garlic, minced 1/2 medium onion, grated 1/2 c oats ( or bread crumbs) Mix all ingredient together, may need a little extra oats or bread crumbs if mixture it too liquid to form burgers. Form into patties ( should make about 6). If…
  • It's entirely doable. I would stick to whole foods as much as possible. Just watch if you start replacing the wheat products with GF ones. The GF ones tend to be higher in calories, carbs and sometimes fat. I tried it after reading Wheat Belly. It was difficult (note, I'm not a vegetarian) but it did make me more conscious…
  • cheese tortellini with chicken breast fillets, sauteed mushrooms, tomatoes, zucchini and spinach in a tomato sauce.
  • Gluten free foods are actually higher in calories.
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