

  • OnMyWeigh: CONGRATS on getting ot Onederland!!!! I know how excited you must be!! I'm closing in on it myself AGAIN! And, this time when I make it, I don't wanna cross back over! Keep up the good work and focus on your trip! Just keep the scale pictured in your mind of how great it looked in onederland today!!! :wink:
  • Where is everybody ??? I'm psyched today! I'm down to 204.8 so that's one pound less than I was last Friday before the b'day celebrating and TOM. LOL I'm still going for my June goal of getting below 200! I can do it! Hope you all check in soon. :bigsmile:
  • PositivelyMe: congrats on the 3 lbs!!! Let's keep it up! I'm so glad my b'day celebrating and TOM is over because I am totally back on plan and dropped 2.8 lbs overnight! So.....that means that tomorrow I should be at least back to where I was last Friday before the celebrating and TOM. I lost a week of this month, but…
  • Well, at least I am back on track as of today after the weekend b'day celebration and TOM! I lost nearly a week! But, good thing is I'm back!
  • Love the letter to TOM!!! So.....after celebrating B'day all weekend and TOM, I was up about 4 lbs of the 5 I lost...Urghhhhh!!! So, I just totally restarted my ticker and check in weight. I pulled out something I ordered about a year or so ago and never did. It's the Six Week Body Makeover. I started it today. It's very…
  • Hi there! Sorry I've been MIA for past few days. Was so busy planning and doing all I did for my husband's 50th b'day...then I totally blew it by celebrating ALL weekend long and gained back almost everything I had lost. So, crawling back up on the wagon feeling totally disgusted with myself. Won't let it get me down…
  • Hi everybody!!! Busy day today .... still shopping for husband's birthday (tomorrow) and have hair appointment this afternoon. PositivelyME: I got the answer you asked me for in regard to gaining or staying the same with TOM. I am up a lb today and I know it's from TOM, so I won't get all frustrated and pig out....LOL! I'm…
  • PostivelyMe: I am not sure if I gain or stay the same when TOM arrives because I usually cheat by the time he arrives. LOL But NOT THIS TIME! So, I will know now if it's a TOM gaiin or a Cheat gain that caused it in the past. LOL I am a little afraid of a cheat on my husband's b'day. Our family goes out to dinner to…
  • :bigsmile: Happy Wednesday Morning! :bigsmile: Today will be a busy day. Getting my son ready to go on a trip early in the morning. He's leaving early in the AM with the starters on the Varsity football team heading to Football Camp at Mizzou (University of Missouri). Also, birthday shopping for my husband who will…
  • I know if I had the nerve to ice skate I would count it as exercise for sure. Of course, I'd be on my butt mostly but would get lots of exercise getting back up from falling! :bigsmile:
  • WOW!!! Look at all the great results we have here!!!! Let's keep it up girls!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • HAPPY TUESDAY WEIGH-IN DAY!! :bigsmile: Resalyn: Good to see you!!! PositvelyMe: Good to see you back!! I guess since today is weign-in day, we will know who all is still in this thread since not many people have been posting. :wink: Well, I met my goal for this week. And I met it right on the dot -- 5 lbs exactly. LOL I…
  • Hey HAMMBONE and MDJ.....glad to see y'all stopping by! Hope to see everybody weighing in tomorrow morning with GREAT successes!!! :bigsmile:
  • PositivelyMe: I got your friend invite...thanks. I've heard the samy saying about the King's b'fast, etc. And, I do believe it will help us to lose. That is exactly what I am doing now. All my carbs from the bread at B'fast (usually have a really good b'fast sandwich), and then at lunch I usually have big salad with…
  • PositivelyMe: Glad to see somebody post!! I am keeping my calories between 1100-1200 per day. More than anything, I am watching my SUGAR and CARBS! I am keeping Sugar below 15 grams a day.....and I am usually only at around 6-7 a day. And, keeping my carbs at 30-35 range with veggies and ONE serving of whole wheat bread…
  • HAPPY MONDAY! WHERE IS EVERYBODY??? Tomorrow is weigh in day!! :bigsmile: I just might be able to meet my goal of 5 lbs this week. I'm down 4.4 right now and plan to be really good today!!! Am I here all by myself??
