Pregnancy - October 2011



  • R_mageddon
    R_mageddon Posts: 68 Member
    Kcurtis - You know your body best. If you truly feel that you can do it and you're committed to keeping it reasonable then I imagine you'll be fine
  • lilibe
    lilibe Posts: 51 Member
    FitMommyLuv – How was your doctor’s appointment? Your ultrasound will be here before you know it!

    Ronya – Any progress???

    Stacy – I’m glad you had a good appointment.

    Mommy2CnG – Hang in there! Hopefully you will start feeling better soon.

    R_mageddon – I hope you can get an appointment soon.

    MadBabysMama – Happy 10 weeks! You’re almost to the second trimester. I had a lot more energy and motivation to workout starting around 12 weeks.

    Ceedee76 – Welcome and congratulations! Is this your first?

    Kim – I’ve never done Zumba before but it sounds fun. I agree that the 140 heartrate is a pretty low limit. As long as you aren’t having any pregnancy complications, I think it’s fine to keep working out as long as you feel ok. For me, I cut down my intensity a bit on cardio. And sometimes it helped me to sip a little juice during the workout to keep from getting nauseous.

    Melissa – I’m sorry your LO is still wedged in your ribs! I felt some kicks under my ribs for the first time the other day and they were super uncomfortable. Great job keeping up the exercise though!

    erd2011 – Welcome! I’m 31 weeks pregnant with my first and it’s also a boy! For me, tracking food and exercise on MFP has been the biggest help to keep my pregnancy weight gain on track.

    Julz – How are you are Soren doing?

    AFM – My baby seems to be having another growth spurt. I didn’t gain any weight between my last two appointments, and now I’ve gained 2 pounds in the last week even though I’ve been pretty close to my calorie goals. I failed the 1 hr glucose test but passed the 3 hr one. My doctor still wants me to try and limit sugar, but it’s so difficult!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    FitMommyLuv – yea for your first ultrasound!!!

    Mommy2CnG – the first trimester was the worst for me. I was tired, dizzy and nauseous all the time. I couldn’t exercise at all and the only foods I could keep down were junk. Hang in there, it will pass.

    R_mageddon – I found out I was pregnant really early but I had to wait until I was a little over 9 weeks for my first appointment. It was the longest wait of my life!

    MadBabysMama – I fell off the wagon big time in the beginning too.

    Ceedee76 – congratulations! I hope the morning sickness passes quickly for you.

    Kim – I think it’s weird that your doctor said you can’t do Zumba. Mine told me I wasn’t allowed to start anything new but I could continue to do whatever my body was used to.

    Melissa – oh wow, I hope you feel better soon!

    Erd2011 – welcome!

    Lindsay – sorry you had to take the 3 hour test, but I’m glad you passed it! Baby is probably going through a growth spurt. Whenever I had a big gain it was always after not gaining anything for a while.

    Today is my due date and I’m still pregnant. For some reason I think she’s going to come on the 10th. I have an appointment on Thursday and if there’s no progress they’ll schedule me for a NST and u/s for the 11th (41 weeks). If everything with baby looks good they’ll let me go until 42 weeks before I’m induced. I’m happy they’ll let me go so far before inducing, but I really hope she comes on her own before then. I still feel really good so I can’t complain too much, but I’m ready to be done working!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    So I decided to take the plunge into a journey of cloth diapering and got some 2ply prefolds, and 2 Thirsties diaper covers so far. This should help us out alot cost wise with diapers.
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    julz- thanks for the sympathy :smile: My shoes dont seem to help the matter at all, though they are just cheapies and i know i should probably invest in some ones with better arch support. Unfortunately our couch is un-sleepable and we dont yet have a recliner but i may just spend a little time on my back if it gets too bad. i have resisted this whole pregnancy, but it may be ok if its just for an hour or so catch-up nap. How is soren? how is breastfeeding going?

    lindsay- congrats on at least passing the 3 hour test :smile: maybe making some home-baked goodies as opposed to snacking on sweets from the shops may help? Which i know is easier said then done, i havnt baked in awhile but miss it. because we only have 3 months left in america its almost not worth us purchasing too many household items, like baking ware etc.

