Always hungry, even after protein

mrtentaclenun Posts: 174 Member
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
Lately I have noticed that I am hungry all of the time. Even after eating a piece of chicken breast (6oz) and peas and corn I am hungry 30 minutes later. Eat a fiber bar, hungry in ten minutes. I eat whole wheat, hungry again. Could this be a medical issue? I thought protein and whole wheat was supposed to fill you up? WARNING TMI I found two small worms in my stool, could that be a cause of why I'm so hungry lately? I don't have medical insurance so I cannot go to a doctor but I ordered black walnut wormwood, it's for intestinal health, my dad used it years ago and it's for cleaning worms out of you. But assuming this isn't the issue then why am I so hungry all of the time!


  • I have the same problem so I can't help ya with that, but if I were you I would definitely bite the bullet and go to the doctor. There could be serious problems going on. Just a thought! Good luck
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    its called a fast metabolism! welcome to the club... it's a little scary, but you'll eventually get used to it..
  • mrtentaclenun
    mrtentaclenun Posts: 174 Member
    I hope you're right thecanface, I am not used to being hungry all of the time!
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    The peas and corn can be part of the problem. Niether are veggies they are starches, in other words they are CARBS. Protein and Fiber does keep you fuller longer but not protein and carbs it's like a plus and a minus.

    I didn't look to see if your diary is open but I would ask how much water you are drinking in between meals and how much protein per day you are geting. If water is under 64oz per day or protein is less than 65gr that could be part of the problem.

    Good luck!
  • Chante88
    Chante88 Posts: 12 Member
    It may just be thirst, i have this problem sometimes and i drink a bottle of water and im fine
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    I hope you're right thecanface, I am not used to being hungry all of the time!

    neither was I, until about a month ago, i had to almost eat every hour. i realised the more often you eat the quicker you are ready to eat again.
  • mehmig
    mehmig Posts: 55 Member
    I would see a doc about the worms, that isn't good.

    But I used to be hungry all the time and didn't know why. I used to watch fitness/diet experts on TV who say if you eat these 3 meals and these 2 snacks there is no way you will be hungry. I tried and I was starved. I couldn't stop. After my son was diagnosed with autism and we saw huge gains by having him go gluten free and casein free I decided to try that. I just went gluten free and my cravings improved. I started making coconut water kefir, for my son again, but I tried it. It naturally kills yeast overgrowth in the gut. My cravings improved again. I started taking good omega 3s and other supplements I needed and the cravings are gone. I also use cinnamon extract which has helped keep my blood sugar level. Obviously, I'm not a doctor, so don't assume thaws things will work for you or are even OAK for you to try. You may have an illness or condition that makes them a bad decision for you. But I finally found something that worked for me, and in a way it was medical, or at least nutritional.

    Good luck.
  • pippy1973
    pippy1973 Posts: 12
    make sure you are taking in 64 ozs of fluids a day minimum. that was a daunting task to me at first, but i have found that if i keep a bottle of water with me at all times, i surpass that goal easily. also, make sure to get in 60 to 90 grams of protein a day. exercise is also a hunger suppressant. taking a short walk when you get hungry can work wonders. best of luck on your journey...God bless!!!!
  • ummommyme
    ummommyme Posts: 362 Member
    I've always had that problem. But now (three weeks ago)i am doing a low carb higher protein diet change and it is great. My hunger pains are gone. I'm not just sitting there wishing i could eat again already. I don't have two snacks a day anymore and three regular meals maybe smaller even and i'm just not that hungry. Lots of water helps me too. People give the low carb a bad rap but it actually works well with our bodies and isn't unhealthy for most of us-unless you have health issues anyway. I find after i exercise though i am more hungry. There have been several days where i am under my calorie goal even and not hungry. Good luck to you:)
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Lately I have noticed that I am hungry all of the time. Even after eating a piece of chicken breast (6oz) and peas and corn I am hungry 30 minutes later. Eat a fiber bar, hungry in ten minutes. I eat whole wheat, hungry again. Could this be a medical issue? I thought protein and whole wheat was supposed to fill you up? WARNING TMI I found two small worms in my stool, could that be a cause of why I'm so hungry lately? I don't have medical insurance so I cannot go to a doctor but I ordered black walnut wormwood, it's for intestinal health, my dad used it years ago and it's for cleaning worms out of you. But assuming this isn't the issue then why am I so hungry all of the time!

    it would help to see your diary, but as someone pointed out peas and corn aren't veg, they are carbs. A better combo would be a green leafy veg or salad. it may help fill you up better. Increase your water intake. I find drinking a glass before and after meals helps.

    As for the worms issue. I get where you are coming from, being uninsured sucks, but worms are no joke. I would suck it up and go to the doctor.
  • lizzil0
    lizzil0 Posts: 181 Member
    Yup- lower the carbs and up your fats and proteins. I find that fat works best to make me feel full. Good luck!
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