Pregnancy - October 2011

Hello everyone!

For those of you just finding us, this is a group that is trying to be healthier and/or lose weight while:

a) wanting to drop some weight before trying to conceive (TTC)
b) (Trying to conceive) TTC
c) Pregnant

Those in groups a & b we have a great sister group called Fit for Future Families or you are welcome to stay with us! Welcome all


  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Wow, it's already October! November is coming so fast now. It's crazy.
  • May seems so far away for me:ohwell:
    Hope everyone has been feeling great and loving this FALL weather.:happy:
    I'm going to have a really busy but great week...I have to be put on thyriod meds:grumble: Monday and then Friday i have my first appt and ultrasound:happy: .I cant wait to see my little one and the heart beat and then i'll feel better.
    Have a great week everyone!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    FitMommyLuv- It's hard waiting for that first appointment and ultrasound. Can't wait to hear updates on seeing your little one's heartbeat! :)
  • KatalynasMommy
    KatalynasMommy Posts: 136 Member
    October ALREADY!!!!! Last appointment went good BP was good baby's Heart rate was 166.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
  • Hey ladies,
    It has been a while since I have posted anything, I have been MIA for a while and I have had a hard time keeping track of my food intake. I have kinda given up right now. I have gained close to 10lbs over the last month (I am sure half of that is water retention). I have not been working out or anything. I am just having an aweful time. I am unbelievably tired and my morning sickness is aweful. I get sick at least once a day even on medication. I am going to ask my doctor if I can go on a Gestational Diabetic diet even though I don't have GD just to be safe. I have eaten every single craving I have wanted, almost none of which have been healthy. I am not super excited about being pregnant, although I am sure it will grow on me as my tummy gets larger, but right now I feel like I am skipping out on being there for my two other toddlers. This has been more difficult than I thought, and I am sure I will get better over time, but the last thing that I am super concerned about is what I am eating. I hope it changes.
    I hope all you ladies have a wonderful weekend and I will try to be on here more often then not.
  • R_mageddon
    R_mageddon Posts: 68 Member
    I have to admit. I'm a little jealous of those of you who found out a bit earlier and are having appointments. We're waiting on ours. We'll be speaking to our midwife tomorrow so I'm hoping that we'll have the exact appointment date. We're announcing next weekend when we go home for Thankgiving (Canadian) so we'd really like to have something other than an announcement to tell people. The joys of living in a small town with only a few midwives I guess.

    Julz - thank you for your birth story

    Lindsay - If you're still reading, I'm sorry for your loss. We had a loss a couple years ago. If you'd like to talk, feel free to add me as a friend

    FitMommy - good luck tomorrow!
  • Scorpiomom222->Thank you and i sure will update about my ultrasound and first appt as ssoon as i get back home Friday.:smile:

    Mommy2CnG->I'm sorry your mornign sickness is so bad:ohwell: hope yuo get to feelign better soon!

    R_mageddon->Thank You and i really hope you get your first appt soon!:smile:
  • 9Honey16
    9Honey16 Posts: 34 Member
  • adjones_21
    adjones_21 Posts: 234 Member
  • JKilty
    JKilty Posts: 75
    Bump :)
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Hello, ladies, welcome to October. How time flies when you're having a baby! Today I'm 10 weeks along, and it still feels like we just learned I was pregnant. I know the weeks will start to drag soon, but for now everything is moving forward so quickly. I have my first visit with an OB this week (1st clinic visit was with ultrasound tech and nurse practitioner), and then next week I will get another ultrasound, hooray!

    I have fallen off the wagon exercise-wise, just been too tired and too busy with work at the same time, but this week I am determined to get there at least 3 times. I know it will help me feel at least a little less tired and help with some of the less-pleasant pregnant symptoms, so I really want to get back there.

    Hope you ladies have a wonderful start to the week!
  • Hello ladies. I got my BFP on my birthday August 11. I'm 13 weeks today. I have my 2nd prenatal appointment this Thursday. I have also not been going to the gym as often as I used to. I am so tired and morning sickness is kicking my butt. I'm going to try and go 3 times this week and get back up to my 5 times a week soon.
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    Bump :)
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    Ahh, October... My favorite time of the year! I love, love, love fall! (But I hate that it just means winter is that much closer)
    Well I hit the 9-week mark and I think my body hates me. I have been SO tired, restless at night, and just all around icky feeling. Haven't really had much m/s, but I have a feeling that I might see some this week. Against my doctor's orders, I will be going to Zumba tonight. I plan to take it easy and just keep an eye on my HRM to make sure my heart isn't over working at all. My physical activity has definitely decreased and my waistline is showing it. So, tonight I will be zumbaing then walking the rest of the week (the weather is supposed to be gorgeous), and hopefully a bike ride or two. My hubs has been joking that he has to take me for a walk (yes, like the dog). LOL He's so sweet...

