20D by Halloween Challenge: WEEK THREE



  • BeeRod527
    It's official... I'm addicted to Dance Central! I know DC2 is coming out next month but I wanna get it!

    Anyway, so far so good. However, my arms are sore from the previous 2 days of weights. Dancing to "Poker Face" in hard doesn't lessen the pain! :P

    I need to look into this game, switch it up with Zumba.

    I believe I have the Zumba game as well on Xbox Kinect but I gotta check.

    I didn't work out today because not only I didn't sleep well last nite because of the rain, but my shoulders and neck were very sore. It's still sore as of 9:20pm. I took something for the pain and even took a hot shower but no help. I went well over on the fat grams (I really need to watch that) but tomorrow's another day.
  • kristlynngirl
    kristlynngirl Posts: 121 Member
    Happy Friday!!! I'll be spending the weekend at work, like always. Anyone have anything great planned?
  • mcmcmcshane
    mcmcmcshane Posts: 32 Member
    We actually have NOTHING planned for this weekend & couldn't be happier!! We've been so busy every single weekend this summer that we are ecstatic to have a few days to do nothing but lounge around, hang out with each other & the pup, & watch some football :D
  • kristlynngirl
    kristlynngirl Posts: 121 Member
    Got a surprise mystery gift card for Radio Shack for about $45. Maybe I'll get one of the dance games for Wii?