Pregnancy - October 2011



  • Kathryn marisonia born october 9th 1:01pm 6lbs 2oz 18 1/4 inches long. She's perfect


    Ditto on the congrats!
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    Hubby and I have just decided to start trying for our first. I'm still heavier than I wanted to be when TTC, but otherwise the timing is really perfect. Any advice on trying to conceive is welcome, as other than the obvious "have lots of sex," we have no idea how this works. Hubby is enjoying the "trying" though :)

    My grandfather is busy fixing up the crib he made for me when I was born. This will be his first great-grandchild.

    Hopefully will have some other good news to post in a few weeks when my period is due. :)

    Hello! and welcome! I am newly preggo myself and we got pregnant on the first shot. We used OPK's to test for when I ovulated and it really helped with timing. Also, I cut out all caffeine which is supposed to decrease fertility. After we BD'd (baby danced), I wouldn't get up for 15 minutes and put a pillow under my butt. Don't know how effective it really was but it seems to have worked alright!
    Good luck!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member

    Hello! and welcome! I am newly preggo myself and we got pregnant on the first shot. We used OPK's to test for when I ovulated and it really helped with timing. Also, I cut out all caffeine which is supposed to decrease fertility. After we BD'd (baby danced), I wouldn't get up for 15 minutes and put a pillow under my butt. Don't know how effective it really was but it seems to have worked alright!
    Good luck!

    Thank you!

    Congrats on your pregnancy! :)
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    welcome to everyone who has recently joined :)

    Ronya- congratulations!!!!! what a beautiful baby :flowerforyou: Cant wait to hear you story! I hope all is well

    Only 13 days until the c-section! (unless of course he decides to flip his stubborn self). So last night i went to a concert with my fiance'. I was fine with going because we had seated tickets, BUT it turns out that everyone decided to stand for the WHOLE thing anyway! so this totaled 3 hours standing for the show, plus 1 hour standing in line. If that wasnt enough the theatre was soooo hot that everyone was dripping sweat by the end of it. I actually burst into tears about 30mins into the second (and main) band because i was so overwhelmed :ohwell: , but a cold bottle of water seemed to do the trick. The bright side is that it was a great concert and i was soooo exhausted that i ACTUALLY had a good sleep for the first time in weeks last night!! wohoo!:smile: Though i would not recommend this to any other 9 month pregnant woman :laugh:

    I also went to my first mommies-to-be meetup group on sunday evening which was great! I wish i had been able to go to one sooner (but couldnt due to transport limitations). We went for a little hike and ended with hot drinks and sweet goodies from the local cafe':smile:

    Ive been having some sharp cervical pain here and there over the last few days but besides that nothing too interesting. I'm trying to remember to express my colostrum 3 times a day as the doc suggested, and am now taking prenatal supplements with DHA which apparently has components that are good for nursing mothers and babies. At this poi9nt im trying to focus as much on everyday life as i can, so that the days dont drag and i dont find myself consumed with only thoughts of the baby.
  • JKilty
    JKilty Posts: 75
    Melissa - You're getting so close!!! Sorry the concert didn't go as planned, but glad you still seemed to have a good time!
  • JKilty
    JKilty Posts: 75 ticker moved to the last box! That's crazy!
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi ladies! Hope you are all having a great weel. I am heading to my 28 week/7 month appointment in about an hour. Hopefully it is uneventful. I have been experiencing severe swelling in my ankles. Oh the joy!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    YAY!! Ronya Congrats!! Oh how the time flies, I remember when we were just talking on the TTC board. :)
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    Jenna- Yay you've joined me in the last ticker box!! haha. yup so close!!! im so darn excited

    Elizabeth- good luck at your appointment! damn that swelling, im getting the same in my fingers. i hope my rings dont have to come off for the c-section lol

    I just want to say that people are amazing and so generous! My workmates just threw my a surprise baby shower with a custom made cake, and some extremely generous gifts. I just feel so loved and supported by those around me:heart:

    I have my doctors appointment tomorrow where i plan on discussing my birth plan more in depth with her. I just want to ensure that i know the ins and outs of the c-section, including the approximate length of time between having the baby and actually getting to hold him, wether my hubby gets to cut the cord etc. etc.

    Besides some back pain and the fact that every work day seems to drag on abit i'm doing really well. I plan on spending this whole weekend alone with my man, just the two of us hanging out before we become a threesome :love:
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    also i think i may finally stop going to the gym this week, its starting to feel like just abit too much of a hassle. I will try and get walking instead
  • R_mageddon
    R_mageddon Posts: 68 Member
    Our announcements this weekend were amazing! Everyone is so happy for us and it was great to finally be able to talk freely about it! Our parents are thrilled :)

    Tomorrow is our big appointment with the midwife. I'm excited and really hope to hear or see our baby.
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Appointment went good. Got my glucose test, rhogam shot and flu shot. The dr asked if my u/s showed baby breech. Which I would probably be more worried about but I still have plenty of time for her to turn. If I remember right my first didn't turn head down until about 34 weeks or so and wow could I feel her do it lol. Glucose went fine. I have one more appt in 4 weeks then I switch to every two weeks. Woo hoo like the dr. said I have hit the homestretch. From my beginning of my pregnancy I am up 5 lbs. Which I will take. Hopefully I can keep it to a minimum.
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    R_mageddon- how did the appointment go? im so glad everyone was so excited for you! The pregnancy will be so much more exciting now everyone is in the know :smile:

