Hi, 10 days in and I'm starving. Any tips please?


This is my first post as I've been mostly using the Android app. So far in the last 10 days I've managed to shed 3.2kg by sticking (almost) to the 1200 calories a day regime. I've also bought myself an exercise bike and rowing machine so that's actually doing some good too.

My problem is I'm constantly feeling hungry and carrots and apples as snacks just ain't working to stave off the hunger pangs. I've also tried eating Riveta and such things and drinking water, all to no avail. Does anybody have any tips I can use that will stop me feeling like I need a large Donor kebab and chips?

Thanks in advance



  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member

    This is my first post as I've been mostly using the Android app. So far in the last 10 days I've managed to shed 3.2kg by sticking (almost) to the 1200 calories a day regime. I've also bought myself an exercise bike and rowing machine so that's actually doing some good too.

    My problem is I'm constantly feeling hungry and carrots and apples as snacks just ain't working to stave off the hunger pangs. I've also tried eating Riveta and such things and drinking water, all to no avail. Does anybody have any tips I can use that will stop me feeling like I need a large Donor kebab and chips?

    Thanks in advance


    That's one of the reasons why I always have two eggs, usually in an omelette for breakfast, it seems to fill me up until the next meal, or at least make it bearable.

    Did you input 1200 calories or did MFP calculate your daily calories that way?
  • You're not eating enough. Period.

    Without knowing more about you there's no way to make a worth while recommendation but you're starving for a reason. And if you add exercise to it you'll probably stop losing weight at 1200 cals/ day
  • Hiya! Congrats on the 3.2 kg lost, I'm stuck again after Christmas...gained a few kilos which felt pretty bad, but hey, just gotta get back into my routines again!

    If you like cottage cheese, try putting it on whole grain bread/biscuits? Try the low-fat version. I do that sometimes when I feel like I might just pig out on candy or something else that's easy to get my hands on - and easy to over-indulge on... Other than that, water of course is great. Fruits in general fill me up, but apparently that's not working for you. :/ I have some capsules that swell up in my stomach when I take them with a glass of water, but I'm not sure what they're called outside of Sweden... They're called Allevo Fiber+ here anyway.

    Good luck!
  • _itsB_
    _itsB_ Posts: 44 Member
    I've the same problem! The only thing that works for me is to load up on protein (it makes you feel full!), like say a small tin of tuna, with a teaspoon of lighter than light mayonnaise, chopped tomato and onion. That's a lot of eating and will tie you over until your next meal, also, hard boiled eggs are really good! What height are you may I ask? I'm only 5' 1" and if I wanted to lose 2lbs per week my cals would only be 1200, so I changed my goals to 1lb per week! Also the more you exercise, you can eat some calories back!

    Hope this helps! :)
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I suggest your evaluate your calorie goal and macros. It's unlikely that 1,200 calories is sufficient, and the MFP macro base settings are wrong.
  • sewedo1
    sewedo1 Posts: 200 Member
    You may need some extra protien such as greek yogurt, lean chicken or turkey, or nuts as a snack or part of meals. Extra protien as well as eating 4-5 times a day has helped me not to feel hungry.
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    Have you considered opening your diary for others to see? It might be easier to make good nutrition suggestions if we know what you're eating each day and when. Like others on here have already said, it's likely that you're not eating enough. Try aiming for 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day that are high in protein and fiber. And make sure you're drinking your water. Although many will argue the importance of getting 8+ glasses of water, for me, it helps me stay full longer and helps curb snacking in between meals. Good luck!
  • Hang in there, I know your body is feeling really deprived right now, this is when the brain is in the fight or flight mode of survival! Don't let it win, get some protein, dip your carrots in plain greek yogut with misses dash added as flavor. You will feel better with the protein and this will pass. Once you get past this and have your brain and body retrained to accept the lower calories you won't even miss all the old foods.
  • Eat more fiber, like a fiber one bar, definately more protein, I eat string cheese or a hard boiled egg when I feel hungry. Another trick my cardiologist recommended and this helps with elevated cholesterol too, Buy cilium husk (metamucil) mix it with water or juice (i like milk makes it like a creamsicle) about 30 minutes before each meal. Cilium husk flushes fat and cholesterol out and improves overall heart health, not to mention expands in the stomach which promotes smaller eating portions....
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    If you like fish /seafood it's a great way to fill up on very few calories and they're full of protein so keep you fuller for longer.
  • VAMommyAgain
    VAMommyAgain Posts: 400 Member
    Yep you need to eat more!!! Make sure you're getting lots of protein too.
  • missyjane
    missyjane Posts: 188 Member
    Like everyone else has said, eat more and make it protein.
  • Hi,
    I keep packets of radishes in the fridge and every time I feel peckish, chomp on one of those. The strong taste kids me into thinking I have had plenty to eat.
  • Hi

    Try having boiled eggs. It works for me!
  • MrsNunny
    MrsNunny Posts: 7 Member
    Without seeing your diary it's difficult to give any tips, sorry
  • mzjessicab
    mzjessicab Posts: 195 Member
    One thing I learned is that our body speaks to us.. If you are hungry the it is saying, "I need more"... So you need to eat more... Try more filling snack and mid day meals like healthy salads and granola and yogurt.. It will go a long way!
  • I like eating nuts as a good snack; unsalted cashews and almonds are my favorite. Plus, they are great to put in snack bags and carry with you wherever you go, so you always have a healthy, filling snack with you when you start feeling a little hungry.
  • kenyonsmom10
    kenyonsmom10 Posts: 97 Member

    This is my first post as I've been mostly using the Android app. So far in the last 10 days I've managed to shed 3.2kg by sticking (almost) to the 1200 calories a day regime. I've also bought myself an exercise bike and rowing machine so that's actually doing some good too.

    My problem is I'm constantly feeling hungry and carrots and apples as snacks just ain't working to stave off the hunger pangs. I've also tried eating Riveta and such things and drinking water, all to no avail. Does anybody have any tips I can use that will stop me feeling like I need a large Donor kebab and chips?

    Thanks in advance


    if your body is telling you it is that hungry, 1200 calories is too few. you need to EAT more calories to fuel your body properly in order to lose weight in a healthy manner..........
  • You should never feel as if you are starving! Simply put you need to eat more! Depending on the type of work you do and how much exercise you get... you should be eating at least 6 times a day. Just make sure that the food that you are eating are filling and quality foods that your body needs. I love having protein shakes available because they are filling or nuts fruit and be sure you are drinking plenty of water.
  • jamesphewitt
    jamesphewitt Posts: 1 Member
    First thing to change is your caloric intake. It is way too low. Keeping your calories so low will make your body enter "starvation mode". Your metabolism will slow down drastically. The tip is to eat each day roughly 1800 calories for standard sized male. The body will burn calories normally. You then add exercise to get fit.

    Your body needs 10 calories per pound to maintain itself. If you want to weigh 180 lbs then your intake should be 1800 calories. (180lbs x 10 K/cal=1800). Figure goal weight and eat appropriate calories and your body will naturally get you there. Hope this helps.

    JIm, RN