  • Hammbone: Nevermind! Didn't do spot cleaning and laundry. Nice breeze outside and it's in high 70's vs high 90's today so we went and bought plants and been digging and doing yard work. Well okay...Dave's been digging and I'm telling him where to dig to place plants. LOL Worn out! :bigsmile:
  • HAPPY SUNDAY!!!! OnmyWeigh: Glad you enjoyed your family walk. I remember when I was little (hundreds of years ago), we use to take family walks with my grandpa who had to walk due to having a heart attack. We all looked like a tribe walking around the neighborhood, but is was so much fun. Wonder what happened to those…
  • HAPPY SATURDAY!! WHERE IS EVERYBODY??? Come on now....we need to be posting and supporting each other! Tuesday weigh-in is right around the corner!! Focus this weekend to remain cheat free. It will be SO worth it on Tuesday when you get on those scales and come here to post your successes!! :bigsmile: Hope to see some…
  • MDJ: about my answer to your question above....I forgot one thing....the Arnold Sandwich Thins are WHOLE WHEAT. I don't eat anything white at all. I did this back when I got all the way to the 180's and it helped tremendously. Had the holidays not come around and MADE me gain 25 lbs back, I'd be skinny by now...LOL!! Yeah,…
  • HAMMBONE: For the first time all year I am feelin' like I can have a CHEAT FREE WEEKEND!!! :bigsmile: I don't want to blow the success I've had so far this week! MDJ: To answer your question, I'm eating lots of protein (about 100 grams a day), few carbs (30-35 a day) and the only carbs I eat are veggies and whole grain…
  • HAPPY FRIDAY!!! :bigsmile: I'm up WAY too early this morning for a school meeting. Feeling more energetic than I have in months ...WHY?? Because I am eating on plan!! I am down another.08 lbs today, which I'll take. Doesn't look like a lot of people are checking in and posting.....come on ....we have some weight to lose!!…
  • Hi! hope everybody has had a great CHEAT FREE day today! I've done very well for 3 days now. About to eat my on plan dinner. Can't wait to get on the scales tomorrow. Never thought I'd say that! LOL I'm becoming confident that I'll make my 5 lb goal this week, which is a great feeling. Just gotta keep focused and on…
  • Hi. I had my gall baldder removed several years ago, and since then I was diagnosed with Fatty Liver. However, I was told by my Doctor that I could get that under control by changing my diet and that it would be easy to do. all i have to do is eat right and lose some of this weight and the Fatty Liver will heal itself.
  • HAPPY THURSDAY!!! :bigsmile: Just stopping by to log my no cheat breakfast! Hoping everybody is staying cheat free this week to kick start their weight loss! Drink that water too! I'm down 3.4 lbs since starting on Tuesday -- it works if we work it! :wink:
  • It's midnight on Wednesday....time for bed! I hope everybody had a great CHEAT FREE day! Did everybody log in their food today? I did, and apparently I did good today because after logging in calories burned and food I ate, and completed the day -- it told me I would lose 30 lbs in 5 weeks. Now....I'm not believing that…
  • Day 2 of no cheats....down one lb.....and already feeling better than I have in weeks. It's so simple...when I eat right...I feel so much better! DUH! Gotta keep that in my head! Can't wait to be cheat free for the entire 7 days.....I will be feelin' SO much better than I have in sooooo long! no more of that lethargic…
  • Down one pound! Woot! Everybody have a happy Wednesday...and remember.....TRACK YOUR FOODS!!! The Food Diary here is so easy to use. I always do much better with NO CHEATS if I track my foods! :bigsmile:
  • WOW! Lots of good response to this thread! Let's keep up the positive attitudes and motivation and get this show on the road! Missouri-Rain..... looks like Rob Thomas is in your ticker! I LOVE HIM! Saw Matchbox 20 a few years back in Charlotte, NC. I was in the first row...up close and personal! LOVED IT! Like Hambone, I…
  • Hi ... sorry I've been MIA ... so busy with the end of the school year --- making sure my Junior in high school has all his assignments turned in. He's a bit of a procrastinator to say the least! I just started the BFC Fast Track plan today, and hoping I can stick to it all the way thru the weekend to see what my results…