Pregnancy - October 2011



  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    I struggled with breastfeeding my daughter when she was born. She was in the special care nursery and it was the same statement I received that they needed to give her formula. I met with an awesome lactation consultant but between her already having the bottle, me not getting the hang of it and her not latching it didn't work out. I ended up pumping for 6 weeks and giving her breastmilk in a bottle. Towards the end I was not getting enough milk and tried a few different options. I got to the point where I told myself I tried my hardest and it didn't work out. It was a sad and frustrating moment but looking back on it I tried and that is all that matters. Wishing you the best of luck and congrats she is beautiful!
  • R_mageddon
    R_mageddon Posts: 68 Member
    Woo! under 200 days (technically)! :happy:
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I've been slacking on checking in here. I hope everyone is doing well. Everything is fine here. 35 weeks and I'll be getting my GBS test done on Friday. I've been walking as much as I can (3-5 times a week) and only a gain of 24 lbs so far. Still been feeling nesty and I keep the bathroom scrubby clean and the sheets changed as well as the laundry done up. haha I've never ever kept up on the laundry this well. There hasn't been a full basket of laundry in the house for over 2 weeks. haha
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    R_mageddon- wohoo thats so exciting!! and i think awsome advice about not feeling guilty about the transition from breast to formula

    scorpionmom- Sounds like your household is definitly benefiting from your nesting :) i also did another big clean yesterday, and am hoping the house will stay this way for at least a few days lol

    Ronya- thanks so much for telling your story. Well done on the delivery!!! I'm sorry you and ur husband had such a trying time those first few days and had to go home without her at first, i know i would have been a total and utter wreck. I hope the lactation consultant can give you some great help and advice, but like R_mageddon has said, dont be too hard on yourself should you have to move to formula. she is just gorgeous!!! congrats :flowerforyou:

    So im 38 weeks and 1 day today, and although i appreciate being pregnant, im totally at the point of :GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME! haha. And this is purely because im just sooooo uncomfortable right now and the only thing that is comfortable is walking around, which sux for me because all i want to do in this last week is try and relax! I have stopped going to the gym and have taken up walking instead, which has been nice although i miss the atmosphere u get when with others at the gym.

    We can officially have skype running in the OR, yay!!! my twin sister will be so happy :) all of the parts for my breast pump arrived finally and i tried it out. It works like a charm and was able to express my colostrum without a hitch. FYI I decided to get the 27mm shields, as I was told that most woman start with the medium shields (24mm) but alot end up switching. I have quite large nipples anyway so decided to go straight for the upgrade.

    Please may this week go fast! 8 days until I get to meet my LO :love:

    How has everyones weekend been btw?
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    mukie- That is so cool that you can have Skype running in the OR! I watched a live homebirth last night at like 1:30 in the morning. lol
  • lilibe
    lilibe Posts: 51 Member
    Michelle – Good luck getting settled in a new house. Moving is a ton of work!

    Elizabeth_C34 – I don’t have much advice on TTC, but I would recommend taking a prenatal vitamin now with folic acid. I cut out caffeine and alcohol when I started trying.

    Melissa – You’re getting so close! That’s so nice of your coworkers to throw you a great shower. I’m also up 24 pounds, but I still have 7 weeks to go! I’m glad your sister will be able to skype in the OR.

    Jenna – Congrats on 36 weeks!

    ElizabethJ17 – Did the doctor have any suggestions on your swelling? I’ve been having some uncomfortable swelling in my hands lately and a little on my feet. Great job on only 5 lbs weight gain!

    R_mageddon – I’m glad your announcement went well. Congrats on a great first midwife appointment!

    FitMommyLuv – Hopefully your boobs don’t hurt the whole time. Mine never hurt but they also never got bigger. :ohwell: I hope your morning sickness doesn’t last too long.

    Ronya – Thank you for sharing your birth story. That’s scary that Kathryn had to stay in the NICU, but I’m glad she’s doing well now. Sounds like your labor went really well though! I hope it goes well with the lactation specialist.

