I'm 5' 1", Start weight 180, current 165lbs. My doctor would love to see me down to 125, but with the meds I take we both know 145 is probably the best I can manage at this time.
Sci-Fi Have a bookcase that needs assembly do you: do it yourself or find someone else to do it?
class clown
You are apparently a Drama Queen, with a need for an audience. Grow up and get a real life, without a married man. You want to pay him back for hurting you? Then shut him out. Without you to listen to his tales of woe, he just might need to talk to his wife about how he feels.
If you are wolfing down your food you will be adding to the problem. For the pain, try stretching exercises of the back to try to help the air/gas work it's way through your system. Don't forget to check with your doctor if the pain continues for too long.
Cried because he didn't care enough. Then pulled myself up by the bootstraps and went on with the life I was trying to re-build for myself and my autistic sons.
dried skin
2011 was a tough year - it beat me up emotionally, and financially... but at the same time the tests that came my way showed me that I am stronger than I ever thought I was because I came through them in one piece. I also discovered it's okay to trust people again, and that people can be generous to me and my boys. While…
My goals for 2012 are: To add exercise in everyday, at least a 10 minute walk a day. To do vegetarian meals at least twice a week. To make a serious commitment to my self employment efforts. To decrease my internet consumption (read as FB addict ;-) ) To help my two special needs boys to learn to eat well and exercise…
Bass player
In a family of 5 females and 4 males, it wouldn't surprise me if that happened. It wouldn't bother me because I never drink out of the sink. (and that's the only reason I can think of that I would possibly get grossed out.) As for peeing in the shower, I thought I read something recently about a Nordic country encouraging…
Queen - Don't Stop Me Now, Any Billy Squire song The Cars - You Might Think B52's - Rock Lobster
amazing grace
The only one that distresses me is medicating a child regularly for long trips. My two are special needs and they get melatonin to HELP them sleep at night, but I have NEVER given them anything to make a trip more bearable for me, and we went through 6 or seven moves (always to another state) by car in 10 years.
Definitely check with a podiatrist - if left alone that inward motion of the toe could become a bunion. Which is painful, let me tell you!! Even if there's nothing wrong, the doctor can check your feet out in general, make recommendations of what kind of shoe and places to shop, even write a prescription for a shoe!
A good sandwich (condiment, lettuce, tomato, thin sliced cheese, enough meat to recognize not so much that you can't taste anything else) is wonderful. When I make a sandwich for myself I forget the little things like the tomato. Made for someone else, I tend to dress up the plate as well. But I'd rather have a grilled…
I am a careful, safe driver, and I can park very well... until my boyfriend is in the car. Then I can't parallel park for beans because I feel I have to get it right the first time I attempt, no readjustments. By myself or with anyone else in the car I take my time and do as many re-adjustments as needed (usually 1). As…
best friend
How I look in the mirror right now is my biggest motivator. I don't like the flab that I see, and when I was 30 pounds lighter I was happier with the view. Other motivators: my kids, prevent diabetes and heart problems (both possible because of genetic factors), age - I want to be able to walk on my own (or with a…
I'm a mathematician with a fondness for number theory, so I get numbers on my brain a lot and then see them reflected everywhere. As a kid though, I never thought 11:11 was special. It was 11:26 that I made wishes on because that was our house number. (And I still do!)
Good to hear - when it's a conversation, sometimes that means that they already feel comfortable with you. And in case you want to hear another 'go for it' story: one of my younger brothers started out working in retail at an Apple store as a greeter. He's worked his way up (and across) the chain and was recently offered a…
Buckingham Palace
Don't be afraid to say no if your date/best friend/crush asks you to do something you aren't quite comfortable with. If it's something you decide later you didn't want, you can't go back and change it. Read about anything that interests you. You may not be able to decide what major you want, college or uni to attend (or…
made him sneeze
On the other side of the coin, perhaps the 'friends' are busy having a life and dealing with their own issues and while they offer support when they can, they could also be the one that doesn't just want to type WTG on every positive post just so people know they are there. As it's been said, everyone is having their own…
I'd approach the spreader of the rumors and tell them how hurtful they are being to a person who considers them a friend and give them the option to either stop the rumor or tell their 'friend'. If they choose neither, approach the subject of the rumor and tell them of the rumor, and let them know that someone they believe…
I more often than not when I'm researching something. You can type in your question in the form of a question and Alex Trebek would love it!!
talking right then,
ROFL!! (Don't be too surprised if no one asks you to be their friend TOM.)