loglia Member


  • Congratulations tlflag1620! I hope to join you soon! Lots of contractions, but they're still pretty random. I'm hoping that they'll become more regular so I can meet my daughter. :smiley:
  • Thanks so much everyone! I've been exercising every day and started counting carbs and limiting my fruit intake. My diabetic counselor said that my placenta is just overproducing hormones causing the insulin resistance. I'm still not used to pricking my finger to measure my glucose, but I feel that controlling it with diet…
  • I'm so glad I found this group! I'm almost 22 weeks pregnant with my second and have been logging what I'm eating and exercising regularly. (I actually woke up for a 6am yoga class this morning:)) With my first pregnancy, I felt great, but ate whatever and lots of it. I ended up gaining 50 lbs and am trying not to do that…
  • Hi, I had a baby last August and thought that the weight would just fall off afterwards, but have had lots of setbacks. I'm looking to lose 36 lbs and am also training to run a marathon in October. I could definitely use some motivation, especially with eating the right things. Best wishes to all who are striving to reach…
  • I'm in! I'll be in a different state and will need to get used to cooking just for me. Hopefully, this will keep me motivated!
  • You should definitely try it! I go to yoga three times a week and find that it totally balances my body and helps with recovering from my running days. (I try to alternate.) Plus, its a great burn! Best of luck to you!
  • Nice Job! Two more weeks to go!
  • Hey folks! This week went much better as I made it to two yoga classes and ran almost everyday. I'm on week 5 of C25k. From last weeks gain, I'm down 2 lbs, but just one lb off the original July start weight. I'm off to work and then I'm going to run to my parents' house for dinner. (about 5 miles). Keep up the good work…
  • So, being away from home did not help my cause this week. I ended up gaining a pound, but am looking to pump it up this week with 500 calories of exercise a day! Hopefully, that will help me hit my goal still at the end of the month. We can do this! SW: 164 SW for July: 150 CW: 151 BOOO! GW for the end of July: 142 GW: 125
  • Sorry I didn't weigh in yesterday! I was in Boston watching the Red Sox play for my hubby's birthday. Great game and nice hotel, but couldn't find a scale anywhere. Tomorrow morning I will do my weigh in and I'm setting a goal for the rest of the week to try and burn 500 calories a day, since I was kind of a slacker this…
  • It's July 3rd! Let's get this group started! I'm planning on doing yoga three times a week and starting the couch to 5k with my husband three times a week. (I've already done it, but I want to encourage him as well.) SW: 164 CW: 150.6 Goal Weight for July: 140 Ultimate Goal Weight: 125
  • Hey Amanda, I've also bounced around with my weight for years until I started this app and so far I've lost 7 lbs. Its so handy to have it with you everywhere you go. (I also have it on my iphone). I'm sending you a friend request and also you should check out some of the challenges. They are great for keeping you…
    in New TO MFP Comment by loglia June 2011
  • I'd love to join you for July! I work in the restaurant business and could use some extra motivation. SW: 164 CW: 150 GW for the end of July: 142 GW: 125