    Sandijones5783 – Congrats on 10 weeks and only 1 lb gain!

    Scorpiomom222 – Great job on keeping up the walking and cleaning! Walking is starting to get uncomfortable for me, which is weird since the elliptical at the gym is still fine.

    AFM – I’m finally starting to get a little uncomfortable. We slacked off training my dog and she pulls a lot on leash, and I think I finally can’t walk her by myself anymore. On the plus side that will mean more walks with my DH. I’m also getting swelling in my hands and feet especially in the evenings and mornings which is a pain.
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    wow, some of you ladies are getting so close! I love your beautiful bumps! I'm almost at 12 weeks now, so excited to be getting closer to the second trimester (and I'm ready to get back some energy already!). My ultrasound on Friday was great, everything looks good so far. Can't wait to find out whether it's a girl, have to wait another month or so, I guess.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    lilibe- It's not easy keeping up with the walking for me, either, but hell, I gotta manage weight and get this baby's head engaged somehow, right? :wink: I WISH I had an elliptical. Maybe that can be my birthday/Christmas present in one. lol B-day is in 2 weeks, but I'd gladly skip out if that meant an elliptical trainer!

    MadBabysMama- I'm glad your ultrasound went well! And hoping your energy comes back full swing in 2nd trimester for you. Mine did and it was so nice to have!
  • Beckabooflip
    Beckabooflip Posts: 3 Member
    I am so sorry for your loss. I also lost a baby. I had no physical systoms, and decided to use medication to help the misscarriage pass. It was awful. It did not work as effectivily as the doctor said. I was told it would take about 6-8 hours. It took 5 days, and the last 6 hours was extremely painful. I choose to use the medication because it seemed less invasive. I also did not want to wait the weeks it could have taken to happen naturally. God forbid I am ever in that situtation again, but I would not wait or use medication. I would have the D/C. I hope you can make the decision that works best for you and your family.
  • ehr0509
    ehr0509 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey everyone. I came up on this group. I am 16 weeks preggo with our first. I was about 10 lbs from my goal weight. I started pregnancy at 160 lb and gained 12 lbs already. I have not been eating very well and had stopped working out because my first trimester was so rough. But now i have been feeling great and getting back on the wagon with working out and watching my eating. How are yall doing your setting for calories per day? Maintain weight? and did you use your pregnancy weight? I am excited to get back to it and feel good again. Any advice with eating and exercising?
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    The dr just mentioned to elevate my legs when I can. She also suggested compression socks that are knee high. She said the thigh highs just roll down and are a nuisance and to remember to take them off at night. The last half a week or so it hasn't been bad but I have noticed it happens more working so I might buy them to wear there.

    I have no energy it seems lately. I am hoping this is just another phase in the journey. At my appt last week my doctor told me I have a low hemoglobin and that is why I am exhausted.
  • JKilty
    JKilty Posts: 75
    Wow. So. Tired! Everything is going alright though :) I keep having to have extra tests and ultrasounds because of the high blood pressure (its not Pre-e, I had high bp before pregnancy). Last Friday we had an ultrasound and she stuck her tongue out at us...the time before she flipped us I'm thinking she may be a handful! The ultrasound tech said that its been at least two years since she has seen a baby as active as Grace in this stage of pregnancy :)

    ehr0509 - I set my calories to maintainance when I found out I was pregnant. Then during the second trimester I added about 300 calories daily (I think it was 300 anyways). I also tried to walk an hour a day...which didn't work out in the first trimester because I was so sick. Eventually I stopped counting calories all together, and just tried to make wise decisions. One thing I found was that if I craved ice cream, I would have a spoonful or two and that would take care of the craving...etc. So far I have gained 25 pounds (starting weight was 145). I think I gained the most in my first trimester. Good luck to you! I'm sure you'll do fine :)
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    I just had my 'bloody show' wohoo!!!!! I know i shouldnt get too overexcited about it, buuuuut i am :laugh:
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    I just had my 'bloody show' wohoo!!!!! I know i shouldnt get too overexcited about it, buuuuut i am :laugh:

