

  • Rice expands in the stomach...perhaps contributing to bloating...try wild rice
  • Hmmm....In my early 20's and after first kid I weighed a lot....i got pregnant with second kid and had gall stones so i had to eat low fat for the entire pregnancy. I lost 90 pounds that year...and never missed a period. It is not uncommon though, because hormones are fluctuating with weight loss. Low dose BC pill of…
  • I am a sugar fiend, So giving up on sugar and starch.....big change.
  • Salad, i bought a container with a built in ice pack so the lettuce doesn't wither. I like buying slamon burgers and cooking them and breaking it up and putting it on baby spinache with fetta cheese....six grams of fat plus a balsamic dressing...Sometimes I will bring lean pockets.....canned soup........slim fast that i…
  • Eat high protein snacks.....100 calorie pack almonds flavored with cocoa are good....cheese stick, (reduced fat) Chiobani yogurt, hard boiled egg, fiber one bar.......good luck on the weigh in...
  • Slim fast is good for being on the go. I freeze mine, open the can with a can opener and eat it like ice cream. It makes me feel like I am being naughty. Special K protein drinks are also good,.....However, be aware there are lots of sugars in these meal replacements and although one poster said it doesn't train you to be…
  • Weight watchers smart ones breakfast egg muffin.....good idea...bowl of sugar free maple oatmeal with blue berries.....get the kind high in fiber...fiber is a filler.......and satiates hunger. Go outside the i am eating a garden burger for breakfast.....have a fiber one bar with a hard boiled egg...all…
  • Backwards logic. I have heard that cutting calories down by 500 will aid in weight loss....however if you ARE exercising your body will need more fuel. Eat the 1200 cals or even 1500 depending on the exercise and relax. If you dont feel like working out...then simply cut 500 from your diet...?
  • Eat more fiber, like a fiber one bar, definately more protein, I eat string cheese or a hard boiled egg when I feel hungry. Another trick my cardiologist recommended and this helps with elevated cholesterol too, Buy cilium husk (metamucil) mix it with water or juice (i like milk makes it like a creamsicle) about 30 minutes…
  • I am with ya, was told I am pre-diabetic. Also high cholesterol, BP, the whole works....So Here I have come, for support and refuge...