staceyoldt Member


  • thx for the tips; found some helpful exercise routines on pinterest with various online video instructions and repetition recommendations (I wasn't sure which exercises I should do, how to do them or how many to do for a decent afternoon workout since I do the treadmill in the morning). Tried a Burpee, a plank, and…
  • I wondered the same thing about the vitamin water zero. I gave up diet pop at the end of the year and have only had maybe 5 in the past 3 months (compared to 4 or 5 diet coke's/day). I really did it after reading about how bad aspartame/sucralose are for you. Plain water does get a little borring. I like one comment about…
  • You Go Girl!!! congrat's
  • the south beach diet helped me eliminate cravings for junk/bad carbs within 2 wks on the strict phase; if i want something sweet, i try to get something low in calorie like Jello mousse temptations (60 calories and sugar free); or carb master yogurt. It doesn't always give me what I'm really wanting (the chocolate brownie…
  • I've never really tracked the "net" carbs; but the south beach diet was really great in kick starting my diet (not something I would do long term) and eliminating cravings for bad carbs; instead of using bread for sandwiches (which is higher in carbs), I put my lean turkey in a romaine or lettuce leaf with some laughing…
  • awesome! congrats!