Anyone who has compleed or got past week 4 of C25K.

Today i started week 4 of the C25k having done 4 runs of the week 3 last week. I was fine funning for 3 minutes but i really struggled running 5 minutes. I mean in week 3 i was running for 3 minutes then having a 3 minutes walk to rest before running again but this week i had to run 3 minutes then only walk for a minute and a half before running for 5 minutes. I have to take a break in the 5 minute run as i couldn't complete it. Anyone else have this problem and did you add in a "week 3.5" as thats what im thinking of doing?


  • mindysreadyforchange
    mindysreadyforchange Posts: 107 Member
    I am seeing a lot of this C25K. What is it? I am running some. Sorry to Highjack your thread
  • MirandaGoins
    I had a really hard time that week too. It really really kicked my butt. My suggestion is to do that day over and over until you can get through the whole five minutes. that's what i did. and it prepared me for week 5.
  • aholliger
    aholliger Posts: 4
    I've done C25K, at first I was having problems with the longer runs; but then I adjusted my pace. I wouldn't go as far in mileage, but I gradually worked up my endurance. Now I'm over two miles for week 4-5.
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    yes yes yes,,,, i finished c25k and i called this my fail... it'll happen a couple time throughout the program when you will just not be able to finish,,, take a rest day tomorrrow and go back and try this day again, stay on this day until you get it and then go on.. you'll find it easier as you go but fails will happen... it took me 12 weeks to get through the program but dont give up just take it slow and steady.
  • aholliger
    aholliger Posts: 4
    I've done C25K, at first I was having problems with the longer runs; but then I adjusted my pace. I wouldn't go as far in mileage, but I gradually worked up my endurance. Now I'm over two miles for week 4-5.
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    I am seeing a lot of this C25K. What is it? I am running some. Sorry to Highjack your thread

    google it, its a running training program designed to take the non runner to running about 3 miles over the course of 9+ weeks it totally rocks.
  • lauraaaaxo
    lauraaaaxo Posts: 55 Member
    I am seeing a lot of this C25K. What is it? I am running some. Sorry to Highjack your thread

    google it:) its a program that builds you up from basically not being able to run at all to being able to run 5k. there is apps and podcasts to help you:)
  • Cilenia
    Cilenia Posts: 208 Member
    C25K is the Couch to 5 kilometers program. It trains you to run a 5k or 30 mins non stop in 9 weeks. The first 5 weeks are intervals, and the time you run gets longer the further you progress.

    Ive started doing week 4 aswell, but decided i am going to do it again untill i feel more comfortable with it. I got really dissapointed in myself when i did the first day and didnt make it, and then didnt make any progress in day 2 either. But it does get better with time. Stick with it and if you need to repeat a week or a few days thats fine!
  • luelue1971
    luelue1971 Posts: 23 Member
    I had to repeat days and even weeks on the program. I wouldn't move forward until I was able to do the complete run even if it was difficult.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Hi there, I have done the programme and I got injuries a couple of times so I just went backwards a little. If I were you I'd repeat week 3 and on day three have a one minute break between the 3 min runs and see how that goes, if it is iffy repeat it - the timings are only a guide. progress at your pace and you ll get there. also when you step up to week 4, deliberately slow down a little, play with it and see what your body responds to!!!!!

    I am now running for an hour without stopping and am running my first ever organised run on 3rd july and it is all thanks to c25k, I was an absolute non runner so it can be done and it is fantastic! the very best of luck to you
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I am seeing a lot of this C25K. What is it? I am running some. Sorry to Highjack your thread

    c25k = couch to 5k, a program to take a beginner from the couch to running a 5k in 9 weeks by alternating running and walking during each workout, slowly increasing the running time until one can run 30 minutes continually. Apps are availible with guidence as you run/walk.
  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428
    I just completed day 2 of week 4 on Saturday. I recently did a post on this called 16 minutes! I didn't think I would be able to do it, but I pushed thru and did it. I was so proud of myself! I had never run that much before. I almost repeated week 3 but thought I should try it first. And then the second day seemed easy. It's mostly mental. We think we can't do something bc we've never done it before. It is hard, but give it a try. And if you can't do it, do a week 3.5 until you're ready.

    I believe in you and know you can do it!

