exercise help

Any suggestions to help me add in weight training or some other form of exercise (I want to lose another 80 lbs). I have been working hard with diet/exercise since the middle of may. I've lost ~40lbs. I do the treadmill 6 days/wk 45-60 minutes on incline. I've been increasing my speed and am up to about 3.4 MPH. I would like to start adding something else to my routine but not sure where to start. I don't have a gym membership yet and do the treadmill at home.


  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    If its possible to actually get a gym membership there are many good strength programs which are ideal, but obviously it's only really useful if you'll take the step into getting a membership.
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    Sounds like you're on the right track with your aerobic exercise, but just need to incorporate some strength/weight training. I joined the YMCA and have found they have a number of resources for getting into strength training. If a gym membership is out of the question, you can buy some dumb-bells and use them to add resistance to your routine. There are a lot of great DVDs you can get that incorporate these into your routine that would add a strength element to your aerobics. That would be a start.
  • You dont need a gym membership! You can definately start off by doing some body workouts at home to help you gain muscle and some definition. Modify pushups will help you get your arms, chest, and back strong, Planking can also do this with the benefit of its purpose on the strengthening the Core :). your can do body squats and lunges to help tone up your quads, hamstring, and gluteus. when you start to bet your main muscles a little strong to hold good psoture while doing weight training, then buy a universal equipment that you can use at home such as a sandbag, a ladder, dumbbells, a bosu and a swiss ball. I hope this helps you out and Good Luck!!
  • mkcmurphy
    mkcmurphy Posts: 437 Member
    I resisted getting a gym memebrship in the beginning, and did well with dvds. I used www.collagevideo.com The site allows you to sort what you are looking for by level, impact, trainer, etc. The reviews and comments are generally accurate and, if you don't like it, the return policy is good.

    The gym has been great for classes. There are selections to try, trainers/teachers to ask questions and who check up on you during class, and, eventually, people to say hi to when you come. I used machines in a previous gym; using the free trainer session to help me figure them out was educational and helped to reduce the intimidation factor.

    Congrats on your success so far! You've done marvellously!
  • staceyoldt
    staceyoldt Posts: 7 Member
    thx for the tips; found some helpful exercise routines on pinterest with various online video instructions and repetition recommendations (I wasn't sure which exercises I should do, how to do them or how many to do for a decent afternoon workout since I do the treadmill in the morning). Tried a Burpee, a plank, and mountain climber (harder than they look)...but a starting point for this beginner. Going to get a swiss ball too.