20 Down by Halloween - Team 2



  • No, it's never too late to join! Welcome CamiXiomara!

    Stephanie E

    :heart: :heart: Thank you! I am happy to be here and I am going to try my best to accomplish this goal. I feel so blessed to be here in MFP. People are so kind and amazingly inspiring.
  • mcmcmcshane
    mcmcmcshane Posts: 32 Member
    Wow - I'm not online a lot, I use MFP on my iTouch so I log daily but since we don't have internet at our house right now I only sync it up every now and then. I just got the email saeverman sent making sure everyone has the link to the Team 2 thread that caripta85 was nice enough to make & I realize I am very behind at introducing myself!

    My name is Amy! I am 27, I live just outside Chicago, I've been bartending since I lost my job due to company layoffs, & I am hoping to go back to school for my Masters next fall. I enjoy running with my pup and taking walks with my boyfriend. He and I have both gained weight since meeting each other & he is also logging calories on MFP. It is awesome having him do it with me! He looks great, I'm feeling better, & we're both dedicated to not bringing junk food into the house in an effort to help each other!

    When I started MFP, I would weigh in on Wednesdays and I'm still trying to get in the habit of remembering to weigh in on Mondays ..and with today being a holiday it didn't help! I know I'm down about 4 pounds since starting the 20 Down by Halloween Challenge so I'm right on track!! Hope everyone has a great week! I'll try to sync up more so I can keep in touch!!
  • kiku76
    kiku76 Posts: 352 Member
    toooooootally forgot to weigh in. I didnt get my weight this morning but yesterday I was about 143.4.
    We had a family BBQ last night and we will probably have another on Wednesday so this week is not going to be good.
    I"m still doing 30DS level 2 this week. I dont like to exercise when hubby is home and he took tomorow off since it's DD's first day back in preschool. So I may not get any exercise in. Well, at least not 30DS. Maybe I'll break out the mini stepper or something.
  • domi09
    domi09 Posts: 24 Member
    I am down a 0.4lbs not a great lost... but I am still losing! :happy: Great job everyone.
  • mcmcmcshane
    mcmcmcshane Posts: 32 Member
    It is day 2 of week 3 & I have hit week 3's goal weight today. Hooray!! 3 cheers for the 20 Down by Halloween challenge & the motivation to keep trying!
  • caripta85
    caripta85 Posts: 102 Member
    Lost one pound during week two of the challenge, bringing my grand total to 3 lbs down, only 17 to go by halloween!! I have been working on my obsession to weigh myself every 5 minutes and instead weighing only a few times a week. I still struggle with drinking soda, but make sure i am always under my calories! I am a nursing momma and decided to only alot an extra 300 cal instead of 500 cal for millk production. I am still staying very motivated, log daily and exercise most days! Some days (like yesterday) i had alot of activity walking around the park all afternoon with my family so on days like that i usually count that as my exercise! I did biggest loser cardio max the other day and i'm still sore (and embarrased bc it was only 20 min). Im excited to start week 3 and the numbers on the scale are heading in the right direction, so i am pleased! thanks to everyone for your continued encouragement and support :)
  • mcmcmcshane
    mcmcmcshane Posts: 32 Member
    I cannot wait until weigh in day! (How often do you hear a girl say that?!) But I was stuck for a while & just could not get the scale to move. The 20DBHC helped me find the much needed motivation to keep trying & even though I lost 4.4 pounds at the last weigh in, the scale keeps moving for me this week!! I'm down another 2.8 pounds & have no idea why since I eat almost the same thing every day & am going for the same 30 min walks as I have for the last month.. But - I - am - *loving* - this!!
  • domi09
    domi09 Posts: 24 Member
    Weigh in week 2 (for me) is not exactly what I wanted... I gained 0.9lbs... But I did have a NSV this week and lost 3.5 inches. This week is a new week, and I am trying to stay focused. I didn't gain this weight in a day or even weeks time so, I am not going to lose it either in this time frame... Slow and steady wins the race!
  • mcmcmcshane
    mcmcmcshane Posts: 32 Member
    I didn't gain this weight in a day or even weeks time so, I am not going to lose it either in this time frame...

    Week 3 recap: I'm down! Not as much as I'd like, but I'm calling it a win & walking away :)
    ^^I like that thought process.. I didn't lose this weight in a week so I'm not going to lose it all in a week. I did gain it so I will lose it - but it took me a few years to gain as much as I did so I will be dedicated & take a few years to lose it if my body wants to drag out this fight! But I will win!!
  • I lost the three pounds that I had gained two weeks ago and a pound. YEAH! Hope everyone else had a good week!

    Stephanie E
  • caripta85
    caripta85 Posts: 102 Member
    Boooo, I gained 3 lb most likely from 2 nights of going over my calories at the fall festival! Started 30 day shred and staying positive!
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    Oooops, I completely forgot to weigh in yesterday...Current weight is 153.2
    I'm happy with my progress. Would love to see the weight come off quickly, but I know it's so much healthier this way:)
    Did not exercise last night and expected to gain a little, but that didn't happen..yay!!!
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    weighed in this morning and had lost .6! yay!!! Did not expect that since I ate sooooo much yesterday and completely went over my calories.
  • domi09
    domi09 Posts: 24 Member
    I was so dreading the weigh in this morning because I have not been making the best choices this weekend...but I had lost 1.4lbs plus the 0.9 I had gained! :bigsmile: Good luck hope everybody is a loser this week, not literally!! :smile:
  • caripta85
    caripta85 Posts: 102 Member
    Lost 0.8 this week, ugh still up since i gained like 3 lb last week! Sooo pretty sure I WILL NOT be 20 lb lighter by halloween, haha probably not even 10 lb lighter... but on a more positive note I can tell my body is changing! Clothes are fitting better and my husband is noticing! I started 30DS a week ago and can already tell its working! Most people don't see a huge dip in the scale (especially early on) but some before/after pics i have seen on the message boards are so inspiring and motivational that i'm going to stick with it no matter what the scale says! Muscle weighs more than fat, we all know that! The more muscle you have, you begin burning more fat and increasing your metabolism! So I'm not upset that i wont reach this goal (which 2lb a week every week is pretty tough anyways) I am still happy with an success big or small :)

    So sad that it seems we have lost people on our team! Come back girls! We need motivation!!!
  • I forgot to weigh in yesterday, so I will weigh myself in the morning. Hope everyone is doing well! Where are you all?

    Stephanie E
  • mcmcmcshane
    mcmcmcshane Posts: 32 Member
    I am up up up :( but I know the reason I am up is b/c I am not logging. (And am stressed out so I eat even when I am not hungry..) This week I have dedicated to log EVERYTHING that I eat. I know I can do that :) And then I will lose weight again - yay!
  • mcmcmcshane
    mcmcmcshane Posts: 32 Member
    I am up up up :( but I know the reason I am up is b/c I am not logging.
    I just realized that I haven't worked out or even gone for a walk since Friday.. the last day I logged. I bet that could have something to do w/me not losing as well!! Der! That's okay though, yesterday I started logging again & today I went for a long walk w/the dog :D
  • caripta85
    caripta85 Posts: 102 Member
    So, i stayed the same... eh definately not making this goal lol but on a positive note my body is changing :) So i'm still motivated! Thinking I may start weighing on fridays that way if i go over on the weekend (next weekend i have my anniversary and a hog roast) i have a few days to work it off before i weigh in!
  • domi09
    domi09 Posts: 24 Member
    I was down 0.4lbs not great but it's still in the right direction. I'll keep moving along... Sometimes it just really sucks! :)