    ronya- Yaaaaay due date!!!! im sending you some labour vibes :flowerforyou: thats awsome that they feel comfortable letting you try and progress into labour naturally up until week 42. I'll be hanging out for your labour and delivery story :wink:

    scorpiomom222- it will be a fun adventure! worst case you switch back to the other kind. i think its an awsome endeavour :smile: u should definitely let us all know how it goes

    Not much new to report here. My hubby and i are going to a dreamtheater concert on october 10th, something were both looking forward too. Luckily it is seated! thank goodness. I've been told that this is the only night that my water is NOT aloud to break :laugh:
  • Lilibe->My thyriod appt went great and my levels were awsome so no meds as of yet.:bigsmile:
    I go back in 4 weeks for blood and recheck just to make sure levels are still great.And then i'll see the thyriod every 6 weeks for the rest of the pregnancy!

    Ron2282->Thanks and yeah i cant wait till Friday to see my baby even just a little beating heart will make my day!:bigsmile:
    It seems like this week is going to take forever cause i'm so excited!!!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Mukie- I won't be doing cloth diapering full time until I get more cloth diapers, so I'll have some disposables sitting around just in case I run out of cloth until I can get some washed. It's not much different than disposable diapering. You still dump the poo in the toilet and put the used diaper somewhere, just not the trash. :happy: Also, it means more diaper changes just because cloth doesn't hold as much moisture as the gel in disposable diapers, but that makes for less rashy babies.:wink:
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Baby girl is here :) Born on Friday September 30th.
    I went in for my regular weekly BPP u/s and monitoring on Thursday and they kept me in because my pressure was higher than normal.
    My OB inserted Prostin gel at 10 PM Thursday night and I started contracting about 5 minutes later. I contracted all night and they started the Oxytocin drip around 8:30 Friday morning and she was born at 10:03 am (I don't waste any time) ... No time for an epidural even though I warned them beforehand that I have a history of delivering FAST.

    She weighed 7 lbs 9 oz at birth. She's down a bit but going back up now that my milk has come in. She was 18.5 inches long with a head full of dark hair.
    Her umbilical cord stump just fell off this morning.

    My OB was commenting how I was made to birth babies because I got the job done so fast and asked when I'd be coming back in to have a BOY .. ummm NEVER!!! LOL
    The nurses were running around the delivery room like chickens with their heads cut off. 1 nurse and 3 nursing students. They gave me some nitrous oxide but it did nothing for me that I can recall.

    Fast and furious birth #2 under my belt but well worth it.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Congrats, Caperfae!!! What a beautiful little girl!!!!
  • lilibe
    lilibe Posts: 51 Member
    Congratulations caperfae! She's adorable and I'm glad to hear your labor was quick and went smoothly. How are you feeling?
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    Hello ladies! Well, I joined last month but I've been busy with work and my mind was consumed with getting a BFP. We just started last month and I had high hopes for one the first go around and I was right! Got a BFP yesterday and today! I'm going in for my blood test today so please wish me luck and think sticky thoughts!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    YAY, Julia!!!! Congrats on your BFP! Lots of sticky dust! ~*~*~*~*~*~
  • sandijones5783
    sandijones5783 Posts: 57 Member
    Congrats caperfae!

    I had my first doctors appt yesterday and it went great! I was very that my doctor noticed that i had lost a lot of weight! I met my first pregnancy goal of staying in the 150s by the time i go to the doctor. I go tomorrow morning for my first ultrasound! Very excited to see my baby and can't wait to see my boys expression of the new baby! I will be 9 weeks tomorrow!
  • JKilty
    JKilty Posts: 75
    Congrats, Caperfae!!
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Congratulations caperfae! She's adorable and I'm glad to hear your labor was quick and went smoothly. How are you feeling?
    I am feeling great. Only needed one stitch but the hemorrhoids I got from pushing bother me more than anything. The labor/delivery process was a lot faster than with my other daughter and I thought THAT was fast .. LOL
    Glad to have it over and done with and finally meeting baby girl and seeing she is perfectly healthy.

