mukie89 Member


  • wow good on you. My husband refers to me as the 'sleep dragon', referring to the fact that i'm quite grumpy in the morning when I've had a lack of sleep lol (was almost better when my son was younger and sleep just wasn't an option).This is a great idea though, I think I ma try it thanks
  • hehe my son also loves this, he giggles every single time i bend up to meet him
  • Hi everyone, I have a 6 month old baby boy and am approximately 7 weeks pregnant. I'm scared to exercise with this pregnancy besides walking, which is strange because I exercised ALOT during the last pregnancy. Any tips and ideas?
  • hahaha this really made me giggle and i feel ur pain, also engaged to a hooooorrrrible snorer, even when hes in the next room its too loud! the z-quiet kind of works, but a new baby and the sleep deprivation that comes with it does the trick haha
  • thanks for sharing your journey. you must be so proud of yourself!! what an amazing mom
  • congratulations! how are you feeling?
  • sorry i havnt written in awhile, life has been crazy busy. connor is now almost 5 weeks old!!! and doing great. i am finally feeling recovered after my c-section, though still have to be careful with some things and avoid others, like stomach exercises. connor is already around 10lb!!! happy thanksgiving all!
  • quick update: breastfeeding has improved dramatically throughout the week (connor is a week old today). all signs of engorgement, cracked and bleeding nipples have all disappeared! yaaaaaaay!!! i think this is due to more consistent feeding (every 3 hours), good latching and limited pumping. connor had his first…
  • anne- thankyou :) today was a much better day then yesterday. im 5 days postpartum after my c-section and i managed to go for a small 20 minute walk and have napped a little throughout the day. connor was fussy last night, not going to sleep until 4am but then he slept right through until 9 which was a godsend! He pees and…
  • engorged breasts and sore, cracked, bleeding nipples- pretty unbearable :sad: watching my new little man is the only thing providing relief
  • thanks for all of the kind words :) I thought id update my labour and delivery story while the baby is having a nap in the nursery: So as you may have read, I had my 'bloody show' at about 12pm on tuesday. This was not accompanied by any unusual feelings, so i just carried on with my day as usual but filled my fiance' in…
  • connor arohana belleville was born at 2:36am on he morning of october 19th, 2011 :love: he is just amazing!! will post the labour and dlivery story soon. breastfeeding is going well, though he favors a side from time to time, so we are working on that :smile:
  • I just had my 'bloody show' wohoo!!!!! I know i shouldnt get too overexcited about it, buuuuut i am :laugh:
  • R_mageddon- wohoo thats so exciting!! and i think awsome advice about not feeling guilty about the transition from breast to formula scorpionmom- Sounds like your household is definitly benefiting from your nesting :) i also did another big clean yesterday, and am hoping the house will stay this way for at least a few days…
  • R_mageddon- how did the appointment go? im so glad everyone was so excited for you! The pregnancy will be so much more exciting now everyone is in the know :smile: Elizabeth- I hope your LO turns for you :) 5lbs in awsome! I'm up to 24 atm lol Had my 2nd to last appointment today! and i actually wrote down a list of…
  • also i think i may finally stop going to the gym this week, its starting to feel like just abit too much of a hassle. I will try and get walking instead
  • Jenna- Yay you've joined me in the last ticker box!! haha. yup so close!!! im so darn excited Elizabeth- good luck at your appointment! damn that swelling, im getting the same in my fingers. i hope my rings dont have to come off for the c-section lol I just want to say that people are amazing and so generous! My workmates…
  • welcome to everyone who has recently joined :) Ronya- congratulations!!!!! what a beautiful baby :flowerforyou: Cant wait to hear you story! I hope all is well Only 13 days until the c-section! (unless of course he decides to flip his stubborn self). So last night i went to a concert with my fiance'. I was fine with going…
  • i got a madela breast pump for $45 from a second hand store, then brought the accessories (shield etc.) online from amazon. im not too sure about the manual pumps
  • brought all of the breast pump bits and bobs last night. im glad i had someone with me who knew exactly what to look for and purchase, as i had NO idea :tongue:
  • elizabeth- I also plan to return to study full time in march of next year (literally just after doing the move to nz and having the wedding).I dont think it will be easy but i think that the motivation you get from having a young family, a supportive hubby and some super time management can make it a reality. So i like to…
  • omg and congrats caperfae!!! she is soooo gorgeous :)
  • I've had it for about the last month. It usually comes on when im walking and i feel it mainly in the upper thigh of my right leg, i also sometimes feel it when im lying down. If it happens when im walking my leg almost completely buckles, I must look so special to those watching :laugh: I think i redefined the term…
  • julz- thanks for the sympathy :smile: My shoes dont seem to help the matter at all, though they are just cheapies and i know i should probably invest in some ones with better arch support. Unfortunately our couch is un-sleepable and we dont yet have a recliner but i may just spend a little time on my back if it gets too…
  • fitmommyluv- enjoy the first ultrasound! so special :flowerforyou: And remember that the rest of this year will go quickly with thanksgiving and christmas going on mommy2Cng- im sorry about the morning sickness ): in the first few months i seriously threw up at least 4 times a day while at work and would feel sick until…
  • i dont think so, im not too sure how......
  • 36 weeks today yay! :heart:
  • yeah i have been doing some of the exercises, hopefully it helps :) not long for you now!!!!
  • lindsay- I too am so sorry to hear your news. Try and stay positive and focused on the future, I think you are destined to be a great mommy :flowerforyou: scorpiomom222- thanks so much for that sight, I've already been doing some suggested exercises from there. As for birthing breech, she did mention that this is a…
  • I will reply to other posts when im in less shock, but first I have to give this update. So i went to the doctor this morning and she said that the baby is still breeched, so although she will still check it every week she has booked me in for a c-section at 10am on the morning of october 24th!!! ahhhhhh! Although i of…