    Elizabeth- I hope your LO turns for you :) 5lbs in awsome! I'm up to 24 atm lol

    Had my 2nd to last appointment today! and i actually wrote down a list of questions i wanted to ask before the 24th (anal i know). They mainly had to do with the recovery period for the c-section and my birth plan. She gave me some clear guidelines for recovery such as that im not to lift anything heavier than 10lbs, vacuum or constantly bend or have sex within the first 4 weeks of recovery (at which point she'll check me out and let me know where to go from there). She had questions about whether my sister skyping in would be allowed at the hospital because this could technically mean that there was an extra person in the room (which i think is rediculous) :noway:

    In terms of weight gain ive gained 24lbs so far, so will probably end the pregnancy on a 25lb gain which i dont really feel good or bad about. Being that this was my first pregnancy and that I wasnt overweight to begin with i think ill just be happy with it :smile:
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    24 lbs isn't bad at all! Especially since you weren't overweight starting. I have to keep mine as low as possible since I was overweight to start. I think it is silly they might not let you skype. I guess it is better than our hospital they don't allow cameras or videotaping during delivery. Not that I would have taped it anyways.
  • R_mageddon
    R_mageddon Posts: 68 Member
    The appointment went amazingly! One of our midwives (they work in teams apparently) is hilarious! We get to meet the other at our next appointment.

    She took some blood (yuck) and did the detailed medical history. Because of diabetes and such in my family, she wants me to do an early 2 hr glucose test and gave me the paperwork to get that done in the next week or so.

    After talking with her, I'm swaying towards natural birth with pain management and I think Adam is more on board with this as well. We're looking for a birth with little intervention and this would help with that.

    We also heard the heartbeat! OMG, what a sound! She had trouble finding it at first and I started to panic but she kept at it and sure enough, our babe was just playing hard to get. I can't describe how that felt when we finally heard it.

    What I really love is now we're planning, making decisions and DOING something more than just waiting. It feels real now...people know (I told my boss today after the appointment too), we've heard the heartbeat, we're deciding on our birth plan etc. I'm excited :)
    I cant believe i'm 9 weeks today :bigsmile: ..It was nice turning my what to expect when your expecting book to the third month:wink: .Gosh it seems like just the other day i took the pregnancy test!!!My morning sickness is seemingly to be easing off just some and i'm not having to use a med to help it...The only issues i'm having is i'm getting tired easily again and my boobs are killing me and nothign is helping with that pain.Also starting to feel the lower tummy stretching and rounding out a bit more!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    I figured I’d type of up my birth story while Kathryn is napping. I swear they gave me the wrong baby, she hardly every cried in the hospital. Now we’re home and it’s all. she. does.

    Labor and delivery was a million times better than I was expecting. I woke up at 3:45 Sunday morning to a really strong contraction and my water breaking. I took a shower (before waking up hubby since I knew he’d just want to go straight to the hospital) then called my doctor. I was going to wait a little bit to call because my contractions were only 8 minutes apart but since my water broke I didn’t want to wait to long. Doctor told me to come in but I could take my time. We got to the hospital around 5, I was 4 centimeters dilated and contractions were 2 minutes apart. The contractions obviously hurt, but they weren’t as bad as I was expecting them to be. I got an epidural (a beautiful gift from the heavens) around 7:30 and pretty much slept on and off from then until I started to push. At one point I asked the nurse if I was still having contractions because I couldn’t feel anything. They started me on pitocin and by 10:30 I was 7 centimeters. A little while later I started to shake pretty baldy, I always shake when I’m nervous and the nurse said that it could be a side effect from the epidural. We realized later that it was because I was in transition. My labor and delivery nurse checked me around 12:40, she asked if I felt any pain but I told her only a mild pressure on and off. She didn’t say anything else but I could tell by the look on her face I was further along than she had expected. She said, “I’m going to find your doctor, be right back.” My doctor was delivering another baby and the nurse said that she wanted me to start “practicing” pushing; this was at 12:48. After about 3 practice pushes the nurse told me to stop and “whatever you do, do NOT push”. She ran out of the room and I heard her say to someone, “Get Dr Peters in here right now, she’s crowning.” All of a sudden it seemed like there were a million people in my room. After 3 or 4 pushes, Kathryn was born at 1:01pm. It was the most amazing thing because I could feel the pressure of her being born but I had absolutely no pain at all. I started to cry as soon as I hear her cry, then looked over to see hubby (who gets emotional sometimes but NEVER cries) crying. I did get a second degree tear so that’s not very fun right now. I had zero side effects from the epidural and was walking around less than 3 hours later.