    WOOO! Almost there! I didn't have that with my previous pregnancy until birth. Good luck!
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    connor arohana belleville was born at 2:36am on he morning of october 19th, 2011 :love: he is just amazing!! will post the labour and dlivery story soon. breastfeeding is going well, though he favors a side from time to time, so we are working on that :smile:
  • nicola1812
    nicola1812 Posts: 32 Member
    for Lindsaychick
    Firstly I'm very sorry to hear your news. I have suffered 2 miscarriages this year, the first miscarriage I opted for the natural method with tablets and found the whole experience horrendous. With my second miscarriage my baby had stopped growing at 8 weeks and I only started bleeding at 11 weeks and after the initial slow start to the bleeding it took about 5 days but I have been told the time it take can vary greatly.

    I would like to join this group as we have just found out we are pregnant again and finding it very nervous after the previous 2 miscarriages. Fingers crossed we have better luck this time.
  • kristyoconnor
    kristyoconnor Posts: 19 Member
    Good Morning Ladies, I'd also like to join your group. I'm a (mostly) stay at home mom from the Northernd VA/DC area. I am about 16.5 wks pregnant with my 3rd child. I really like using MFP to log my food and being able to see that I am making healthy food choices. I'm trying to keep my weight gain with this baby within the suggested 25-35 lbs since I gained 45lbs and 38lbs with my first and second babies. I look forward to reading & encouraging you all throughout your pregnancies :)
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Congrats, Mukie! That is so awesome!!!
  • JKilty
    JKilty Posts: 75
    Congrats Melissa! Can't wait to read your story!!

    Does that mean I'm next?!?! Oh my.
    I had an appointment yesterday and my BP keeps creeping up slowly, so I will be induced on Wednesday instead of Nov. 4th, like we had been planning on. I am 1 cm dialated and 50% effaced...praying my cervix thins out more before next week! She wants me to deliver while that placenta is at 100%, rather than wait another week when it could start hardening a bit due to the high bp. She is having me go in on Tuesday night to get the cervitol (sp?) and a little pitocin to help things out a bit and then they will up the dosage of pitocin on Wednesday. I lost a pound since my last appointment (not sure how that happened...) so that brings my weight gain total to 24 lbs, which I am very happy with :)

    Hope you all are doing well!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    Yay! Congrats Mukie! Welcome to the newbies!

    It's been a while since I have checked in, but I have been trying to keep up with what is going on.

    Well, My in-laws came down this weekend and graciously shared a nasty cold bug with me! I am pretty miserable at the moment. It was incredibly hard to get up for work this morning. I just keep telling myself that it's almost the weekend when I get to sleep in and just snuggle with my puppy! So, I guess no Zumba tonight like I had hoped. I can barely walk to the restroom without getting winded.
    I had a doc appointment yesterday. We went over a lot of family history and the dos and don'ts. We also got to see "peanut" again! I am truly amazed at how much more developed he (wishful thinking) has become! Since our last ultrasound that just showed a little bean that barely resembled a human to a fully developed baby! It's just amazing! Still haven't heard the heartbeat, but we are convinced it is pumping just right with how squirmy and busy he was. So Cool:bigsmile:
    On other news, we have finished cleaning and repairing our rental property, and Hubs meet with some prospective tenants and they really like the house and we have agreed that they will be moving in on the 28th! YAY! It is such a relief to have it finished and have good (seeming) tenants. I just hate not really knowing who these guys are or how they live, but I guess that the change you have to take being a landlord. So now we just have to cross our fingers. :ohwell:
    Yesterday, I broke down and bought a pair of maternity work pants... I just couldn't stand the waistline digging into me while sitting at my desk anymore. I got them at target and don't love the fit, but they will help me get thru the workweek. I've tried JCPenny also, but couldn't find any that I liked. So, I think I am going to Motherhood this weekend to try on a few more pair. On their website they have select twill pants for buy one get one free. Can't beat Free!

    Well I hope everyone has a great rest of the week and weekend! :flowerforyou: