Chante88 Member


  • pizza, ice cream and doritos lol my three weaknesses
  • Yeah as soon as i returned to school ir an to the gym lol and did a big calorie burning workout so that did make me feel a lot better, thanks guys
  • lol i dont skank it either, i go to school in a very rural area where either their skanked up or always in sweats, im known as the girl who owns no sweats lol they look at me crazy when i come to class with pearls and heels on lol
  • When i was eating 1000 calories a day i was sick and grumpy and as soon as i began to up my calorie intake to 1200-1400 i felt much better. Just yesturday i worked out and burned off 1300 calories and i only ate 966 calories today all day, i was dizzy, headache and lightheaded and as soon as i ate some food with some…
  • I have no clue what im wearing, but im with you, im trying to lose 5 more before the 22nd, i dont know if im going to make it
  • I think at some point every one on the journal to fitness losses their motivation. The ability to get it back lies in your power to be dedicated to being the best you you can be. For me, when im stressed out i eat and lose my motivation to stick to the healthy foods, this was definitely my issue this week. But instead of…
  • The doctor did not explain his reasoning for the 1000 calorie diet he suggested i feel it however i choose as long as stay within the alloted calorie amount, I've been doing it for the past week, i have weigh in wednesday and ive been working out using turbojam which burns almost 1000 calories an hour, if if i have lost…
  • he put me on an appetite suppressor and told me to continue to take my multivitamin and that was it
  • It may just be thirst, i have this problem sometimes and i drink a bottle of water and im fine