    Then we got up to the mother baby unit…..while the nurse was helping me get settled in Kathryn started to choke on some mucus. I didn’t notice it because she didn’t make any noises. The nurse suctioned it out and showed me what signs to watch for. It happened again a little later, I suctioned the mucus out but called the nurse just to double check that she was ok. The nurse said I got everything and I did a great job. While I was talking to her Kathryn’s face turned bright red and her lips went blue. She tried to suction it out and couldn’t, she grabbed her from me, flipped her over and started to hit her back. It didn’t work so she took her out of the room. I just about lost my mind. I kept telling myself that she’s ok and the nurse would get everything out, but I couldn’t stop crying and shaking. The nurse came back in and said she’s ok but they needed to keep her in the nursery for a while so I went there to be with her. They called my pediatrician who suggested a NICU doctor look at her. The NICU doctor said she probably swallowed my mucus plug and because my delivery so fast all the normal mucus didn’t get pushed out during birth. She ordered a tube put down her nose to her belly to pull up whatever mucus was left. It was so much! And so thick too! My poor little baby had all that junk in her belly. The nurse said it was so thick there was no way she would have been able to work it up on her own and her belly was so full that’s why she wouldn’t nurse for me. She also had a chest x-ray, which was clear. They decided to keep her in the NICU over night and as much as I wanted her in my room I knew she’d be taken care of there. I went over every 3 hours to nurse and cuddle with her. The doctor said that since she wasn’t getting anything from me and she had no wet diapers that they wanted to supplement with formula, I initially told them no but was told that she was getting dehydrated and it was either formula or an IV. I couldn’t let them stick an IV in my baby so I said ok to formula. She still had a very hard time sucking and wouldn’t take formula either. The doctor came to my room in the middle of the night to say she was still dehydrated and they needed to put in a feeding tube before in got so bad that she needed an IV. She needed to eat a certain amount every 3 hours but they wanted to get her to learn how to suck too. I started pumping right away and we gave her whatever I pumped first then supplemented with formula. If she didn’t eat the necessary amount by mouth the rest was given to her by the tube. She finally started to eat more by mouth and the tube was removed on Wednesday morning, they kept her for one more night just to make sure she was still eating good and having wet diapers without it. The first night at home without her was hard. I sobbed the whole ride home, then sat in her room and cried more. Every day we were told she might come home tomorrow so I stopped getting my hopes up. Even when I called the NICU when I woke up the morning she was discharged the nurse told me to bring a going home outfit for her, I left everything in the car until the doctor said she was working on her discharge papers. I know compared to all the other babies in the NICU she’s so healthy but it still killed me to see her hooked up to so many monitor and machines. I probably would have lost my mind totally if it wasn’t for my husband. He never left my side and made me take breaks to eat and sleep. He even went over to the NICU to feed her in the middle of the night so that I could sleep.

    I had and still am having a very hard time getting her to nurse. I cannot get her to latch on and because she had so many issues with eating, I’m afraid that she won’t be getting enough. Right now I’m pumping every 3 hours (getting about 2oz total each time) and giving her that in a bottle. I’m trying not to supplement with formula too much but I have no choice sometimes. I have an appointment with the lactation consultant on Tuesday; hopefully she’ll be able to help me. There are times when I want to just say forget it and only use formula, and there are times where I want to try everything possible to get her to nurse. I get so frustrated sometimes which I know doesn’t help the situation at all. I just want her to get what she needs to be ok.
  • R_mageddon
    R_mageddon Posts: 68 Member
    I had and still am having a very hard time getting her to nurse. I cannot get her to latch on and because she had so many issues with eating, I’m afraid that she won’t be getting enough. Right now I’m pumping every 3 hours (getting about 2oz total each time) and giving her that in a bottle. I’m trying not to supplement with formula too much but I have no choice sometimes. I have an appointment with the lactation consultant on Tuesday; hopefully she’ll be able to help me. There are times when I want to just say forget it and only use formula, and there are times where I want to try everything possible to get her to nurse. I get so frustrated sometimes which I know doesn’t help the situation at all. I just want her to get what she needs to be ok.

    Congratulations! She's beautiful and I'm glad that you finally got to bring your little girl home.

    A friend of mine and her son struggled with breast feeding. Like you, she was getting extremely frustrated and upset which in turn upset her son. To make things worse, she felt guilty for her frustration until finally, she realized that none of this made her a bad mother, that even if she switch strictly to formula, she at least TRIED to breastfeed and that it was beyond her control. Once she did make the switch, she was more relaxed and her son was more relaxed and less hungry. They were finally able to bond while feeding him. The effort was stressing them BOTH in a way that wasn't good for either of them.
    I'm not necessarily suggesting that you stop trying, but I am saying, that if you feel that trying is not healthy for Kathryn or you, it is YOUR decision to make. Don't let anyone tell you that you are failing her, because you are her mother and you are doing what is right for you and your child.
  • sandijones5783
    sandijones5783 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm now 10 weeks and 2 days pregnant and finally starting to get a little bit of energy back! still trying to walk everyday and so far i have only gained 1lb! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
  • Sandijones5783->You're so lucky to have only gained 1 pound :flowerforyou: ..