Bikram Yoga

Hey MFRs has anybody tried Bikram Yoga thinking of trying it out seems interesting?


  • Caldwellsa24
    Caldwellsa24 Posts: 15 Member
    I have done the Biikram Hot Yoga and had mixed feelings about it. I loved it because i felt like i was working out and it didnt make my knee hurt. I didnt like it because althou i did feel relaxed, i was pretty tired if i did it in the mornings and if you dont drink enough water you might get sick (i know i spent the majority of the first class laying down...)
  • loglia
    loglia Posts: 15 Member
    You should definitely try it! I go to yoga three times a week and find that it totally balances my body and helps with recovering from my running days. (I try to alternate.) Plus, its a great burn! Best of luck to you!
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Its an awesome burn!!!! DO IT!!!!! I tried it for a month and want to start again. I was doing it once a week and skipped this week and I miss it. I incorporated it into my Weekly workout routine! its awesome!
    DO IT!
    If I can do it anyone can I'm 6'0 230 lbs! easily biggest dude in the class.....ha!
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    It's AWESOME! Go! You never know till you try. Be sure to go on an empty stomach though and be well-hydrated. If I can do it, anyone can!
  • Lizmhoughton
    Lizmhoughton Posts: 92 Member
    I didn't do Bikram, but I would go to hot yoga vinyassa classes. I loved it! I started because I was having trouble with my knee from running. I have recently quit my membership though because it's expensive and I found a gym that has hot yoga and regular classes and I can change my workouts more for a cheaper price.

    I found in the 6 months that hot yoga was my main source of exercise that I maintained my weight, but gained more muscle and lost fat. I am now at 18% and I had no idea that was going on since I am similar weight and size since I started. I like it because you can always take a pose a step further if you're having a strong day. No one truly masters it I think and it's an exercise you can do forever.

    Only thing about Bikram is I think they do the same poses everytime.
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Thanks everybody for all your feedback. I am definitely going to try it and I also jog 3xs/week so it will be great for recovery days. I will definitely hydrate and go on an empty tummy I don't want to barf lol.. gross sorry! The classes are pricey but I will be doing a promotional offer through Groupon to try it first. I guess so far the only down side will be stinky people but i can manage! Thanks again everyone!!!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    I love love love love bikram yoga!

    It's intense! You do need to drink a lot of water and make sure not to eat 2-3 hours in advance. It was designed to do on an empty stomach! Drink a coconut water after to replenish lost electrolytes! :)

    Have done a 60 day challenge and a 120 day challenge going every day! It was amazing! The mind body connection is guaranteed to get better!

    I have a bad knee and can't even run... However, this yoga did help as the main yoga (floor series) is about creating turnicates and letting fresh, oxygenated blood clear out old tissue.

    i went for a full year, at least 5 times a week when I wasn't doing a challenge. It's amazing what it does for your body....

    Weightloss wise, I GAINED weight while going as did some of my friends. I think it's because you burn some 700 calories (at 5"3 and 130 pounds) a session and it takes a lot of fuel to do so and then you are so hungry after... In order to do yoga only, you would have to be at your goal weight and then start... I tried doing cardio 3 times a week and yoga, but again, too tiring! LOL It's intense...

    Also body/health wise... it's not for everyone... I developed MAJOR cracking on my fingerpads. I mean MAJOR! They would bleed when doing anything. Showering hurt, I thought they would never heal. Go figure, they did, after I quit. LOL Also, my hair started falling out due to the loss of nutrients and the constant showering and ponytails.

    Some people told me to skip the shower, but ummmmm, when you are finished with a class, you look like you stepped out of a pool. Drenched!!!!

    Sooooo, go and enjoy it! you will love it! They say to go at least 3 days a week if you don't want to get better and 5 days a week if you want to see improvement.

    I worked at the yoga studio so feel free to ask me any questions or PM me and I will give you honest answers.

    I have a love/hate relationship with Bikram... I love the way it made me feel, but not he body side effects for MY body. I also hated my studio after working there for the last months of my practice and learned all the ins and outs and BS of the Multi-level-marketing yoga... that is BIkram.

    Currently, doing yoga at home and when I get enough money together I will be starting: ASHTANGA! SUPER. EXCITED!
  • MotivateMeg
    MotivateMeg Posts: 110 Member
    I love Bikram! I went religiously for 3 months and then have had a 2 month break due to moving, packing, unpacking, children, etc, but I plan to start going back this week. It's a great stress reliever and great for toning. I've never feel as good as I did when I was doing Bikram 3 times a week!