Pre- and Post-Workout Breakfast?

I am not sure what to do in terms of a meal because of a new exercise class I'm joining. The class begins at 9 AM, an hour long, and is a water aerobics class. I DO need to eat something before the workout so I don't pass out. But what should I eat and how much? What about after the class? Should I eat another "half" or portion of my breakfast on the days this class is held?

I'd greatly appreciate any advice and suggestions! Thanks!

(I'm reposting this as I put it on the wrong board originally.)


  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    I eat before I exercise--if I have the time, I'll have a slice of whole-grain toast with peanut butter half an hour to an hour before I run or go to exercise class. If I'm in a hurry, a banana will usually do--it's easy enough on the stomach that I can grab one on the way out the door.

    As to afterwards--a piece of fruit or a yogurt will probably get you to lunch. If you burn a lot of calories, you might feel better with a glass of chocolate milk--it's got the recommended ratio of carbs to protein for a recovery drink and is way cheaper than something like Endurox. Enjoy the class!
  • rluedtke
    I usually have carbs before a workout, so maybe a banana and a bit of peanut butter, or oatmeal with some nuts and fruit mixed in.

    After, I will have protein like an egg and a piece of toast.

    I try to keep both mini meals around 200-250 calories.

    It's something I'm experimenting with at the moment as well.