    All the best to those yet to deliver and congrats to the newly pregnant ladies :)
  • R_mageddon
    R_mageddon Posts: 68 Member
    Congrats to Caperfae on your new baby girl and also to Julia on the BFP! It's a good week for the ladies of this thread.

    We've got 10 weeks under our belt already and do have an appointment now. It's next Thursday. Lots of stuff coming up for me pregnancy wise, my first appointment, our big announcement this weekend and soon the end of the first trimester!

    The fatigue is starting to lift a little. The morning sickness is still pretty rotten but I'm getting more periods of relief that I was before (which was almost never). I seem to be sleeping a bit better as well except that I've been having some pretty vivid dreams...including some racy ones LOL.

    My waist is getting pretty thick and I feel like everyone thinks I just let myself go after all my healthy eating and exercise. I'm looking forward to when it's obvious that I'm pregnant.
  • LindsayChick
    LindsayChick Posts: 129 Member
    Hey girls. So happy everyone is doing well in their pregnancy. I have a personal question.... has anyone ever had a miscarriage and "passed" everything naturally? (Without D&C?)

    If so, how long did it take? =( I was told last Thursday that my baby didn't have a heartbeat (was just over 7 wks then) and still haven't had any bleeding or anything. OB said it could take "weeks". Just wondering... I guess I'm just looking for someone who has been through it before. Thanks so much ladies...
  • As of yesterday, I am 38 weeks pregnant... I'm on here to get motivated to lose the baby weight afterwords lol.
  • Hey girls. So happy everyone is doing well in their pregnancy. I have a personal question.... has anyone ever had a miscarriage and "passed" everything naturally? (Without D&C?)

    If so, how long did it take? =( I was told last Thursday that my baby didn't have a heartbeat (was just over 7 wks then) and still haven't had any bleeding or anything. OB said it could take "weeks". Just wondering... I guess I'm just looking for someone who has been through it before. Thanks so much ladies...

    I'm terribly sorry for your loss =( I had a miscarriage last year November. I went into my doctor's office because I was having really bad cramping at 8 weeks pregnant. I was spotting all through the pregnancy and it turned to actual bleeding around the time the cramping picked up. She did an ultrasound and it showed the baby was the size of a 6 week old instead of 8 weeks, no heart beat. That night I started passing everything. It took me a week to stop bleeding and stop passing tissue. A week after, I got a positive pregnancy test again. My doctor did another ultrasound and all it showed was my uterus full, as in early pregnancy. We had to assume my body didn't naturally pass everything. Sometimes small parts can remain, making your body think it's pregnant again, starting the whole thing over. My miscarriage started November 2nd and by the time everything was over, it was the end of December. It takes a lot longer to get through it naturally. I was very fortunate to have gotten pregnant again right away in January. I am now due in just 2 weeks with a beautiful healthy baby girl. Again I'm so sorry for your loss. I understand how hard it is to deal with the emotions of a miscarriage. A lot of people don't fully understand how difficult it really can be.
  • R_mageddon
    R_mageddon Posts: 68 Member
    Hey girls. So happy everyone is doing well in their pregnancy. I have a personal question.... has anyone ever had a miscarriage and "passed" everything naturally? (Without D&C?)

    If so, how long did it take? =( I was told last Thursday that my baby didn't have a heartbeat (was just over 7 wks then) and still haven't had any bleeding or anything. OB said it could take "weeks". Just wondering... I guess I'm just looking for someone who has been through it before. Thanks so much ladies...

    My miscarriage was natural. I can't say for sure how long it was between the pregnancy ending and the actual miscarriage because the first sign of miscarriage for me was the passing of some greyish tissue a couple days before I started bleeding. I didn't cramp much until the bleeding started. I bled for just over a week and my hormones levels dropped drastically and immediately so the doctor was confident that my body took care of everything on its own.

    I'm grateful not to have had any medical intervention. It was hard enough as it was, I don't think a D&C would have helped my emotional state any.

    I'm sorry you're having to go through this. The waiting must be awful.