    Mindy, C25k stands for couch to 5k. It's a training program with a goal of running a 5k (3.1 miles) in 30 minutes. It's a nine week program, 3 (20-30 min) workouts each week.
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Finished the the c25k program earlier this year. Try reducing your speed as one other person noted, it will help you to get used to the longer runs. You can always build up your speed when you become accustomed to running.
  • ygrad2001
    ygrad2001 Posts: 230
    I was doing C25K but I recently quit and just started doing my own thing. The times weren't working for me. Now 3 or 4 times a week. I have a routine that takes me about 30-35 mins and I will increase it as time goes on. But I start out walking for 2 mins..then I run a min, walk 1 min, run 2 mins, walk 2 mins and so on, right now I only make it to running 5 mins but it works. Also try slowing down your running pace, I learned when I slow down on the treadmill to about 5.0-5.3 I am able to run for longer.
  • mcmcmcshane
    mcmcmcshane Posts: 32 Member
    I did the C25K last fall & since all 3 days of each week were similar, if not the same, I noticed that the first day of the week way ALWAYS the toughest for me. The second day of the week was normal & the third day of the week I always wanted to do more! If you CAN'T complete a certain day or week, I think I would just repeat it until you can before moving on to the week. I'd rather take an extra couple weeks to complete the whole program then end up quitting or injuring yourself!

    Also, I noticed I pushed myself A LOT when I did it last fall. I'm currently doing the whole program over again & am on week 2. This time around it is much more fun for me since instead of trying to pound out the runs I am just enjoying the runs. Don't focus so much on distance & slow down if you need to. It's a jog not a sprint! (Even if your walk is faster than your jog! Your heart rate is still up, you are still burning calories, & still strengthening muscles.)
    Keep it up!!
  • skinnygirlfreed
    I understand your problem. There were tough weeks for me. Adjust your pace and/or repeat weeks if needed. There is absolutely no shame in doing that. Make sure you're fully prepared before you advance, or you'll most likely find yourself struggling even more in later weeks.

    Just do what you can, girl. Sometimes when I couldn't make it the whole "run," I would tack on a little extra at the end. Just a thought, if you're feeling it - go for it!

    Keep pushing on, though! You can DO IT! :)
  • mcmcmcshane
    mcmcmcshane Posts: 32 Member
    I'm doing the Couch to 5K for the second time & i love this link!

    (I think most programs are similar, but this one worked great for me!)
  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    C25K is the Couch to 5 kilometers program. It trains you to run a 5k or 30 mins non stop in 9 weeks. The first 5 weeks are intervals, and the time you run gets longer the further you progress.

    Ive started doing week 4 aswell, but decided i am going to do it again untill i feel more comfortable with it. I got really dissapointed in myself when i did the first day and didnt make it, and then didnt make any progress in day 2 either. But it does get better with time. Stick with it and if you need to repeat a week or a few days thats fine!

    This is eactly right, repeat until you are feeling good. The only other adjustment is as the runs get longer adjust your speed slightly lower, if it's a piece of cake then next work out increase the speed and see if you can handle it. You will be amazed each time you hit a mile stone. This is a great program and has gotten me so addicted to the great feeling that comes with the accomplishment that I ran a 10k in April and now have signed up for a Half Marathon this October=) I started the program at the end of last October, so if I make it through the Half I will have gone from not being able to run for 3 minutes to being able to run for over 2 hours!!!!

    You can do this! Enjoy each accomplishment as you go through the process. I really enjoyed watching how my endurance increased not just in distance, but in the amount of tme my heart rate took to recover and other small things like when I started my face would turn bright red almost purple, now I'm just a nice rosie color when I run. Your body is amazing and so much of running is just getting past your own mental road blocks. Set your goals and watch as you run right past them!!!
  • lauraaaaxo
    lauraaaaxo Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks for all your helpful replies:D I think i am going to try again tomorrow at a slower place and if im still struggling i will add my own week and test out some different timings for the jogging and walking. Hopefully ill get through it:)
  • cookiequeen2011
    This is the exact problem I have been having. My husband does triathlons and he came out with me for a run/walk session. I had been complaining about not being able to progress past 3 minutes of running. He said I run too fast. I thought he was talking nonsense as I am sure I have seen snails and tortoises whizz past me! BUT I went out again two nights later and made myself move much slower. It wasn't easy because I was convinced if I went any slower I would stop. I had been barely making it to 3 minutes before, and that was with me gasping for breath and my legs feeling like lead. But on that night I managed 5 1/2 min running, 1 min walking 2 1/2 min running, 2 min walking. I only slowed down to walking for the last 2 minutes because I was nearly home and wanted a short cool down. I didn't do the c25k that time because I use a set route after dropping one of my children off as a progress guide.

    Run more slowly. Trust me, it works. And don't forget, I thought that sounded absurd until I tried it!