mcmcmcshane Member


  • You sound like me! The first time i ran a 5K, I was miserable & declared that I was only doing so in order to eat more that night. It was Thanksgiving & I was being serious but it got a chuckle out of my fellow runners that were in ear shot. On thing that helps me is logging tomorrow before going to bed today. That way, I…
  • Congrats on all the upcoming weddings (almost) everyone! I started on MFP about 2 years ago & lost 90 lbs in the first year & a half. In the last nine months though, I started a new job & have been so stressed out that I unfortunately let myself gain about 70 back. Time to get off the pity pot and start putting in the…
  • A lot of people are at different "stages" in their weight loss missions, so here are a few things that worked for me as I went: --When I first started, I had no idea how to cook healthy food so I'd get Lean Cuisine/Healthy Choice/Smart Ones/etc.. a lot of those are high in preservatives but the sauces on the veggies make…
  • That's really awesome! I had a similar NSV when I was looking at a picture & didn't recognize myself. It's a crazy feeling! Keep up the great work!!
  • My boyfriend got me some reflective running gear and new workout tops. His parents got me a new head lamp since it's really dark in the mornings when I run with my dog :) Oh, & one of my sisters got me the Jillian Michaels DVDs (I love the "No More Trouble Zones" but it belongs to a girl at work & I have to give it back.)
  • This will be the second Christmas of my new lifestyle & last year I tried to alter some dishes & introduce new ones. This time i think I will stick with to the altered dishes (little things, like greek yogurt instead of sour cream in a casserole, etc) & then instead of eating EVERYTHING AT THE TABLE's Christmas, you…
  • You are doing amazing! I did a low carb diet in college & I lost 45 pounds in 9 months. Everyone said I would gain it all back (which I eventually did) but it took me almost 2 years. The down side was it wasn't a change I was willing to live with for the rest of my life so the changes I saw to my body had an expiration…
  • You look really great! Congrats!! I started at 283.8 & don't really have any "before" pics. Then last weekend I was flipping through my mom's camera at my sister's graduation and I saw some pics of myself from a year ago when I was at my heaviest ..holy crap! I love the way I feel now; I'm glad you do too!! Go us! Can't…
  • I got PF last Oct training for my first 5K. I ran through the pain, ran my race, & a year later ..I'm still in pain :/ I was also a bartender though so I was always on my feet. I had a cortizone shot back in March(?) that provided extraordinary temporary relief but haven't had another since my insurance ran out. The only…
  • Only 2lbs away from where I should be! Hoping I can pick up the slack before the end of the 10 weeks!!
  • I'm not a fan of processed foods (since I started losing weight.. I *loved* them before!) because I notice that if I supplement my meals with fruit, I stay fuller longer. However, when packing lunches or meals to eat on the road, I gotta say.. 100 calorie packs are my friend!! I also prefer deli meat sandwiches to PB&J,…
  • I just realized that I haven't worked out or even gone for a walk since Friday.. the last day I logged. I bet that could have something to do w/me not losing as well!! Der! That's okay though, yesterday I started logging again & today I went for a long walk w/the dog :D
  • I am up up up :( but I know the reason I am up is b/c I am not logging. (And am stressed out so I eat even when I am not hungry..) This week I have dedicated to log EVERYTHING that I eat. I know I can do that :) And then I will lose weight again - yay!
  • Week 3 recap: I'm down! Not as much as I'd like, but I'm calling it a win & walking away :) ^^I like that thought process.. I didn't lose this weight in a week so I'm not going to lose it all in a week. I did gain it so I will lose it - but it took me a few years to gain as much as I did so I will be dedicated & take a few…
  • We actually have NOTHING planned for this weekend & couldn't be happier!! We've been so busy every single weekend this summer that we are ecstatic to have a few days to do nothing but lounge around, hang out with each other & the pup, & watch some football :D
  • I cannot wait until weigh in day! (How often do you hear a girl say that?!) But I was stuck for a while & just could not get the scale to move. The 20DBHC helped me find the much needed motivation to keep trying & even though I lost 4.4 pounds at the last weigh in, the scale keeps moving for me this week!! I'm down another…
  • If I were going to New Orleans, I'd want to try a little bit of everything! Just remember all the other things you're there to enjoy. You need to eat to live; you don't need to live to eat. This summer we went on a few trips & each time I tried to log a few days ahead on MFP. It was easiest when we went camping - I only…
  • I know everyone says to only weigh in once a week. But I find that if I only weigh in once a week, I go crazy! If I *thought* I was doing good & the scale disagrees, I get really down on myself.. If the scale is good, I feel like I can sneak some bad food in at the beginning of the week & lose it before the next weigh in..…
  • I can’t agree more!!! If I could eliminate just one pet peeve though it would be the trees.. I can’t stand the daily dodge, dip, dive, duck, and dodge!!
  • It is day 2 of week 3 & I have hit week 3's goal weight today. Hooray!! 3 cheers for the 20 Down by Halloween challenge & the motivation to keep trying!
  • I lost 27 lbs before hitting a plateau for 4 weeks. That's when I ran across this challenge. The goal, 2 lbs per week, was the same as my original goal but b/c I was now 8 lbs away from my goal - even if I lost 2, I didn't put one in the "win" column, I still considered myself a failure. While my story may sound silly, I…
  • Amy An amazing girl who can be seen as perfect in all ways, even though she'll never admit it. She is very beautiful, but remains in denial about her looks, even though she looks amazing even at the worst of times. She has an amazing personality and is instantly appealing, giving great first impression to others. She has…
  • Hmm.. My sweet tooth has been driving me crazy! I may have to make these this week.
  • Wow - I'm not online a lot, I use MFP on my iTouch so I log daily but since we don't have internet at our house right now I only sync it up every now and then. I just got the email saeverman sent making sure everyone has the link to the Team 2 thread that caripta85 was nice enough to make & I realize I am very behind at…
  • I'm in!! My goal is to lose 2lbs per week for a year - & after dropping 27lbs I hit a plateau & haven't lost anything in 3 weeks. This is the perfect way to get a boost! Short term goals are great for regaining motivation! Thanks!!
  • I clicked on this post to gain some tricks b/c I have no faltered 2 weeks in a row & want to get back on track - but I REALLY like the idea of changing your password to something weight oriented! That'd be a daily reminder!!
  • HI-larious!!
  • Holy cow!! Congrats! :D
  • My SW was 283.8, CW is 268.6, & I'd like to not be considered "obese" by my doctor!! (Between 121.7 & 164.4 is considered "normal" for my height.) Everyone I know tells me I look fine, that I carry my weight well, that I don't look like the weight I am, or my favorite "you won't look good if you lose that much weight."…
  • I'm doing the Couch to 5K for the second time & i love this link! (I think most programs are similar, but this one worked great for me!)