soda-yay or nay



  • rluedtke
    I used to have one diet coke/diet pepsi or coke zero a day back in 2006, then I cut back to a couple a week, then a couple a month and then a couple a year. I don't like to drink my calories (unless we're talking about wine and that's a WHOLE other story), so I don't drink the sugar stuff, and now when I have the diet stuff I crave sweets after I have it. So I don't have it anymore.

    I drink perrier, san pellegrino or club soda with a lemon or lime wedge. It satisfies my "wanting something fizzy to drink" crave without the cravings or calories.

    I had a sip of coke zero the other day and found it so sweet. Funny how tastes change.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Just wondering what peoples general thoughts on soda were? I used to drink dr. pepper like it was job. Haven't had one in about 3 weeks and have an occasional diet pepsi now instead (1-2 per week)
    what are your thoughts? is even 1-2 too much? or does it not matter. i've seen a lot of conflicting answers on a google search.

    I stopped drinking soda when I lost weight. There was no particular reason - I think it was a form of penance, to be frank.

    Soda may have a caffeine and, even though it's in limited amounts, it's a stimulant and it can rev your HR a bit for a little while. I've been using caffeine for about 4 decades now and I stopped for a few days a couple of months ago. When I had a cup of coffee, I could feel my HR go up. No biggie.

    In so far as it being bad for you, I haven't seen a valid study that concludes that, for the general population, soda does not pose a risk. With 6 billion people on Earth, someone, somewhere is gonna get hurt by anything but soda's not very high on the list.

    Some folks are into Dr. Oz and if that's your mindset, there's a lot of evil stuff out there.

    My interest in Dr. Oz lasted about a paragraph and I felt cheated, at that. I'm the type.

    You're already improving your quality of life by losing weight and, perhaps, adding years…enjoyable years to your life. Go live it.
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    Yay in moderation! Don't drink 5 liters a day for sure, lol. one can a day would even be ok with me, personally I go on and off of it. Sometimes going a month without, then i might have 4-5 in a couple weeks. Then i go a few weeks without again..Love diet dr pepper!

    I wanted to add that I think it depends on the person and how it affects you. When I drink diet soda it doesn't make me hungry or crave anything, actually it helps me keep from craving because I feel like I'm treating myself.
  • skinnybitchbarbie27
    I don't drink but maybe 16oz of diet in a month if I want to splurge and have a glass of diet coke with a meal when I am out. Normally I get iced tea and here in Oregon it is brought to the table unsweetened, just the way I like it.

    I used to drink 64oz+ A DAY. Let me repeat. A DAY. Ever since I quit cold turkey in April 2011 my bloating has gone away completely. I don't have kidney pain. I don't feel like I NEED it anymore which is good. It was an addiction and I am glad it is out of my life.

    In my studies I haven't found one report that shows soda even in moderation does anything good for your body. Does this mean to cut it out completely, It is a personal choice and I choose to nix it all together. Even people who had less than 2 cans a week of diet in certain studies have shown to have negative effects in the long term with results that are related to other soda based studies.

    (I am in school to be a dietitian so please understand I am not trying to be a cocky MFP user, just a helpful one)
  • Cordy1228
    Cordy1228 Posts: 245 Member
    I love soda, and I drink it when I really want it.

    I love regular Coke/Pepsi best of all, but I will also drink diet if the mood strikes.

    I particularly love regular full-sugar ginger ale. I know it's not, like, healthy like a spinach smoothie, but the happiness it brings me when I REALLY feel like having it is totally worth it.

    I used to drink a lot more soda than I do now - I replaced it with vanilla flavored seltzer, which makes me just as happy most of the time. But not all of the time.
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    I only drink diet sodas after the regular varieties did a fairly comprehensive job of trashing my teeth in my mid to late teens. I have never been into several cans per day, and currently get through about a litre a week. Everything in moderation!
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    I quit it in 2010. Don't miss it...or the 100+ I've lost since then. :)
  • shrinkingjackie
    nay...I never drink soda....but I do have a kombucha addiction....
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    I don't drink soda, but what you drink is your business. No need to get okayys from strangers on the internet. Drink what you like. :)
  • ChangingTami
    ChangingTami Posts: 109 Member
    Nay, I stopped drinking soda about four years ago, to many chemicals added to them. I now drink tons of water, plain or with fruit added, or unsweetened tea.
  • babycrisci
    If you're going to drink soda it is best to drink regular. Our bodies know how to process sugar, but they do not know how to process chemicals. The fake sugars in diet drinks actually increase our you usually end up eating more. So for people trying to lose weight this may be counter productive.
    Yet if you can control your cravings a diet drink every once in a while probably isn't too terrible for you
  • pawsnpurrs
    i got hooked on diet coke when i worked retail 1/2 hour for lunch slam down a diet coke and some aspirin did that for years I am now learning to wean myself off diet dr pepper dark colas that give me kidney stones and the salt is too much for my DVT so i am switching to ice tea or lemon lime tonic water that is sugar free for diabetics..if you like it drink l a day just drink more h20 around it.. and yes restaurant water taste like something that ran down the walls on a cruise ship yuck..
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    I've never been a huge soda drinker (I find it too sweet) and now that I know how *terrible* it is for you, I want it even less. My calories are precious and there are just far too many empty calories in soda for it to be worth it for me. I'll make room for a cookie, but not soda.
  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    I gave soda up completely (diet or reg) back in June of last year, I haven't had a drop of it, lost my first 10 lbs by not drinking it either :)
  • c_faulkenburg
    c_faulkenburg Posts: 158 Member
    Quit soda on December 28 and haven't looked back.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I drink diet Dr. Pepper and diet root beer daily. It satisfies my sweet tooth without adding any calories and I've never read a single study that showed that diet soda was bad for the average person. (Some people have an intolerance to an ingredient.)
  • xiofett
    xiofett Posts: 138 Member
    As a few others have mentioned here, if done in moderation and it fits in your calorie limits, go for it. I used to drink a ton of soda (mainly Mt Dew, the lifeblood of every IT guy I know), but have seriously cut back over the last couple of years. I'll have one every now and then, but for the most part I drink tea and water.

    When I do buy soda for the house I get the stuff sweetened with real sugar. Not HFCS, no nasty tasting artificial stuff. And yes, the taste is my problem with diet drinks. Can't stand the taste of aspartame or sucralose.
    NVREST Posts: 94
    I drink diet soda moderately... I don't worry about whatever else anyone says...
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    soda = yay

    soda + rum = woohoo
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    nay....i don't need to explain why