Favorite "Go To" Snacks



  • Ultragirl2374
    Ultragirl2374 Posts: 390 Member
    The other day I actually snacked on Brussel sprouts. I was popping them into my mouth like they were candy! What is happening to me??!!??!!??!!!!
  • pixish
    pixish Posts: 79 Member
    Air popped popcorn is one of mine :) I usually pack it for lunch in a bag or container - you can have about 3 cups for under 100 calories if you wanted but I tend to stick to around 2ish :) I do a batch up and keep it in a sealed container and just take from that for when I need my snacks. When you open the container, you can smell popcorn and I think it helps with the general satisfaction!

    Otherwise, most of my go-to meals and snacks are pre-packaged, because I don't have scales and I'm time-poor :p Things like cheese sticks, babybel cheeses, those yoghurts in the squeezie packets are great and I include them in my meal plans frequently! There are also these 'Lo-Carb' bars that come in flavours and are 100 calories, so sometimes I'll buy one or two for a treat during the week :)

    - Cup-a-soups are great, I have a couple that are only around 50 calories. If I have too many in a row though I sort of lose my stomach for them so I only have them every once in a while now. If I have a salad, I usually try to have a soup as well to help fill me up :) (Plus, water intake!)

    - I keep jars of salsa in my cupboard sometimes, and I'll use half a jar on some frozen vegetables for lunch. It's pretty good with broccoli :D

    - Vita Weats are another one - about 4 crispbread biscuits for around 100 calories. I usually pack cucumber, tomato or bread & butter cucumbers (pickles) to have on them as they are all really insignificant in calories.

    Also, I just found out that watermelon is really low in calories! So are strawberries, but they are expensive here at the moment. I cut them up and freeze them as soon as I get them home, because sometimes the ones in the punnets tend to get moldy or squished if you leave them too long. :)
  • cld111
    cld111 Posts: 300 Member
    I like a cheese stick for something really quick.

    A hardboiled egg with a sprinkle of coarse salt.

    A couple of pieces of dark chocolate or hershey's kisses.

    A smoothie.

    Or, one of my new faves, Greek yogurt with a drizzle of honey. Sooooo good!
  • ericaknight95
    ericaknight95 Posts: 127 Member
    Greek yogurt.
    An apple with almond butter.
    Sargento cheddar cheese sticks.
    Baby carrots.
  • pixish
    pixish Posts: 79 Member
    I like a cheese stick for something really quick.

    A hardboiled egg with a sprinkle of coarse salt.

    A couple of pieces of dark chocolate or hershey's kisses.

    A smoothie.

    Or, one of my new faves, Greek yogurt with a drizzle of honey. Sooooo good!

    I forgot about boiled eggs! They're great, and keep those hunger pangs away for a long time :) I feel like I do better throughout the day if I start my day with eggs!
  • bgtorres
    bgtorres Posts: 186 Member
    I have several here they go....
    *Vanilla or Plain Greek yogurt with granola and a tsp of honey
    *Kashi trail mix bar
    *2 apples cut into several pieces w/ 1 tbsp of PB or AB
    * Caramel mini rice cakes
    *Lightly salted rice cakes with PB and raisins
    *pineapple and mango with cottage cheeese
    *mixed fruit cup (strawberries, apples, grapes, cantaloupe)
    *special k chips
    *stacys pita chips w/ hummus
    *baby carrots w/ hummus
    *banana or
    *Chobani any flavored yogurt

    I vary my snacks each day, but it usually from the list given, I hope this helps:)
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Salty - Breton Minis Garden Vegetable crackers & old white cheddar = 220 cals
    Sweet - Nescafe Ice Java Cappuccino & 2% milk & ice = 155 cals

    The key for me is finding snacks that leave me feeling like I've had something substantial...something a little naughty that doesn't do much damage. I agree, too, having these to look forward to helps make this whole thing doable.

  • friendlybanana
    Almonds or pistachios - #1 go to snack food for me
    Cut, mixed fruit
    CLIFF bar - only if I'm really jonesin for a candy bar
    V8 Fusion drink
  • MileHighTexan
    MileHighTexan Posts: 29 Member
    I only just discovered laughing cow light cheese wedges and I'm so glad they are in my life now!
  • LdyPsych
    LdyPsych Posts: 79 Member
    The other day I actually snacked on Brussel sprouts. I was popping them into my mouth like they were candy! What is happening to me??!!??!!??!!!!

    Ok, you have officially lost your young mind :noway: :laugh: truthfully, I wish I had that kind of insanity!
  • helenbeee
    helenbeee Posts: 130 Member
    half a cup of frozen blueberries eaten one by one (natures answer to lollies!)

    banana icecream (frozen banana pieces whipped in a blender its like softserve)

    2 tablespoons of low fat taramasalata (caviar dip) with carrot sticks

    homemade bran, banana and blueberry muffin (100 Calories)

    These ensure that I dont go over my limit and that I dont feel like Im deprived.

  • shannyo
    shannyo Posts: 16 Member
    carrots and hummus
    cottage cheese with cucumbers and tomatoes and a little dill
    apple and peanut butter
  • mhorn2142
    mhorn2142 Posts: 319 Member
    Healthy Choice frozen yogurt (vanilla) with melted sugar free cherry preserves
    Lots of fruit esp. oranges and cantaloupe and grapes
    Plain greek yogurt mixed with sugar free preserves- peach and cherry are my favorites
  • helenbeee
    helenbeee Posts: 130 Member
    youve just discovered that brussel sprouts are delicious because they are!!!!!

  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    30 grams of dried cranberries and roasted almonds - to die for.

    Frozen mixed berries and low fat Greek yoghurt.

    Nutella (one tablespoon, never more).

  • shantae1125
    I have a serious addiction to home made sweet potato chips. I cut a sweet pot. really thin, lay them on a baking sheet, and lightly coat with coconut oil. Add a little salt and its just like eating chips!!!!

    I also make my own low fat, 0 sugar icecream ** AMAZING**

    But when i dont have time to make anything, i'll sick to low fat cottage cheese with berries, or sugar free pudding
  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    Anything insanely spicy--spicy hummus, spicy chickpeas, chipotle anything. I can't eat much of whatever it is, and it takes me longer, so I realize I'm full, takes me longer to eat, and is suuuuuuper yummy ^-^
  • rluedtke
    All 150-200 calories

    Apple with peanut butter or a slice of cheese (old cheddar is the best, or Swiss)
    Raw almonds with A piece of fruit like a small banana, kiwi or half an orange
    Laughing cow cheese (2 triangles) with rice crackers (10 crackers are 80 calories)
    Fresh blueberries and a fat free yogurt (100g)
    Homemade banana muffins or any other type of homemade muffin.
    Veggies and calorie-wise ranch dip
  • trishwitch
    anyone try frozen grapes in the summertime? They are great and you can't eat them really fast so it takes a long time to eat them which makes you feel more full by the time you get done.

    I also like Quaker chewy 25%less sugar chocolate peanut butter bars.
    or Kashi cherry dark chocolate bars are also yummy
  • twinkiemon
    twinkiemon Posts: 216 Member
    Love the popcorn. I don't use the packaged stuff, Alton Brown taught me a neat trick that you can use regular popcorn, a brown paper bag, and staples. If you've got a microwave, you can get popcorn. I can pre-measure it at home and put it in my bag for my snack at work. Coworkers happily filtch from me then.

    I use that recipe too - I love Good Eats! :)

    Other go-to snacks are mixed nuts - I keep a container in my locker at work. I also like baby carrots with hummus.