    FitMommyLuv- I know how you feel, May really seems far away! Hope this week goes by fast for you, the first appointment really makes everything more real. (Mine was last Wednesday) Let us know how it goes! We are just a few weeks apart! J

    Stacy- Glad to hear everything went well.

    Mommy2CnG- Sorry you are having a rough time. I really hope the sickness lets up for you soon so you can enjoy this time and your other little ones.

    R_mageddon- Hope your meeting with your midwife goes well today!!

    MadBabysMama- I fell off the wagon too. Let’s both get back on together J

    ceedee76- What a great birthday present!

    Happy Monday to everyone!
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    fitmommyluv- enjoy the first ultrasound! so special :flowerforyou: And remember that the rest of this year will go quickly with thanksgiving and christmas going on

    mommy2Cng- im sorry about the morning sickness ): in the first few months i seriously threw up at least 4 times a day while at work and would feel sick until midnight, so i feel your pain. Although walking is the last thing u feel like maybe you could do this with ur two younger children, that way you all get exercise and you can give them the attention you feel they may not be getting, just an idea :smile:

    R-mageddon: have fun announcing the pregnancy! how exciting

    madbabysmama- 3 times this week is an awsome goal :) you tell that MS whose boss :tongue:

    Ceedee76- good on you for setting a 5X a week exercise goal!

    Kim- Why did your physician tell you that zumba wasnt ok? if you've done it up until now id think it would be fine. There's videos on youtube of ladies who are 9 months pregnant doing zumba :smile: and my body hates me too this week! i feel like its rebelling against me :cry:

    Although i dont want to start the week on a bad note I feel like my body is falling apart bit by bit and im worried this is how its going to stay over the last few weeks. The ligaments in my foot have become flexible and moved around (according to the doc) so it feels like the side of my left foot is fractured. On top of that im having several excruciating leg cramps at night, and the pain in my ribs from the babies head still being wedged underneath them is preventing me from getting some proper sleep :sad:

    On the posotive side ive managed to keep up with my exercise at the gym, which is keeping me mentally posotive. Im finding the stationary bike to be the only cardio that i can do consistently and without the worry of bringing on any braxton hicks. I'll also do lef weights and very light bicep curls while sitting on the ball. Its keeping me sane!
  • erd2011
    erd2011 Posts: 15
    Hi everyone,

    I'm 29 weeks pregnant w/ a boy (first time mom!) and I just joined myfitnesspal today. Pregnancy's going great, no complications whatsoever, no complaints aside from the usual perpetual need to pee, etc., but I started out overweight (205) and my dr only wanted me to gain 25 lbs max. This morning my scale said 241, so I've obviously gone past that 25 lbs. I keep trying to renew my commitment to limit weight gain (I've joined, among other things) and I make it a week or so, then something comes up - a head cold, a heat wave, etc. It's Monday though and the beginning of Oct and due to a scheduling mistake, I've been granted a 1 week reprieve from the doctor's scale so I figured now's as good a time as any to do the renewed commitment thing. My goal is to limit weight gain as much as possible and either maintain or drop 1/2 lb a week or so from now until the end. Maintain (or limit to another 10 lbs) is probably more realistic.

    But that's where I am and I'm so so glad there's an active pregnant community here because I've had NO luck finding one anywhere else, and I feel like I need peoples' stories to read.

    Pre-emptively nice to meet you all :)
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    mukie89~ My doc told me that it is too intense (she does it too). I (personally) think she is out of her mind! I have danced all my life and have been zumbaing for years now 1-3 times a week. If I stop now, not only will I gain a ton of weight, but my body will start falling apart just in reaction to lack of movement as a dancer. She has suggested that "they" wouldn't like to see my heartrate over 140 and would only like me to walk and bike lightly. 140 is my warm-up! There is a girl in my class that was in class until the day before she delivered and now she puts the baby in a carrier and still does it! I know everyone is different and I shouldn't compare myself to others, but I really think I will be fine. I know I'll have to calm down a bit, but I don't think stopping is a good idea.
    Sorry that your body is fighting back too. :frown: You are getting close tho! I have a stationary bike at home that I love! Happy biking!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Welcome to the new ladies!

    Melissa - I remember feeling like that at 36 weeks - he'd dropped down and I felt so much pressure I could barely walk. I remember saying I couldn't imagine going through that for another 4 or 5 weeks! Fortunately, Soren came at 38 weeks, but I still sympathize with you. Does the kind of shoe you wear help your foot any? If you have a recliner, it might be more comfortable to sleep there than in bed, just shove a pillow under your right side so you're tilted off your back slightly. Or, some mama's have said they sleep better on the couch at the end.
    Hang in there! You are almost done!!